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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. Not here to rub salt in the wounds over the game last night but I find Rafa's comments below concerning SG injury a bit much.

    “When I took him off last week, people were saying he should be playing all the time, every minute,” said the Liverpool manager.

    “Well now you see the consequences of that.

    “We have to check after a scan and I don’t know, we have to wait.

    “He was injured. He asked for the substitution.

    “Last week he was tired but you can see now the consequences.”

    Blaming the media fans for the injury?

    In his defense though, I do love his comeback to Capello...

    And in a barbed reference to the insistence of England coach Fabio Capello that Gerrard travel to London to be assessed when he last pulled out of an international with an injury, Benitez added: “Maybe he has to go to do three scans at the same time just in case there are any doubts.”

  2. Hi,

    I live in Ratchawithi , about 10 mins walk to Pratunam Market/Pantip/Central world etc. 4 mins walk to Victory Monument skytrain:

    The soi is quite nice, set back from the main road with nice adjacent properties.

    I Have:

    -1 bedroom Apt - very modern, LCD flat screen, balcony, new air con. - 47 Sq Ft

    - Wireless Internet (always works very well)

    - Communal Swimming Pool and Sauna on site - Not that fussed about this as joined a gym that has these facilities.

    - 24 hour security at the entrance

    - Restaurant on site with reasonably priced food

    I pay 15,000 Bt per month, it was 18,000 but i negotiated for a deal on 3 months. With electric (7 Bt) and water (17Bt) i guess i will be paying more like 18,000 all in. I had to pay 2 months deposit when i moved in. I took the advice of TV and photographed everything on arrival and covered all surfaces with newspaper to maximise the chances of getting that deposit back.

    I was just wondering what other people who live reasonably central get for their money and if i am paying over or under the odds.

    Thank you in advance for your replies :o

    For that area, sounds about right, now get over the buyer remorse and go have beer :D

  3. Undoubtedley Emirates are a great carrier but i ended up getting a tad cheesed off with Dubai Airport. Parking the plane too far from the terminal and having to bus it. Although that may have stopped now I had flown Etihad which was equally as good, so i took up the frequent flyer with Etihad. So i use them rather than any other airline. I used to love the old "mushroom" airport at Abu Dhabi but i think they opened the new airport last month and are progressively shifting the carriers to the new one. I'll look forward to going through it in a couple of months.

    Emirates just opened a brand new terminal 3 dedicated to its flights only.

    Didn't know that james. That must make it much easier but too late for me to switch now, I've got too many airmiles with Etihad. :o

    Let's wait and see, I still have visions of sleeping people all over the terminal floors in my head, don't expect it to be much better at terminal 3

  4. Undoubtedley Emirates are a great carrier but i ended up getting a tad cheesed off with Dubai Airport. Parking the plane too far from the terminal and having to bus it. Although that may have stopped now I had flown Etihad which was equally as good, so i took up the frequent flyer with Etihad. So i use them rather than any other airline. I used to love the old "mushroom" airport at Abu Dhabi but i think they opened the new airport last month and are progressively shifting the carriers to the new one. I'll look forward to going through it in a couple of months.

    Emirates just opened a brand new terminal 3 dedicated to its flights only.

  5. 856427

    Are the numbers I have. I have a 'double ticket' (2 tickets with the same number) but have been told 2 different amounts as to the actual prize.

    Could someone who has access to the numbers please clarify? Not a huge sum but I would rather be sure before taking the tickets in.


    Do you know how to use Google? http://www.thailotteryresults.com/


    Google??? wassat? :o

    You won 2000 minus 10% for me for looking it up.

  6. It's not just the Thai attitude to animal welfare which is bad, it's Asian values in general. Thais will feed hungry stray cats and dogs and seldom kill an animal for fun. Check out how animals are treated in the Philippines, Vietnam, China and Indonesia...not to mention the Arab countries and you will see more compassion here.

    Standards definitely need improving though, one sad memory was of a lonely deer at Suan Siam water park shut up in a concrete pen with hardly any light and a mud floor.

    To the OP, the police can put a stop to animal cruelty. Last week a middle aged couple upcountry were nabbed collecting stray (and pet) dogs, killing them and making curries. So go to the police, if no joy...find a friend with police connection, still no joy....go to the media.

    while I concur with the above, I would be tempted to bring it to light in a more discreet manner if possible.

