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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. OK I know there are gonna be some of you who are gonna slate me but lets see where this goes.........

    6 months ago I got a girl to finish working in a bar.......... she had only been there a couple of days and came direct from the "Isaan Girl Factory" so she was not being too corrupted..... I know this as i know the bar owner and he had got the lady from Issaan himself.... and no baby to look after :-)

    We had been getting on very very well..... I had been giving her 20k a month of which she always sent 4k to her mum and dad, I pay for all the apartment and bills, food and drink and when we go out she never has to pay for anything......so she literally has 16k a month just for her........ then i left out an atm slip showing a LARGE balance and all hel_l broke loose.

    "Why do you only give me 20k a month when you make xxxxxxx amount per month " blah blah blah you can imagine the rest........ anyway to cut a long story short. I went to Hua Hin to visit a client for a couple of days and all the time i was there she was calling me and sms-ing me telling me that i have taken another girl and i never take care her etc etc............ When i got back is all I got was ear ache so i thought I can really do without this and we split up....... I gave her an extra 10K on top of her 20k to make sure she had a few baht to sort out a room etc.

    Anyway............ the question I want answering .................. Do you think giving a girl 20K a month is being a cheap charlie irrespective of what i do or earn???

    Or do you think that because she saw my atm slip that she suddenly saw lots and lots of 1000baht notes and was trying it on???

    To be honest its only been 4 days we have been apart but I am really missing the girl............... I look forward to your comments


    I will say it bluntly. You are not a cheap Charley, you are an idiot.

    After 4 pages of he is / he isn't can we put this one to rest and say...above in bold italics?

  2. Seems good value on Agoda - B1750.

    Can anyone confirm if this place is good value and guest friendly?

    Is it a little too far from Nana?


    I lived there for 3 years once before moving on to another place.

    It is expensive,in the top tier for serviced apartments in bangkok, and hence has every ammenity you could want.

    Across the road from All Seasons Place/Conrad Hotel , bang smack in the middle of the major embassy area etc....

    It is very close to soi 4...a short walk. And also a short walk up to Paragon, Siam Square, a slightly longer walk down to Lumpini, Sala Daeng, Silom, Surawong etc......Ploenchit sky train is right on your doorstep too.

    Cant comment on the "guest" situation.

    Nice review, but are you saying that over the last 4 years you have been very lonely KK?

    I left centrepoint a couple of years ago. been living closer to my office since then.

    lonely ? when i moved to thailand my wife came also.

    technically we had guests (relatives and friends passing through town on holiday) as we had a 2 bedroom apartment.

    but i presume these are not the type of "guests" that the OP is inquiring about(putting 2 and 2 together regarding the OP's Nana comment), so again i cant comment on this one.

    haha ok, just joking around mate, don't worry - most wive's don't follow TV :o

    well, my new zealand born wife does read it from time to time :D

    then you will be ok as long as your Thai GF doesn't then. :D

  3. FA to take no action against bosingwa. stunning.

    Stevie. have u seen darren harley take off a few of the liverpool lads on u tube? well worth a look for a giggle he is very good. takes off gerrard,rafa,jamie.etc etc

    i haven't but if you had a link would be great!

  4. I wish Khun Thaksin will become Prime Minister again.

    Abhisit doesn't know how to be a PM. He's suitable to be a teacher only.

    sorry, but apparently you missed the * at the start of this topic that stated no political statements. Please re-work your post with something more (or less) in keeping with the spirit of proceedings. Failing that, go to the newsclipping section. :o

  5. Seems good value on Agoda - B1750.

    Can anyone confirm if this place is good value and guest friendly?

    Is it a little too far from Nana?


    I lived there for 3 years once before moving on to another place.

    It is expensive,in the top tier for serviced apartments in bangkok, and hence has every ammenity you could want.

    Across the road from All Seasons Place/Conrad Hotel , bang smack in the middle of the major embassy area etc....

    It is very close to soi 4...a short walk. And also a short walk up to Paragon, Siam Square, a slightly longer walk down to Lumpini, Sala Daeng, Silom, Surawong etc......Ploenchit sky train is right on your doorstep too.

    Cant comment on the "guest" situation.

    Nice review, but are you saying that over the last 4 years you have been very lonely KK?

