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Posts posted by bangmai

  1. Update: I spoke with the regular pharmacist, and she showed me the pill form. "Noratussin," If you tookk 2 tablets vs. 2 teaspoons of the 60 ml (described above). you would get 30 mg of DM per dose, instead of 20, but would have only five doses instead of six with the liquid, but she said take one every four hours. 30 THB for 10 tablets.

  2. The schools misrepresenting the truth, makes it even more confusing. Imagine the abuses if all you needed to do, to stay long term was "volunteer"?

    The school has offered him a letter to obtain a 90-day non-immigrant ED visa to cover the training course. What have they misrepresented?

    It's normal practice in Thailand to volunteer without a work permit. It's also normal practice to teach until the work permit comes through. Both are technically illegal, but it's very common.

    I was talking about the TEFL Schools in general, but it looks like in this specific case, they didn't mention to him/her that it will require a trip to Vientiane for the ED visa, they will be working illegally without a WP, and another Visa will require another trip to Vientiane. Staying for three months on an ED visa, for a 30 day class is probably illegal, too. People working/volunteering illegally only makes it worse for those, who want to be legitimate.

  3. Buying a house that is 3-5 years old is a much wiser use of funds. An exurban house will depreciate more than a new car, at this time. The worst defects take time to surface. The value is in prime location townhouses.

  4. Question, if just doing a KL 30 day turnaround (fly in, fly back to Thailand,new 30 day stamp) on arrival KL do you have to clear immigration in KL or can you use just the transit exit?

    You should enter and depart Malaysia. Otherwise your out and back is not legit because you have no proof you entered another country.

    Not correct. You only have to prove you left Thailand (proof is your exit stamp). I live in Singapore and never get my passport stamped. There is no way Thai Immigration can see that I have "entered a new country", even though I have.

    I've seen them deny people at Maesai, who never paid the 500 thb and entered Myanmar.

  5. Good point Pat, if perhaps you even go into a place that doesn't have prices clearly posted, or menus readily available; simply asking the prices will prevent a lot of grief. If a restaurant doesn't have a menu to view at the front podium; something is amiss.

  6. My regular pharmacy was closed the other night, and I went to one at Jampha. He asked if it was a "dry cough," and it was, more from throat irritation; not congestion. He pulled out a bottle of Robitussin, which is pretty much the gold standard for cough syrups. I'm thinking it's American, must be expensive, and had been perfectly happy with the Thai GPO stuff, that was pretty cheap. small bottle; 60 ml....I'm thinking it's going to be 250-300 thb....nope..59 THB, or less than 1 thb per ml. That would be like paying 740 thb for a bottle of wine....I purchased...looked at the label...it is no longer AH Robbins; it's Pfizer...but...it's produced in BKK. So kind of like Tiger Beer....high quality world renown brand, but produced around BKK. I also got a pretty good buzz. So next time you have a dry, scratchy cough (or don't want to drink boxed wine); give it a try. And of course proceed with caution and read the instructions/warnings.

  7. Based on some of the posts describing the owner, it seems he may not have been present, when I visited the store last Tuesday morning. The only male was about 40-45 yo. It sure wouldn't be the first business to be undermined by its employees, when they aren't being babysat. It did cross my mind to bypass the c--- and talk to him, but he seemed to be fully aware of what was going on.

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