  7. [q/uote]

    Ever heard of condoms breaking?

    -Ever heard of cars?

    -Ever heard of cars crashing?

    Ever heard of accidents? Even your wife can transmit that virus to you when the condom breaks. Accident.

    This topic's moving quite fast ! And where the heck is the video for goodness' sake?!?

    Uh,i don't know who you married,but my wife?NO CHANCE.Not all expats are here for the sleaze... :oYou would be amazed how many decent farangs live here. :D

    I second that !!!

    Me too

    Count me in too!

    I am glad so many people feel it necessary to chime in on the virtue of their wives!

    Just look how many people reading this topic..I noticed the nation in its headline didn't mention the 7 thais involved.

    I wonder who turned them in, surely not the hotel, unless it is looking to be headline sleeze news around the world.

  8. As to the lady in question changing her property into other peoples names, this Judgement stays in force for another 10 years and even if I do not get 1 Satong back, she will know that I am there in the background looking into whatever property she does own and ready to snatch it from her and that alone gives me a certain amount of pleasure. I can drive past her house or park up for short periods of time and linger outside her door looking at the car in her drive on the pretext of checking out her assets and she will know I am there :D

    As long as I do not make a nuisance of myself or cause any disturbance or damage, I can be there looking and have her thinking.

    No offence, mate. Do you know anything about this country? If you try to snatch anything with or without a court order, there is a good chance you'll end up dead.

    If on the slim chance you do succeed in getting your 100,000 Baht, you had better not hang around Thailand too long and if you do, don't follow a predictable routine. Do you know any high level army or police that can offer you protection? Do you plan to spend a good chunk of your future here? Is 100,000 Baht or antagonising somebody worth it?

    I love these threads where the "you will end up dead" crew come out of the wood work. These advocates of cowardice and rolling over dead and taking it up the ... well you know.

    We are talking about 100k baht.

    I have had personal involvement in a lawsuit involving much more than that and am still on amicable terms with the family of the defendant.

    My lawyers managed to negotiate a full settlement without even going to court, and i never personally discussed it with the defendant, even when approached. I gave a deadline and once it elapsed i told him it was up to the lawyers now, talk to them.

    In essence i removed myself from the proceedings. by avoiding direct confrontation and employing the right collector, i got my money back and no one lost face.

    while i think the OP comes off as a vindictive, petty waste of skin little better than a stalker, i am more disgusted by the keep your head down and no one will kill you crew.

    I do not have to hide when i am in the loclality, i do not know a police general, and everyone knows that i am not a soft touch, i will, and i did fight back -- for money, not revenge.

    Ialso learned not to beleive Bangkok Bank when they tell you, yes sir, no problem, the cheque has been cancelled, payment has been stopped.

    My hero, you are.

    channeling yoda, you are.

    o b yawn once said, better to be visibly incoherant than invisibly smug : translation - it's better to have a big stick when you need one, than having one you can't stick by : tranlastion - don't bring a knife to gun fight ; translation - one sleeps better at night knowing that the demons are only in your head. :o

  9. Well, to save all the confusion from the meet-up last year at Gullivers, lets pick a specific date and venue before the end of this page.

    Eg. Friday 20th at such and such venue from 7.30pm onwards.

    Once we have done that, getting an on-going sign-up list is easy.

    The Marketing Director from the Huntsmen - a TV member, pm me and offered his venue and stuff like 2-1 on drinks and food until 9pm.

    Now, I don't want to decide for everyone, maybe Soundman can figure out how to do a poll or something?

  10. Unless you offer HP sauce on that Chip Butty I suppose the English will burn your place down.

    Order a case of the stuff - NOW.

    Hi DotCom,

    sure lol,

    Chefsxp managed to chnage the weekly menu to the Chicken Ragout as of today ... yeeeeeeeeeepy

    DC, they sell HP and other sauces at Tops, Villa, Foodland, Carrefour, Lotus, Big C. Pick up a bottle and put it in your fridge next to your mustard, mayo, ketchup :o

  11. think_too_mut,

    I find it interesting that you are worried about service standards on the aircrafts, yet the safety ones don't worry you. I recall recently on another thread about TG, you posted 'Rubbish' to a comment I made in regards to airline safety, yet you don't seem to be concerned with the real facts in that area. By the way I have updated that post for you.