    I left centrepoint a couple of years ago. been living closer to my office since then.

    lonely ? when i moved to thailand my wife came also.

    technically we had guests (relatives and friends passing through town on holiday) as we had a 2 bedroom apartment.

    but i presume these are not the type of "guests" that the OP is inquiring about(putting 2 and 2 together regarding the OP's Nana comment), so again i cant comment on this one.

    haha ok, just joking around mate, don't worry - most wive's don't follow TV :o

  6. We ride on a motorbike here in Bangkok! CRAZY!! Don't you all agree


    Yep, I drive a car in bangkok and I am afraid most of us car owners see motorcycles as little buzzing pests that need to keep out our way. Tough but true.

    Same goes for pedestrians.

  7. don't worry stevie, our boys will carry the flag for you :o

    i hope they do james. and of course i also hope that they pick up career ending injuries.

    well, seeing we don't really have a big spanish influence in our side, I guess you mean the English lads. Don't worry about Gerrard though, I am sure he will find a way to miss the game.

  8. Got to say Rafa's explanations of how much attacking force Liverpool now have are not convincing. I know we have Babel, El Zhar and Nemeth and others, but how about some proven quality strikers? All we have are Torres and now Gerrard, as he plays striker so often these days. Kuyt's form is up and down for me and the rest are unproven but with potential.

    i just don't see us as being any weaker, jim. keane showed that he couldn't play as a lone front man and couldn't adapt to play in a three behind a lone front man, so we're no worse off. it does mean the likes of babel and benayoun have to step their acts up now, but then that was always going to be the case. as was worrying about torres getting injured again.

    tell you what though, there's an england - spain friendly later this month. torres must not be allowed to play in it.

    don't worry stevie, our boys will carry the flag for you :o

  9. Hi Neverdie - I have CPR training. But I'm doing a visa run to Singapore in a couple of weeks and am attending an AED course with the Red Cross whilst I'm over there - just to make sure my certificates are all uptodate :o


    Hi Simon: really, when the time comes, nobody cares about the certificates - just whether or not you know how to use it mate.

    Regarding the big donation, unlikely that fine gentleman reads tv much so why not pop off a short letter to a paper in sweden?

  10. ThiThi it is your fault you have started the infatuation with the word “peeps”. Jamie you are way off topic, what dose 0069 have to do with sweet treats? You are being a bit seedy and a tad insensitive to Miss Apple here. I think you should just go and share some Twinkies with your friends. Behave your self !!

    Would love to share my twinkie with Thithi but sadly we are talking about muffins here, not puffins - which is a bird, so back on top _ ic,

    Some 5* hotels have very nice one's loaded with berries and such. Marriot is good, Landmark ok.

  11. I see this topic is off to a roaring start - well done RJT.

    As for the question at hand. Thailand. Nothing. YOur country - just about everything but i digress.

    Hmmm..."my country-just about everything"...now i could see that as a personal attack...some people might be very patriotic about their home land......but I will agree with you in some ways, Yes Americas reputation has gone down hill, and there is a lot of things that America stands for that I dont like..... but you cant tunn around and say "thailand. Nothing" now you are being just ignorant. :o

    Ignorant no, sarcastic yes, but that's one thing I do like about you NY folk, great restaurants. :D

  12. Seems good value on Agoda - B1750.

    Can anyone confirm if this place is good value and guest friendly?

    Is it a little too far from Nana?


    I lived there for 3 years once before moving on to another place.

    It is expensive,in the top tier for serviced apartments in bangkok, and hence has every ammenity you could want.

    Across the road from All Seasons Place/Conrad Hotel , bang smack in the middle of the major embassy area etc....

    It is very close to soi 4...a short walk. And also a short walk up to Paragon, Siam Square, a slightly longer walk down to Lumpini, Sala Daeng, Silom, Surawong etc......Ploenchit sky train is right on your doorstep too.

    Cant comment on the "guest" situation.

    Nice review, but are you saying that over the last 4 years you have been very lonely KK?

  13. Why has there been no discussion on ice-cream cake? Seriously its godda be the best of both worlds right? ice cream and cake. Just add some gummy bears on it followed by some chopped browies. Heak your in the zooooooone!

    Jamie you should try a milk shake. But make sure you last longer then 2 mins to get it all frothy up.

    Milk Shake, now that's something I haven't had in a while here.

    By the way all you peeps, the name is Bond, James Bond - 0069, get it right.

  14. I had heard some good things about the buffet at the Athenee on Wireless Road, so I tried it out on Sunday.  I came away rather disappointed.  For 1500 baht, the choices were rather limted. THere was one carved meat, several meats to be grilled, an adequate pasta bar, a couple sad-looking western dishes, a few Thai dishes, a minimal salad bar, and a limited dessert choices.

    BBO, don't believe everything you read in BK magazine mate. Sukhothai is very good. BTW, give the Grand Millenium a miss IMO.

