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Posts posted by rockingrobin

  1. 1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Here's a link to an article by Paul Krugman which offers a much more measured analysis of the consequences of Brexit. As he has consistently pointed out, the doomsayers are exaggerating the damage that Brexit will do to the UK economy.  

    http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2016/10/11/notes-on-brexit-and-the-pound/?module=BlogPost-Title&version=Blog Main&contentCollection=Opinion&action=Click&pgtype=Blogs&region=Body

    The overvalued currency displays that the UK does not pay its way in the world and is dependent on foreign friends .

    The article tends to miss the point that financial transaction costs are low thus the low pound will have minimal affects  with this regard.


  2. 25 minutes ago, SgtRock said:


    Sure Naam :thumbsup::thumbsup: I am not repeating anyone's conclusions. What I am doing is reading a lot of information and drawing my own conclusions.


    It is all just a conspiracy against DB. There really is no problem with DB. Everything is Hunky Dory. It is all a mistake.


    You have a better grasp of the written German Media than I have. Perhaps you should have a look at the non delivery of Gold by DB.


    It appears that it is becoming a closed shop, which tends to happen when a business is about to go under.

    With regard to non delivery of gold Deutsche bank is the redemption agent and the issue is for Umicore AG. DB is the designated sponsor for the electronic trading system.

  3. 4 minutes ago, SgtRock said:


    I never mentioned pubs. You did.


    Lets look at the facts. £ on a steady, but slow rise, right up to the referendum. EXIT, bang £ falls.


    £ fairly stable and then on Friday Bang, £ falls again.For no reason that anyone can pinpoint and it has been blamed on everything from faulty algo's to Hollande and Merkel.


    Yep, no-one with a vested interest make an absolute killing here. It would be fair to let the BoE and other FI's carry out their investigations before commenting further.



    :thumbsup::thumbsup: You are my hero, well done. YOU have really highlighted your non ability to debate skills.


    I am still awaiting your intellectually superior answer to what will happen to £ Sterling when DB collapses and the totally ineffective euro 1.9 Trillion ECB QE comes to an end in March 2017.

    The flash crash on friday was due to low liquidity, in order for a trade to occur a buyer and seller is needed.

  4. 13 minutes ago, JB300 said:



    In some ways EU citizens are treated better than UK citizens (e.g bringing their non-EU spouse over to live, access to NHS even if they've lived outside of the UK/ EU for more Han 6 months).

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    A British national can bring  their non EU spouse to the UK and access the NHS

  5. 36 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    Saudi Arabia is totally different and the treatment of women. Have you lived there I have.  Your other examples again are not what I was getting at.

    I am a second class citizen in Thailand. I have no voting rights, can't own land and have to apply for my visa every year. What would you call it? I am not mistreated in Thailand. I am not treated as an equal and called an alien. I just have to follow the law and rules. Where am I condoning mistreatment?

    You are a supporter of  discrimination , all the examples quoted aptly fit

  6. 33 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    I am proud to be British. I Always will. I make no excuse for my fellow countrymen/women to be first. My Neighbors from Europe are friends but they should come second. What I find the most hypocritical here on ThaiVisa is we are all treated as second class citizens at best I except it. , in Thailand, I . At least in the UK Aliens/foreigners can buy property, look after their loved ones etc. Have a welfare system. Free schooling and NHS.


    We obey the rules here but when it comes to our own country, as people, we are the first to criticize our own. Well that is hypocrisy at the highest level. So come on those here, why should the UK be part of the bigger Europe?, You are winging because of a weaker pound, linked to the EU. Do you not really see how hypocritical you are? As someone who has lived in the middle east and Europe I wonder just how people would feel when they have lived in these places.

    Your justification being that you accept 2nd class citizenship (percieved ) inn thailand and therefore it is acceptable. 

    I take it then the following would also be acceptable ,women in Saudi Arabia (saudi law) , Apartheid , aborigines in Australia (prior 1967) , Roman Catholics in NI, and the treatment of Jews under nazi germany.

    Just because discrimination and mistreatment exist and is experienced is not a valid reason to condone its acts

  7. 1 hour ago, rockingrobin said:

    Along with

    Oswald Mosley

    National Front



    British jobs for British people


    29 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


    What about Enoch Powell.