    You are right though, many airlines have been looking at costs for some time now, I am sure downsized meals and service will help them with this.

    For your information Emirates and the sheikh's in Dubai have been in so much financial trouble lately that they have just sold a large portion (I think 70%) of the Airline to Etihad. Given that Abu Dhabi & Dubai are fierce competitors when it comes to EVERYTHING, it is certainly an interesting time for those two airlines. I will be interested to see what happens between the two airlines now.

    Good luck with your bread rolls and cola.....I hope the plane is being service properly. :o

    You mean one relative sold Emirates (70%) to another in Abu Dhabi. Would really like to see the link to that news.

    As for the A380, on the LHR route daily.

  12. Why don't we aim for the 20th, avoiding the last Friday of the month traffic mayhem. Or does this conflict with some members financial situation?

    Once we decide on the date, then we will start searching around for which lucky establishment will have our esteemed business - and the right to say they hosted an unofficial TV P-UP.

    As there has been very limited feedback thus far, let's give it till Monday to see where things shape up / or not, before deciding where / when to proceed.

  13. OK I know there are gonna be some of you who are gonna slate me but lets see where this goes.........

    6 months ago I got a girl to finish working in a bar.......... she had only been there a couple of days and came direct from the "Isaan Girl Factory" so she was not being too corrupted..... I know this as i know the bar owner and he had got the lady from Issaan himself.... and no baby to look after :-)

    We had been getting on very very well..... I had been giving her 20k a month of which she always sent 4k to her mum and dad, I pay for all the apartment and bills, food and drink and when we go out she never has to pay for anything......so she literally has 16k a month just for her........ then i left out an atm slip showing a LARGE balance and all hel_l broke loose.

    "Why do you only give me 20k a month when you make xxxxxxx amount per month " blah blah blah you can imagine the rest........ anyway to cut a long story short. I went to Hua Hin to visit a client for a couple of days and all the time i was there she was calling me and sms-ing me telling me that i have taken another girl and i never take care her etc etc............ When i got back is all I got was ear ache so i thought I can really do without this and we split up....... I gave her an extra 10K on top of her 20k to make sure she had a few baht to sort out a room etc.

    Anyway............ the question I want answering .................. Do you think giving a girl 20K a month is being a cheap charlie irrespective of what i do or earn???

    Or do you think that because she saw my atm slip that she suddenly saw lots and lots of 1000baht notes and was trying it on???

    To be honest its only been 4 days we have been apart but I am really missing the girl............... I look forward to your comments


    I'm the "Cheap Charlie" with drunken sailors like you setting the gold standard paying 20,000 bht per mo for a bargirl. Now I know why they all expect this and more. I assume she was a 24/7 "full service girl". I pay less but can't get mine to full status. Where's all the guys who brag they pay nothing?

    we are with your gals

  14. Rafa Benitez: I wanted goals, Robbie Keane did not deliver

    Robbie Keane may find it hard to believe, but there was a perplexed look on the face of Rafa Benitez yesterday at suggestions his treatment of the player was personal.

    The sale of the striker by Liverpool, just six months after his £20million arrival, led many to believe that the Anfield boss was playing political games.

    Those close to Keane even ventured the idea that Benitez was "playing with his head". But for the unemotional Spaniard, the truth was simper – he needed to cut his losses.

    And he was adamant he had not taken a risk in leaving his squad dangerously short of strikers. "It is not a gamble. The Liverpool squad is good enough. If you have two or three injuries it's part of the game, and we have shown we can cope.

    "What are you expecting from a striker? Goals. And a second striker? Goals.

    "We have people like Torres and Gerrard that can guarantee a lot of goals, and then Kuyt, Babel and Ngog or the other players, I think they will score goals, too. So it is not a gamble."

    And on the last-minute decision to offload Keane, he added: "You have to try to be objective, not personal, and we had to decide quickly. It was a situation that, at his age, couldn't keep going on.

    "If you know something's not working you have to do something now. Sometimes you can have a really good player, but he doesn't perform when he goes to another team.

