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Everything posted by ubonr1971

  1. you are a creep it seems. do you think the 14 yr old is perfectly happy? Read my post again. she is screaming in the presence of her mother at their room. the landlord has given a warning. Please think before you write bs
  2. Its called a normal educated responsible attitude
  3. EP programs in govt schools are not free shirlock. Around 20k to 25k every 6 months.
  4. It wasn't me. We run a small business, and years ago, the mother (AAA) of the child (BBB) who recently got pregnant- used to work for us. She was a nice kid who played with our child. She quit after a few yrs but 2 yrs ago came back to ask me for a loan to pay BBB's school fees at the EP program of a govt school. I said to her she can work it off by coming back part time in the evenings and doing cleaning. She accepted the offer and I remember saying to her that she should make BBB come here and do her homework. It never really happened. She just let the girl stay at home alone. She is a single mum. They divorced a long time ago. Father is an alcoholic with no contact. To describe AAA: - Nice person but simple with low IQ - Earlier this year she asked me for more money. She hadnt paid her moped finance. 3 months behind. She stupidly did finance on a 55k moped and total loan was 133k or something like that. - We were going away for a holiday and I offered her fresh fruit and vege from our fridge. No thanks she said. 'We only eat meals from 7 11 - Recently AAA decided to come work full time with us again. The deal was I would clear the loan 25k to zero. Pay her 20k a month plus OT. She quit after 3 weeks and now back to doing low paid market job and coming back working for us part time paying off the debt. She is financially irresponsible and stupid. We have a very happy work environment with 6 staff. Its all a good laugh and vibe and busy business. Unsure why she quit. - Several months ago AAA told us that her daughter was screaming and fighting with her at the village room where they stay. The landlord said no more noise or they are both out. BBB: - Obviously had no father - Hopeless mother who is not strong with discipline - Overweight with her ultra processed food diet - After the screaming incident above AAA asked my wife and I to talk to her. I told her that if she is a good girl and studies hard I would pay for her school fees for free and send her to university as well. I said no boyfriends though until she is older. We later found out that she was already having sex with the 27 yr old thai guy (boyfriend) at the time of that meeting. My wife and I found out she was pregnant via one of our staff members whose friend knows the 27 yr old. I sent some assertive messages to AAA stating my disapproval and that its illegal and the guy should go to prison. AAA doesnt talk to me now when she comes back to work part time. My wife said stay out of it and dont report anything to the police. The guy or his family could come after me. The wife said to me that I should not intervene in anyone else's problems In a western country I would not hesitate to go to the police and report this. But here I think its too dangerous. Its weak of me I know but I have to think about my safety and my family's well being. The abortion was done at the big local govt hospital. The dr's said she is too young to keep it. I feel that, in the future, this girl might end up in soi 6 pattaya one day whilst AAA looks after the next baby. Another depressing day in Thailand. The 27 yr old pedo will get away with it.
  5. Grow some balls. What are you 18? No balls no babies.
  6. Please admit that you are financially uneducated and missed the boat with bitcoin. Do you have any idea about the price when the Trump administration passes a bill to start buying btc as the governments strategic reserve? They will buy it from March and eventually become the biggest holder of btc. Microstrategy company will be the 2nd biggest holder. They have been solidity buying for years and pushing the price to 100k along with many institutional buyers. When the govt starts buying I expect it to go to 200k usd. Its a supply demand issue. Please educate yourself and dont be so bitter about losing out on this opportunity of a lifetime.
  7. rolled oats cooked might be a good idea. good luck.
  8. They are called Ashoka trees and the ones in the photos need to be planted closer together. The farmers use them as a wind break and I will plant them for sure. The roots go directly down and dont spread same as bamboo. perfect tree actually
  9. We bought land a few years ago and then the neighbours started selling their land near us. Basically a developer bought out the 3 families that surrounds our land on one side and he will build a housing village. One plot was a rice field. The one next to it was a forest with a lot of trees and I know its zoned 'green zone'. In thai I dont know the name of this but we have been told that he cant build houses there unless govt departments in bangkok change the zoning for that. The 3rd one is a normal plot of land to which he can build houses. Anyways for the past 2 weeks he sent workers to chainsaw many trees and deliver hundreds of loads of soil. I used to look out the window and see nice trees. Now nothing. Its all been cleared and I suppose they will have to wait 2 years before the soil is stable enough to be built on. Is this a normal time frame. Or can they build earlier? I assume they will have to wait until they pay off the govt dept to change the zoning. I was wondering if it was illegal for them to have cut down all those trees in the so called green zone. I noticed the local village headman was no where to be seen. The only upside will be that land prices will increase one would assume. But it will be an ongoing chaotic noise ridden situation in 2 yrs when they start to sell off the blocks and people start to build their ugly prison style homes with no garden. We dont know if we should sell up and move on either. After all the houses are built may I assume that its not so bad living next to a housing village? Any thoughts?