    The same Enoch Powell that recruited for the NHS  nurses  from the Caribbean so he could justify not giving nurses  a pay rise 

  8. 7 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


    Could you expand on your expression 'lump of labour fallacy'. Are you referring to the political party or the word being used in the form of a noun or a verb

    It is not a zero sum game, to equate a  migrant is taking a  job from a british national assumes  that there is a fixed number of jobs

  9. 4 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    I think you mistakenly assume people are stupid or illiterate. They knew exactly what it was about. They disagree with your point, please don't assume they didn't know the implications. people wanted to take back control and wanted to put British people first, something I fully agree with.  

    Along with

    Oswald Mosley

    National Front



    British jobs for British people

  10. 30 minutes ago, yogi100 said:



    Is is it not true that the vast majority of EU migrants are gainfully employed in jobs where they pay taxes?


    No it's not true. Most of them are in low paying jobs in which they pay little or no tax and those not working cash in hand often qualify for tax credits so they are not putting into the coffers. They are just providing cheap labour which benefits business owners.


    The people whose jobs they've taken have to live on benefits at tremendous cost to the taxpayer. A huge proportion of our gross national product goes on the benefit system. Money that could be better used elsewhere.


    So businessmen are being subsidised indirectly by the taxpayer to the detriment of the nation.


    The Tories condone this state of affairs as it suits their wealthy chums who will show their appreciation at the ballot box and with donations to party funds.


    Labour condones this state of affairs as it suits their immigrant chums who they hope will show their appreciation at the ballot box.

    To suggest that immigrants are taking jobs from British nationals is lump of labour fallacy. 

  11. 6 minutes ago, Grouse said:


    Now that's a reasonable viewpoint.


    There are other factors that you fail to mention: globalisation and automation. I don't think we can put the globalisation genie back in the lamp but certainly we should protect ourselves against dumping. Automation is going to makes things worse for low skilled workers. I don't know the answers to that except education and training. 


    80% of our economy is services. Are there unskilled service jobs? Seems unlikely....


    We do have the "living wage" to protect against undercutting of labour. Is it too low? Unenforced? 


    Is is it not true that the vast majority of EU migrants are gainfully employed in jobs where they pay taxes?


    For me, there are too many Muslims from third world countries but I guess that's my personal peccadillo.


    Finally, and easing myself gently out of my entrenched position, we should have negotiated changes to the free movement requirements. May be the RATE of movement could be discussed? Or the need to have a job offer BEFORE arriving? 


    However, IMHO, if you went to school and learnt a skill or a profession you will not have a problem. The UK desperately needs engineers for a start. We should do much more to help people get trained up. Pay people properly to do it ?


    One more thing, the balance between labour and capital in the U.K. now seems wrong. I don't think the Conservatives or UKIP will help with that. Maybe we have an economist on here who could comment?

    I am of the opinion that immigration is an excuse for government failures in policy.

    There are almost equal numbers of Non EU (which UK as total control ) and EU

    The presumption that jobs done by immigrants will be filled by British workers assume the labour market is fixed, lump of labour fallacy. What is needed to be taken into account is the aspirations and outlook of present day British people from years ago.What youngster would want to work on a farm all day when they can the same wage in a supermarket , apart from the the seasonal aspect.

    The education and training  issue seems to be one stretching  back decades, and the present core problem would be career perception, go into the building trade and are you likely to own a house based on your wages alone.

  12. 1 hour ago, Johnyo said:



    Did you watch Amber Ruud's speech during the Tory conference? It was a Brexiters dream and as racist as it gets asking companies to choose British before foreign when employing!! As a business owner I would never employ anyone based on where they come from but whether they can do the job or not.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect



    It was either hypocritical or pandering to the populist UKIP propaganda ,british jobs for british people. Outrageous when you consider the government has seconded trade negotiators from Oz and Nz. 

  13. 11 minutes ago, FlorC said:

    The EU doesn’t want Brexit “negotiations”, the EU wants “blood revenge”




    Hang in there Brits , leaving the EU is the best thing to do .

    So what if it hurts you in the pocket ? It will get better once the Brits can get freetrade agreements with the rest of the free world .

    If the UK enters truly free trade deals its economy will be decimated as it will not be able to compete on such terms, the likes of china ,india and emerging markets will be to competitive. The number of call centres based oversees is an example

  14. 18 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


    While I understand your sentiment, please bear in mind that the referendum passed with a very small majority - even then there was a sizeable minority who were pro-EU. As has been mentioned elsewhere in this thread, the result might be very different were it to be run today. Also - once Scotland breaks from the UK, we want to come back into the fold as quickly as possible!


