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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. you had beer with him?? :o

    I had a swim with Arsene :D

    I would loveeeeeee loveeeeeeeee to meet Bergkhamp!

    (but to be honest...even today..I dont think I will have much to ask my football favs. on the other hand if I met politicians....well some of them....I would have a lot to say and discuss!)

    MIG16, curious are you a blonde? You hanging around with so many footballers in one room might hurt / enhance your reputation. :D

    Swimming with Arsene is not something to brag about IMO, rather live down one might think.

  2. I always thought is was a short time place, not that i have ever been in one.

    anyways, when the new train to the airport finishes, from what I see there is a station right next to Nasa Hotel.

  3. Is the "Huntsman" actually inside the Landmark or just in the vicinity?

    Yes, in the basement level.

    Sounds good to me, however, maybe a lttle more info. for those who are not familiar with that area of Bkk.

    Entertainment? Drink prices? Ambience? All good to go? Map for those who might feel like coming but don't know where the Landmark is?

    Thanx James. :D

    The Huntsman - Basement Level - The Landmark Hotel, next to the BTS at NANA. Though negotiations are still under way :o , this is what their Marketing Director first proposed...

    we have a double Happy Hour on both food and drinks from 3-9pm everyday. Our Happy Hour on drinks is Buy 1 Get 1 Free on local draught beers/bottles, wines, cocktails and spirits. During this period we also have a discounted food menu with prices starting from 95 baht.

    From 9pm we will also have Live music from our excellent resident band Sweet Inspiration until 1am

    Also, just got another PM from the Marketing Director to add...

    In addition to our Happy Hour we also have two other promotions running at the moment which are available all day & night everyday.

    1) Wine of the World promotion, Buy 1 Bottle Get 1 Bottle Free.

    2) Jack Daniels, Buy 1 Get 1 Free by Glass & By Bottle

  4. For fun, my picks for the weekend, locks in bold

    Blackburn 0 v 2 Aston Villa,

    Chelsea 2 v 1 Hull,

    Everton 1 v 0 Bolton,

    Man City 2 v 0 Middlesbrough,

    Portsmouth 1 v 1 Liverpool,

    Sunderland 1 v 1 Stoke,

    West Brom 1 v 0 Newcastle,

    Wigan 1 v 1 Fulham,

    Tottenham 2 v 2 Arsenal,

    West Ham 1 v 2 Man Utd,

    would have picked LP to win but without SG, me thinks they will struggle - even at Pompey

  5. For fun, my picks for the weekend, locks in bold :D

    Blackburn 0 v 2 Aston Villa,

    Chelsea 2 v 1 Hull,

    Everton 1 v 0 Bolton,

    Man City 2 v 0 Middlesbrough,

    Portsmouth 1 v 1 Liverpool,

    Sunderland 1 v 1 Stoke,

    West Brom 1 v 0 Newcastle,

    Wigan 1 v 1 Fulham,

    Tottenham 2 v 2 Arsenal,

    West Ham 1 v 2 Man Utd,

    would have picked LP to win but without SG, me thinks they will struggle - even at Pompey.

    Even although you are not in the EPL comp. Why not post your predictions in the prediction thread? Thanks. Makes it easier for others to see.

    Thanks, didn't know i could :o

  6. Help needed,

    My Thai girlfriend is trying to find her half sister. her grandfather only had outdated phone numbers and her sister doesn't visit him often. She has the name of her sister and her sister's father only. Does anyone know ideas of how to track down thais. i can't find any white pages online and both of us living in sydney makes it even harder.



    Only guessing but if your gal is from upcountry, she would have more luck getting in touch with one of her friends there to do some asking around.

  7. For fun, my picks for the weekend, locks in bold :o

    Blackburn 0 v 2 Aston Villa,

    Chelsea 2 v 1 Hull,

    Everton 1 v 0 Bolton,

    Man City 2 v 0 Middlesbrough,

    Portsmouth 1 v 1 Liverpool,

    Sunderland 1 v 1 Stoke,

    West Brom 1 v 0 Newcastle,

    Wigan 1 v 1 Fulham,

    Tottenham 2 v 2 Arsenal,

    West Ham 1 v 2 Man Utd,

    would have picked LP to win but without SG, me thinks they will struggle - even at Pompey.

  8. Much potential this lad has but as far as England goes, who would you replace him with?

    i guess glen johnson and wes brown are better right backs and there are at least half a dozen better centre backs.

    That's what I mean, I don't see a spot for him.

  9. I am a big fan of Richards, but I think he has gone off the rails.

    There was an incident last year where he was filmed in an uncompromising position with some bird, on a night out.

    This year he has been awful.

    I think that he has let all the adulation go to his head, and he believes that he is a lot better than what he is.