  10. Hard to believe this conman will evade prison. He's just a crim with a fancy suit on laughing at the justice system. He wins again... Daft Americans who voted him in.
  11. Your comment is very interesting bc I managed to buy a brand 'Natures Care' australia 'Sleep and Relax magneseum and ashwagandha. On the black bottle it says relieves symptoms of stress and promotes sleep quality. I tried it a few nights now. Will keep trying when I feel wound up.
  12. Its been 'suggested' to me by a neuro Dr that I should take anxiety pills to improve my life. I think he mentioned SSRI's or something like that. Anyone ever taken any of these? Actually I dont want to pop a pill like this as I read they can cause metabolic changes to ones body and be addictive. When one stops taking it I think the symptoms come back? Im not sleeping well for a long time. Its so rare that I will sleep all the way through the night that when it actually happens I remember how good I feel. I wake up most nights having to urinate and then cant get back to sleep thinking about things. It really sucks. A friend of a friend is dealing with prostate cancer now and beating it. He said that his sleep improved a lot after he started to turn the corner on his disease. Ive had a dr feel mine every year and same diagnosis. That its a little bit enlarged but they all say check again next year. Do you think this is correct? Im thinking that my insomnia problem is linked to anxiety. Any thoughts.
  13. Actually most people dont keep it on their phones but in hardware wallets. Ones crypto is still on the blockchain but the hardware wallet is a means to an end accessing it. The new wallets can bluetooth to the phone but I think its stupid to do this for reasons you state.
  14. but what if it goes to 300,000.... People like you should just put their money in the bank and earn 1.2%
  15. Bitcoiners dont sell. Hold it for 5 yrs. see how much it is worth. you dont understand btc
  16. Meanwhile your daft fear of nothing precludes you from investing in the biggest opportunity of a lifetime. How can anyone be stupid enough to not invest in btc
  17. I think its daft to call a dental clinic a spa. The author clearly has no idea and probably never been to any of the above clinics. Just a marketing tool saying its a spa
  18. I think your comment indicates to me that you have absolutely NO idea what you are talking about. Its a legitimate asset class as there are ETF's traded everyday now with massive inflows. The next president of the US might add bitcoin to the central bank reserves and other countries will follow Qatar government disagree with you as well. They are currently buying trillions of dollars of bitcoin...... How wrong are you?
  19. re your last sentence, I feel you are missing the point re bitcoin. do you understand that you can use a hardware wallet eg trezor or ledger and be issued with 12 key words. your btc are held on the blockchain but you use the wallet as a means to an end. If something happens you can carry a piece of paper with the 12 keys (words) to any country and dont even carry your hardware wallet. you can buy a new wallet and upload your btc. Its better than carrying a heavy gold bar..... do you understand bitcoin better now? You are in complete control of your own money....
  20. If you think like that you should not say bitcoin will go to 10k. Be positive like us bitcoiners. Trump said his govt would buy and hold bitcoin for a long time and then pay off the countries debt. If it happens then the price will explode. you must hold on for dear life. HODL
  21. Worthless but you still say you will buy more. Stop saying daft things please. If you don't understand bitcoin or blockchain tech then either read up about it or get out. Its incredibly smart software and unbreakable. Its going above 100k after trump starts adding it to the US Fed reserve balance sheet. Other countries will follow. The price will be jumping much higher.
  22. It seems you might have blood flow circulation issues to the area under your belt. How is your cognitive function now? Its all related actually. Do you have any neuro issues? If I were you I would go and test blood for testosterone, B12, Copper, zinc, Vit D.... too much zinc can deplete copper which isnt good.
  23. Well said sir.
  24. Hi, Have you checked the price today?? All time highs above usd75,000. Trump will probably add it to the balance sheet of his new government. How do you feel about that. Do you think btc will go below 10k to zero..... haha. or above 100kusd.....
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