  15. ah no i dnt mind at all :D i do eat muffins sometimes... but just less than cake hehe

    jamie - dnt eat too much sweets... u know at your AGE u needa be careful, u dnt wish u have....diabetes and obese , do u?

    .... oh actually errr...... you errr.... :D

    well my lovely Thithi, are your age you need to watch your rear-end or all those sweets you eat may end up putting you at the front of the buffet line, but back of the gig list. :o

  16. There was a thread about cake?


    Well, our lovely Ms Apple seems to think there is big enough difference between having your cake and eating a muff-in as well. Personally, both together make for a sweet treat.

    Back on Topic, Starbucks / Au Bon Pan muffins are ok, but I am much more of pie eater myself.

    Exactly...khun James!!

    I am complicated for putting food stuffs into my tummy.

    Muffins, is really different to cake since it's consisted of vegetable oil, so its texture will be moist but not make me 'feel' creamy.

    A lot in LOS, more like cup cake to me.. I don't really fancy of.

    Well, I am sure RJT has a few suggestions to help make you feel 'creamy' but I will leave that to him. :D Personally, I prefer brownies.

  17. As to the lady in question changing her property into other peoples names, this Judgement stays in force for another 10 years and even if I do not get 1 Satong back, she will know that I am there in the background looking into whatever property she does own and ready to snatch it from her and that alone gives me a certain amount of pleasure. I can drive past her house or park up for short periods of time and linger outside her door looking at the car in her drive on the pretext of checking out her assets and she will know I am there :o

    As long as I do not make a nuisance of myself or cause any disturbance or damage, I can be there looking and have her thinking.

    No offence, mate. Do you know anything about this country? If you try to snatch anything with or without a court order, there is a good chance you'll end up dead.

    If on the slim chance you do succeed in getting your 100,000 Baht, you had better not hang around Thailand too long and if you do, don't follow a predictable routine. Do you know any high level army or police that can offer you protection? Do you plan to spend a good chunk of your future here? Is 100,000 Baht or antagonising somebody worth it?

    I love these threads where the "you will end up dead" crew come out of the wood work. These advocates of cowardice and rolling over dead and taking it up the ... well you know.

    We are talking about 100k baht.

    I have had personal involvement in a lawsuit involving much more than that and am still on amicable terms with the family of the defendant.

    My lawyers managed to negotiate a full settlement without even going to court, and i never personally discussed it with the defendant, even when approached. I gave a deadline and once it elapsed i told him it was up to the lawyers now, talk to them.

    In essence i removed myself from the proceedings. by avoiding direct confrontation and employing the right collector, i got my money back and no one lost face.

    while i think the OP comes off as a vindictive, petty waste of skin little better than a stalker, i am more disgusted by the keep your head down and no one will kill you crew.

    I do not have to hide when i am in the loclality, i do not know a police general, and everyone knows that i am not a soft touch, i will, and i did fight back -- for money, not revenge.

    Ialso learned not to beleive Bangkok Bank when they tell you, yes sir, no problem, the cheque has been cancelled, payment has been stopped.

    My hero, you are.

  18. OK I know there are gonna be some of you who are gonna slate me but lets see where this goes.........

    6 months ago I got a girl to finish working in a bar.......... she had only been there a couple of days and came direct from the "Isaan Girl Factory" so she was not being too corrupted..... I know this as i know the bar owner and he had got the lady from Issaan himself.... and no baby to look after :-)

    We had been getting on very very well..... I had been giving her 20k a month of which she always sent 4k to her mum and dad, I pay for all the apartment and bills, food and drink and when we go out she never has to pay for anything......so she literally has 16k a month just for her........ then i left out an atm slip showing a LARGE balance and all hel_l broke loose.

    "Why do you only give me 20k a month when you make xxxxxxx amount per month " blah blah blah you can imagine the rest........ anyway to cut a long story short. I went to Hua Hin to visit a client for a couple of days and all the time i was there she was calling me and sms-ing me telling me that i have taken another girl and i never take care her etc etc............ When i got back is all I got was ear ache so i thought I can really do without this and we split up....... I gave her an extra 10K on top of her 20k to make sure she had a few baht to sort out a room etc.

    Anyway............ the question I want answering .................. Do you think giving a girl 20K a month is being a cheap charlie irrespective of what i do or earn???

    Or do you think that because she saw my atm slip that she suddenly saw lots and lots of 1000baht notes and was trying it on???

    To be honest its only been 4 days we have been apart but I am really missing the girl............... I look forward to your comments



    But you are getting what you paid for.

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