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Posts posted by ThePlant

  1. It's interesting to hear about place like The Malayasi and The Boston. Not many stories on The Atlanta though

    The Atlanta is an utter sh*thole suffering from delusions of grandeur while reeking of cat's urine and I mean reeking...

    They call themselves "a Bastion of Wholesome, Culturally Sensitive and eco-Aware Tourism"

    Take a look at their website if you want a laugh...


    It got a decent turnover and was always busy thanks to a page long rave review in the Lonely Planet which highlighted their anti-prostitution and ludicrous Victorian rules and regulations.

    I went to check it out once with an American Chinese bird I'd met in Bangkok and we were refused by one of the rudest tosspots I've ever seen in a service job in Thailand . It took us all our persuasion to get a table in the sh*tty restaurant when we did we had to endure 30 minutes of haughty looks from racist flabby Western backpackers thinking they had found some exclusive hotel. Was a craphole, still is....I'd not pay 100B to stay there but they ask around 1000 for crap rooms which (you got it) are permeated with the stench of cat's pee...

  2. as i read all these posts i now understand that many of us need to find something useful to do. way to much time on our hands, spittle flows from our keyboards like it would from a 93 year old farts lips while eating oatmeal. :-)

    Well as most of the posts on this thread have shown a decent amount of understanding of the subject at hand apart from yours, I'd say your post is aimed at yourself so cover up them 'fart lips'

  3. OP: try Chickynet - lots of normal women on there and I've met several good friends through it here in BK

    And ignore the intellectually challenged on here claiming that it's all a big 'boys club': it's not-plenty of expat ladies here too (lawyers, accountants, engineers, doctors, etc.) but as they are here for career reasons, and not busy posting nonsense here when they've run out of cash for their hooker de jour, the posters on here never meet them (hence think they don't exist). And I'm as thankful about that as them smile.png

    What a load of nonsense. No wonder female expats struggle so much to assimilate in Bangkok when perpetuating nonsense like this about the male expat scene.

    Holding aloof preconceived views like this about the male expats here, it's no wonder blokes, even the 'normal' non-whoring expat blokes don't find the idea of having female expat friends an attractive proposition with obstacles like these to overcome before 'friendship' kicks in.

    • Like 2
  4. You pay too much, the official price is 180THB for a pack of 4

    Official price some time ago maybe ! But if one has to 'quibble' over a measly Bht 210, then its time to give up as you obviously w00t.gif cannot afford to be here. whistling.gif

    Some people don't like to pay double,others because they usually can't speak more than krup khun just smile and pay,

    Been here 10 years now, if i don't like or want it i just say Meow krup !

    Are you a cat? Try 'Woof, Woof'' next time......if you're doing animal impressions in the pharmacy.....no wonder Thais are always smiling....

    • Like 2
  5. I'm actually quite surprised so few of the "No booze is a good thing as drunken 'faLang' give the rest of us a bad name" brigade have been here expressing their mealy mouthed anger/disappointment.

    Usually when people complain about booze bans on election days and suchlike, they clutter up the board in their droves expressing their gleeful schadenfreude, while displaying their imagined sense of moral superiority over those of us who are still allowed to enjoy a gargle.

    • Like 1
  6. There was one very famous hoax photo scenario involved two Malay woodsmen who, after a row over money and a dolly bird robbed and killed one of their colleagues when they were drunk while working out in the forest at night (Endau Rompin - if memory serves me right).

    After they'd killed him they caught a large python, then doctored it to look as though they python had killed their pal. All was going well at the inquest until the prosecution called in a rake of leading herpetologists to debunk that the scenario was a real one and the brothers were found guilty and executed. If they'd have just left his body in the jungle and said he'd died of natural causes they might have walked away.

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