    5 minutes ago, vogie said:

    You have missed the bus RR, the UK has voted to leave, it still hasn't sunk in yet?

    I will refer you to an interview David Davis gave in 1996



  15. 7 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


    While I understand your sentiment, please bear in mind that the referendum passed with a very small majority - even then there was a sizeable minority who were pro-EU. As has been mentioned elsewhere in this thread, the result might be very different were it to be run today. Also - once Scotland breaks from the UK, we want to come back into the fold as quickly as possible!

    I think Charles de Gaulle was correct when he stated the UK wasnt committed to the EU .

    The UK championed both the single market and EU enlargement whist laying the results of failed domestic policies at the EU door.

  16. 1 minute ago, sanemax said:


       I believe that the UK economy is doing fine , its just the Pound that has fallen and the falling Pound will not effect the man in the street in the UK .

       UK people living abroad have been effected by the falling Pound, but, they didnt and arent able to vote on whether to stay or exit, also, the vote has already been held and there will not be another one, so, it matters not what people think now

    The UK economy is doing fine , but sterling depreciation will affect the man on the street.The manufacturing input price will rise, and the corresponding inflation , which usually lags input prices by 5-6 months. This inflation is not consumer led and thus the peoples purchasing power decreases as the value  of pay is eroded

  17. 49 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    Can't people see that this is just a ploy to scare the UK people into a last ditch attempt in keeping the UK in the EU. Lets see where the Pound is in a few months. All the doomsday preppers like those who believed the end of the world was coming, countless times, will have committed suicide or realized it was a big hoax. The banks are manipulating the markets, to scare the UK people. Once again lets see where we are in a few months.


    Look at the interview from Le Pen. Yes its in the express but also other places. I refuse to quote the bias BBC This could be the next French President and I have to say she talks sense.




    “Because the British economy is doing much better now than it was doing yesterday. 

    “And it’s doing so much better than the economy of all the other EU countries together."


    She like the rest of Europe are the new voice and she is French and more optimistic than the labourites and remainers. Merlkel and Hollande will be gone. I m looking forward to the coming months, as I see the future that  is rosy and not glum.

    To be honest No, I fail to see how a depreciating pound is going to change the government position.As for bank manipulation being the cause for the current predicament of sterling is irrational, the 2 main events that coincided  with sterling fall were the first referendum result from Sunderland and announcement on the triggering of Article 50, to suggest both or either are controlled by the bank is fancifull .

    As for the UKIP paper, daily express, they did tell the nation back in 1939 no war this year

  18. 7 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    Yes very happy and will be regardless.

    Again go back and see what I said. Laws were being made by Brussels. The UK people could not vote them out. They are unelected by the British people. The British government is not.


    The main damage has already been done. Being in the EU for so long with the countries industries decimated. Patriotism is a dirty word now, sadly. If you don't agree with the EU you are a racist. Well once again I am glad the UK has bravely chosen to get out. The EU for sure will try their best to punish the UK for 'giving them the middle finger'.  The UK nearly lost its identity and now has to get it back along with agriculture, fisheries and other important industries that have been eroded.


    I am going to agree with you on one issue. The fall in the markets is due to fear. Hollande and Merkel are crapping themselves. I am looking forward to seeing the back of them when their people will 'kick them out'. They are creating fear and people are latching on to it. It will all be OK. The UK can survive.   The EU is about control and having a single identity. The pound is slipping but for myself and friends who are in the UK it will be worth it, so we can start working for the UK people again, spending money on UK people and prospering UK people. The schools, hospitals and benefits have had enough and can't cope with the massive influx of other nationals.


    Here is another example of having to make excuses for being British, caring for British people and the future and others playing the racist card, if you don't agree with them.


    I truly fail to understand this concept that if the EU do not capitulate to the UK demands then somehow the EU is punishing the UK.It is clear to both parties that the  four freedoms is a fundamental principle and if the UK are reluctant to accept them or the EU unwilling to compromise then the UK can simply leave and negotiate a trade deal like any other country. 

    There are 2 committees that scrunitize draft EU laws before the government ratifies them

  19. 19 minutes ago, stander said:

    FREE SPEECH CRACKDOWN: Europe tells British press NOT to reveal if terrorists are Muslims


    MEDDLING Brussels has said the British press should not report when terrorists are Muslims in a slew of demands to the Government to crack down on the media.


    Poor Journalism

    ECRI is not an EU body, cant order anything, didnt even say this anyhow

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