    I also think it would help if he had a vocal experienced defender to play alongside with.

    He needs to knuckle down, otherwise he will just become another 'nearly man' who never quite fulfils his potential.

    think that's a pretty fair summary man. it's interesting that fabio capello doesn't consider richards international standard.

    Much potential this lad has but as far as England goes, who would you replace him with?

  10. whooohooooo whoooohoooooooo!!!!! Finally!!! I can get around. But anyone know where the terminal in Thonburi will be? Will it be across the river from Saphan Taksin, or will it go further into Thonburi?

    i believe there are 3 stations on the other side of the river, the problem as I see it though, is that it is not easy getting on the thing at rush hour now, can't wait until they let 50,000 more people an hour on in the mornings when they open this route and the one on suk.

    When will the new rolling stock arrive from Germany I wonder?

  11. After all the hoohah, the transfer window turned out to be a bit of a damp squib, didn't it?

    Yeah, i thought so too. Hopefully Summer will be exciting times though.

    What, no post about Micah Richards being charged with assault? :o Unlike Stevie G, this is one guy I wouldn't want pissed off at me, should be playing rugby.

  12. I don't totally disagree, however, if he had left him on instead of taking him off perhaps this game would not have been neccessary. Who knows for sure.

    The guy needs a course in media training though.

    you're way off here james, he took gerrard off against wigan in the league. wouldn't have affected the cup match against everton at all.

    your right there stevie, guess i don't follow LP games as much as you think I do :o

  13. Is the "Huntsman" actually inside the Landmark or just in the vicinity?

    Yes, in the basement level.

    Sounds good to me, however, maybe a lttle more info. for those who are not familiar with that area of Bkk.

    Entertainment? Drink prices? Ambience? All good to go? Map for those who might feel like coming but don't know where the Landmark is?

    Thanx James. :D

    The Huntsman - Basement Level - The Landmark Hotel, next to the BTS at NANA. Though negotiations are still under way :o , this is what their Marketing Director first proposed...

    we have a double Happy Hour on both food and drinks from 3-9pm everyday. Our Happy Hour on drinks is Buy 1 Get 1 Free on local draught beers/bottles, wines, cocktails and spirits. During this period we also have a discounted food menu with prices starting from 95 baht.

    From 9pm we will also have Live music from our excellent resident band Sweet Inspiration until 1am

  14. Is it normal to just up and leave to go back to your village at a few hours notice?

    My TGF never seems to pre-plan anything, one minute she is at the laundry, the next she is going on a 7 hour baht bus ride to Northern Thailand.

    She seems to live very much day to day, nothing is ever planned. CORRECT

    Also do Thai people lie a lot? Lie, maybe a bit harsh, BS - or plead ignorance, YES

    I am not talking major lies, more lies to save face. For example, I am going to Malaysia with my TGF so I send her 1000 baht to make passport.

    I ask her if she has got it and she says "I make already", I then ask for the passport number to book the flights and what follows is three days of fake numbers and not being able to understand me followed by her finally admitting she has not got it.

    Another time I send her 2000 baht to buy a uniform and shoes for her work, I ask if she has picked up the money from Western Union and she says "I do tomorrow". The thing is I know she has already picked up the cash as WU automatically email you. I have no idea why she would lie about something like that???

    Is this normal Thai behaviour or is she a 'wrong un'?

  15. When is it that you guys are going to realize that most of what you like about Thailand is simply a result of Thailand being cheap. Happiness in life is directly correlated to wealth and its dirt cheap here. Now these simple facts and the fact that farm girls will look in your direction gets projected in the silliest of notions, such as "I want to be a Thai citizen".... "I want to run for Thai government"....

    You aren't Thai. And why would a Thai person even respect you when you have so little respect for your own country? Alpha males tend to dominate in their own environment. Lions don't tend to wander off out of the jungle and into the forest if you know what I mean.

    So simply enjoy the pleasures that come with living in a dirt poor society where the wealth is horded by the select few and leave all the other egotistical insecurities out of it.

    With a post count of nearly 500, I would have thought you had lived here quite awhile. Apparently, I was wrong.

  16. One can still rise to the top (or near it anyway) of the local business world, become a captain of industry, have substantial sway on the SET like Bill Heinecke and undoubtedly INFLUENCE Thai politics and no doubt the course of the nation.

    IF you had what it takes of course.


    unlike most of us.... In 1991, Bill Heinecke became a Thai citizen.

  17. he isn't 'blaming' the media for gerrard's injury, james. he's just, correctly, pointing out that he maybe knows more about football than they do.

    I don't totally disagree, however, if he had left him on instead of taking him off perhaps this game would not have been neccessary. Who knows for sure.

    The guy needs a course in media training though.

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