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Posts posted by ThePlant

  1. Not another badly written ''why do 'farangs...'' troll post.....coffee1.giffacepalm.gif

    The higher English always comes through to reveal the Troll,this one is embarrassing and couldn't pretend to be a Thai if his life depended on it!

    Why I pretend i Thai??? When I say like that?

    I am swiss national.

    Maybe you're one of those oddball freaky 'expats' who sa-peeks pidgin English in the 'Thai Bar Girl style' thinking it makes them seem assimilated....

    • Like 1
  2. I was reading a few threads where many posters like to brag that they have a so-called "hiso" half-Chinese wife.

    Links to these threads? I hardly see anyone making such claims these days as it has become such a tired old cliche which would set the writer of such a line open to huge amounts of pssss taking....

    Didn't you do a post about wives being former sex workers the other day? Are you having trouble getting some fluff that you need to post such drivel here day in, day out.

  3. You are more popular than you realise smile.png


    You only luv him because you saw his Twitter account & you like the goods ! I'm sure you know that Costas is the diphallicdude otherwise know as the twodikdude.



    ND, kindly refrain from using words like 'Hun'.

    This isn't some Facebook discussion about Bridget Jones. Thanks...

    You'll thank me later. It'll be 'chick' before you know it....

    • Like 1
  4. Shame he didn't get a league title

    He might, if he does a Lampard and comes to City laugh.png

    I think Lampard is showing us all now who really was the weak link in the England Midfield during the "Golden Generation'' era now MrB...

    Still, a sad bit of news for a superb player for his team and possibly the last of the 'one club' men.

    I shall relish the comedy memories of him running all over Old Trafford last season kissing everything in sight before he fell on his botty and handed City the title...LOL.....

  5. The Plant post # 10.

    I had this very conversation with a dolly in Morning/Night bar just the other night.....until I asked her where the father of her 3 Thai babies were, then she popped orf....

    then she popped orf....

    You mean to tell us the poor girl had ''the wind'' or as the colonials call it''gas''?

    Nay laddie, she popped orf to sit with some other sap who didn't ''think or talk too mut''

    • Like 1
  6. Thanks for claryfing this, I even was once time driving damn slowly one time behind this vehicle because I wasnt sure what the hell the purpose of this vehicle was...biggrin.png

    It doesnt have a purpose, just a saddo acting out his own wet dream of being a police officer

    Only once he's vaselined himself into his tight black leathern spanking shorts (or ''Lederhosen'', if you will)

    • Like 1
  7. Sad news, made worse by the fact that the current #1 in the UK is some limp dross by some talentless no-mark from the X Factor. Are we really the nation who has led the world in popular music for so long? Is the UK public and media now so inexorably musically bereft that we have to see bilge like this top our charts now? Is this crap and 1D all we have to offer the World now? Sorry World. As a Brit proud of our popular music heritage, I'm cringing today.....whither the next Joe Cocker or the like?

    " ..inexorably musically bereft..." All?, Hardly! You clearly don't listen to much coming out from the UK these days otherwise you wouldn't have made such an uninformed comment. To name but a few of the UK's current crop of singer song writers: Sam Smith, Adele, Ed Sheeran, Paloma Faith, Jessie Jay, Emile Sande, and Alex Clare. All of them taking the world by storm with some amazing music. Probably not your cup of tea?

    No one will have heard of any of them in five years. Crock of media hyped shit, I'm afraid.

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