    "We looked at everything and said we had to do it and it's a good deal in terms of cutting our losses.

    "At his age it could have been worse if we had waited longer and he continued without performing."

    It was a hard, calculated decision that was based on financial reality.

    Benitez added: "Could you see Keane scoring a lot of goals? We were talking about 'maybe, maybe', but we had to make a decision based on reason. He was not playing at the level he can play at.

    "We had a very good offer for a player who is 28 and wasn't playing at the level we were expecting so maybe it was good for him and us.

    "I'm the manager and have to make the decisions and take the responsibility. We were trying to make him improve, trying to get him into the system with the other players, but sometimes it doesn't work.

    "Normally Keane can guarantee goals but he couldn't in this situation."

    Benitez said he did try to persuade Spurs to throw in Aaron Lennon as part of the deal, but when they refused to budge at the last minute, decided to proceed anyway.

    "Tottenham were talking about giving us certain players. We thought that would be the right way with the right names," he explained.

    "But then, in the last day, we decided that we had to do it with the deal that we had on the table – we knew as a club that we had to do it. We were talking and everybody agreed that we had to do it now."

    Benitez was also eager yesterday to stress that Liverpool could still get their money back on Keane. Contrary to reports emanating from Spurs, the fee was in excess of £15m, and could rise to almost £20m with add-ons.

    "The difference could be nothing if they win trophies," he said.

    The furore over Keane completely overshadowed tonight's latest instalment of the Merseyside derby, as Liverpool visit Everton for their FA Cup fourth round replay.

    Benitez, who will consider resting some players tonight, said: "Playing away will be different because in front of their own fans they will have to attack more, and that will give us space."

    By David Maddock 4/02/2009

    Mirror Uk

    That clears that up, now lets move on and support the players we have to do the job!

    Sorry not the Spurs thread but this just in.......

    Keane given Tottenham captaincy

    Keane second spell at Spurs has brought with it the captains armband

    Tottenham manager Harry Redknapp has made Robbie Keane his side's new captain following the striker's return to White Hart Lane from Liverpool.

    The 28-year-old Republic of Ireland star re-signed for Spurs only six months after leaving for Anfield and takes the armband from Ledley King.

    "I just felt with Robbie coming in there would be a new impetus with him as captain," said Redknapp.

    "He can give an awful lot. He is a big personality and we are a quiet team."

    Keane has signed a four-year contract at Spurs, with the fee starting at £12m and rising with add-ons.

    He has returned to the club where he made 254 appearances and scored 107 goals between August 2002 and July 2008.

    The former Wolves, Coventry, Inter Milan and Leeds forward often deputised for King as captain during his first spell with Spurs. I am delighted the transfer window has finished - I hope that this time next season I do not have to bring anybody in during the transfer window, there is nothing I would like better

    "If Robbie has something to say, he is going to say it," stated Redknapp. "He is a leader and has the personality to be a captain of Tottenham."

    Defender King, who is currently sidelined because of a hamstring injury, will remain as club captain but Keane will lead the team.

    Redknapp revealed both King and fellow centre-half Jonathan Woodgate, who was appointed captain on a temporary basis, were fully behind the change.

    "I have spoken to Ledley, who is injured, and also to Jonathan Woodgate about it and they have been fine about it," added Redknapp. "Jonathan said, 'Nothing will change. I still want to be a leader out there,' which is good."

    Redknapp has been one of the busiest managers during the January transfer window, spending £45m to shape his team into one capable of a successful fight against relegation from the Premier League. 606: DEBATE

    I don't believe his heart was ever in it at Anfield - back at the right place now though!!!

    With Spurs currently sitting 14th in the Premier League and only a point above the relegation zone, Redknapp is relieved the window has now shut so he can focus on his squad's form.

    "I am delighted it is all finished. I hope that this time next season I do not have to bring anybody in during the transfer window, there is nothing I would like better," he said.

    "This year, because of our situation, we needed to strengthen the squad and that is what we did. The chairman Daniel Levy has been terrific and been so supportive. I did not think we would get Robbie Keane, I thought there was no way Liverpool were going to sell him but the chairman has worked on that and done well to get him in.

    "Now I feel we have got a squad that can push on."

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