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Posts posted by bangmai

  1. you could probably add a group, who were teaching elsewhere in SEA, and came here for a better life (compared to China or Korea). Also a lot of very young females, just out of college, who meet the white face and easy to take advantage of requirements. I saw several inline at CM Immigration a few weeks ago, getting 30 day extensions, in their school uniforms..unless long purple skirts and white blouses are what "tourists" wear to Immigration at 6am.

  2. Responsible enough to care for 40 kids; but can't put 50 usd per month in an index fund, which would give you several times more than the Thai teacher pensions. Same goes for insisting on 12 paychecks per year, instead of 10 larger ones....kind of ironic that these are people trusted with educating young people.

  3. The train travelers seem to be a special type of Euro-trash. Traffic was/is horrible around there, and you could easily spend 30 minutes going from
    KSK to Maya, when you could walk it in less than 15. Sounds like the driver turned into that bar area off of Canal, to make a short cut, anyhow, they had more trouble with Red in their first hour, than I've had in 12 years. As stated, major landmarks are the way to go. I can get from CMU to Tha Phae Gate for 20 thb every time....If I am going within a Km of there, that is all I say. If I say LK, it's 100, if I say Chiang Moi, it's 60 thb....many seem to live by doing things the hard way.

  4. Canada, Norway, and Singapore Governments all invest their sovereign wealth in markets. The Left won't have anything to do with it in the US, same goes for Medicare vouchers.

    You're right. It was all those socialistic Republicans. Remember this?

    "I have political capital. I intend to spend it"

    That was from George Bush after the 2004 election. This was in reference to privatizing social security. He got just about zero support from his own party. But what's even more interesting about this sentiment is that, in effect, it calls for subsidizing the markets. The same conservatives who howl about quantitative easing jacking up stock prices, have no problem with the huge amount of cash the US govt. would inject into the markets if it were to follow the course that you think is sound. An interesting case of doublethink.

    So only public employees get the benefit of having their retirement money invested in the markets? Ever hear of CALPERS? Owns about 1% of Apple. The term "political capital" was/is frequently used and has little to do with investing capital. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/ballot_box/2004/11/americas_new_political_capital.html

    You know there's something called the internet which acually allows you to look stuff up rather than shooting from the hip.

    "Americans are expecting a bipartisan effort and results," Bush said at a news conference. But his win with a majority, he said, means "I earned...political capital, and now I intend to spend it. You've heard the agenda: Social Security and tax reform, moving this economy forward, education, fighting and winning the war on terror."


    And as for Calpers, how much money does it have to invest compared to the funds that there are in Social Security and such? I'll leave it to you to look it up. Looks like you need the practice.

    His "political capital" was his 90% approval rating in 2002, and a solid win in his re-election. SS is 25,000,000,000,000+ underfunded....something must be done...http://www.cnbc.com/2015/08/04/social-security-is-broken-commentary.html

  5. I'm getting ready to purchase a ticket from Washington DC to Chiang Mai with Star Alliance partners. Looks like the only option bypassing BKK, is about a 37 hour flight. I do like PEK, though...1 Dollar beers and a place to shower....So that leaves a number of Europeann options...using Lufthansa and changing planes in Frankfort or Munich. Does Lufthansa have free beers? Is it significantly better than United? Is one airport better than the other? I've gone through Frankfort, and it was OK, lots of grouchy passengers, who were just starting their trip, while I had already red-eyed across the Atlantic. Any recs on a better route would be appreciated...this way, I get about 2 hours in Germany and about the same IN bkk.

  6. If LM hadn't been paying people, like the former CEC President, a 9% up front commission on new monies, I doubt it would have seemed attractive to him either. While Mr. Faber is a respected member of the investment community, be weary of those who try to make you feel like you're part of a select group by being allowed to invest with individuals, who market themselves that way. That's how Madoff marketed himself, and I believe the old CEC did the same thing, as it wasn't really open to anyone, and of course, the board was not elected. So membership was just the start of the grooming process for future bilking.

  7. Canada, Norway, and Singapore Governments all invest their sovereign wealth in markets. The Left won't have anything to do with it in the US, same goes for Medicare vouchers.

    You're right. It was all those socialistic Republicans. Remember this?

    "I have political capital. I intend to spend it"

    That was from George Bush after the 2004 election. This was in reference to privatizing social security. He got just about zero support from his own party. But what's even more interesting about this sentiment is that, in effect, it calls for subsidizing the markets. The same conservatives who howl about quantitative easing jacking up stock prices, have no problem with the huge amount of cash the US govt. would inject into the markets if it were to follow the course that you think is sound. An interesting case of doublethink.

    So only public employees get the benefit of having their retirement money invested in the markets? Ever hear of CALPERS? Owns about 1% of Apple. The term "political capital" was/is frequently used and has little to do with investing capital. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/ballot_box/2004/11/americas_new_political_capital.html

  8. But not as ironic as them allowing a world renown swindler to be one of their sponsors so soon after the other swindler did a runner. The fact that both swindlers targeted pensioners, who are the same demographic of the vast majority of CEC members, is even more irony.

    I'm all in favor of investing, but it does have risks. It's very hard to beat simple index funds in the long run. Canada, Norway, and Singapore Governments all invest their sovereign wealth in markets. The Left won't have anything to do with it in the US, same goes for Medicare vouchers.

  9. As was the case with Richard Nixon, the cover-up led to his demise; not the actual crime. It was obvious that certain members of the CEC were doing their utmost to sweep the financial swindle under the rug, including keeping almost all mentions of it off of this forum. That led many of us to simply use google to get the details, including a report of a board member also being a moderator for this site. Is that still the case, Nancy? If so, I would say that is absolutely a conflict of interest.

  10. I flew to DC last year with Delta miles, and flew thru Korea...it was about 2000 thb...I'm looking again this year (from CNX) and a lot of flights are through Guangzou...but the fees are about 200 usd. Is that nationwide? I also noticed that I can no longer return with only one stop in PEK and then direct to CNX, but back to going to BKK. Any clues?

  11. I have kind of the same situation, and I am being extra cautious. I am getting a one entry tourist visa good for 60 days. I arrive Bangkok on May 17, 2016 from Seattle with a USA Passport. I have a return to Seattle booked on August 10. I do have a three day trip booked on July 13-16 to Ho Chi Min City. In my understanding, I will be allowed entry back into thailand on July 16 from Ho Chi Min City on a "visa-less" entry good for 30 days on my USA passport. I should have no problem with the airline because even though my return ticket is more than 60 days from my entry into Thailand, I do have a confirmed ticket out of the country and back.

    Does anyone see any problem here?


    No problem.

    agreed, no problem.

  12. I think the first step would be to see what a replacement that is equal or better would cost here, with a new warranty and fresh battery. You might find that for 3-5K more..you will be guaranteed a brand new one here, and still have the old one back in LA. Factor in the chances of breakage, it getting lost, or customs playing hardball...and it will make more sense. And also price a new battery.....could cost as much as a replacement computer, and if the old battery dies, it will be worth about 2500 THB.

  13. They all work for a franchise here called Bodgit & Scarper....especially if the fallang has handed over money already.

    deadly installation work.

    I have spent my entire life working in the oil industry on electronic and electrical systems. Only the UK, Germany, Holland, and the scandinavian countries know anything about electrical work....the rest of the planet just make a deadly mess. Any European country that has a Med coastline has poor electrics.

    I lived in France in a brand new apartment with 2 double sockets behind the kitchen sink tap. ?

    As for regulations in Thailand about electrical work. Just walk outside and look upwards.....or sometimes just about head height you will see regulations don't mention dangling down.

    Lots of big UK and German computer companies.....and the 55 miles of wire they had to rip out of the new Berlin Airport? Training purposes? Audi, BMW, Saab, and Triumph are notorious for electrical problems, Lexus has better resale value than any of them.

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