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Posts posted by bkkjames

  1. ITS A FILM!!!!!!! for crying out loud! Why do people expect fantasy films to depict real events ???????????

    Vietnam is a real country, Vietnam War was a real war, Vietnamese are real people. We are not talking about hobbits and dwarfes here. These movies create REAL stereotypes.

    Exactly, now go complain to the Thais about the farang stereotypes in their movies. :o

  2. I have a hobby thanks but it's a bit hot for running at that time of day. So Cambodia was under Vietnam control? and flying the Vietnam flag? is that correct?

    Haha, I tell you what, why don't you write to old Chuckie boy and tell you him you want them to re-edit the movie. Like a fiction novel, I think its up to the author/director to decide what he wants to put in his book / movie.

    As for the sad F'rs on here, what are doing watching the movie in the first place mate? :o

  3. Yesterday in a moment of sheer boredom I started to watch a movie called Braddock, to cut a long story short it was so bad and so clichéd I felt I had to watch it all the way through. For those that don't know it about Chuck Norris as Colonel Braddock who goes into Vietnam 11 years after the war to rescue his family that were left there.

    Anyway despite all the clichéd Characters there was one major geographical blip, Braddock is leading a group of children away from Vietnam, he claims to be 90 Km from the Thai border (at this point I think 'oh he must be in Cambodia now so why are the Vietnamese still chasing), they steal a plane and crash near the Thai border then make their way to the border. The border is a short bridge between Vietnam and Thailand, one side flying the Vietnam flag and the other flying the Thailand flag.

    Am I missing something, did Cambodia or Laos not exist in any form or is geography so poor in America they didnt realise either country was between Vietnam and Thailand, or did they just simplify it in the knowledge that american movie goers wouldnt even realise it's not possible to cross from Vietnam straight into Thailand


    Well, seeing as that movie is over 25 years old, who really cares. Maybe had something to do with the fact the because the movie was shot in Thailand, part of the deal was to make sure the country was prominent? Is is just me or do LP fans really go out of their way to try and take the p on America but end up making themselves look foolish in the process? :D

  4. What does it cost to live in NYC or London or Brisbane? Questions such as that cannot be answered as there are too many personal variables to give anything but meaningless ranges.


    I agree, perhaps the OP can tell us what he will make and we can tell him if it makes any sense to come here. Just guessing but unless he is taking a senior management position, he would be better off staying in / heading to India where the need for high paying IT consultants is much higher.

  5. Australia has always been there in times of disaster to help our neighbours in SEA when disaster has struck with financial and millitary assistance. As many of you would have seen the Australian state of Victoria has been devasted with 100 of homes and now over 175 deaths due to the fires.

    May I suggest that it would be very much appreciated if the countries of ASEAN could offer some eningeering and construction troops with English speaking officers to assist. They wouldn't be expected to fight the main fires as that is much to dangerous but would be of great value in making fire breaks and helping put out spot fires thereby releasing and giving the locals fire fighters a rest.

    Although they may not be needed just the jesture would surely be appreciated by the people of Australia to know that our friends are willing to help.

    Is this an official request to the ministry of foreign affairs or a request for TV members to jump on a plane and fly to Melbourne?

  6. thank degilbo. Anyone happen to know if English addresses are understood? For example, the address my gf gave me says " [number here] Sooh Kankah Worrarat [number here]" ... but i found it on google maps and they say "Soi Chan [number here] Yaek [number here]"

    They sound close enough to where I think they're just alternative romanizations of the thai words... so how in the hel_l will the delivery guy know what to do? The first number in my gf's version is her apartment number I assume, and why google has 2 numbers for the soi i don't know. thanks for any advice on this- maybe i'll just insert a link to the google maps page when i describe the address.

    [oh and mods, there's like 700 apartments that could fall under the addresses above if u insert different numbers, so please don't delete this post thinking ur protecting me from compromising my gf's security or whatever :o thanks]

    mate, make sure to include your gal's mobile number with your order so they can call her for directions.

  7. Holy mackerel. Is violence up?

    My wife has just been filling me in on the Thai news she reads.


    ATM robberies are up, Thai victims! Only use them in daylight, crowded conditions.


    Her brother in law, who owns a lumber factory, had 3 gold necklaces on. A gang hit his car; when he got out he was knocked unconscious and woke up in the hospital.


    They recently caught a gang who would crash a woman's car, take her by gun point to a hotel and max out her atm for days until it was cleaned out, while raping her. The victims kept it a secret from their friends and family because they were 'disgraced'. sheesh


    She says they are finding babies in garbage cans and on the streets in alarming numbers. School girls who get pregnant, just off load the newborns.


    some crooks disguise as monks to commit crimes, and many real monks have been caught for rapes


    add the buses where the passengers were recently drugged out and possesions stolen

    the music teacher in Chang Mai murder and robbery - Did they ever arrest anyone for that???

    the young fella killed and robbed in Phuket

    No disrespect to your gal - but you make some pretty bold statements here based on what she is telling you she heard or read.

    True things do happen here (like they do in the west) but the difference is they get reported on the front pages of every newspaper here. The one about the babies is rediculous, yes one was found last week...ONE. I wonder how many are found on any given day in Los Angeles or Chicago in comparison.

    Robberies though, I expect to rise, both here and elsewhere.

  8. THere are a couple points that should be noted by IQ tests.  First, IQ test given to toddlers tend to vary signifcantly. The testing methods are just not that accurate.

    Second, while IQ tests that result in scores around 100 tend to be pretty stable, tests in outliers above and below that can vary significantly from test to test.

    And third, an IQ is only one measure of potential, not of success or even of knowledge.  I have been tested numerous times, and my scores range from 158 to 172. Yet I barely made the top 1/3 of my undergraduate class.  I got my act together later and was the top student for both my masters and my doctorate, but I was far out-performed but hundreds of students as an undergradaute, students who had far lower IQ's.  My roommate had an IQ of 120, yet he kicked my butt scholastically (and he was an EE major).

    A high IQ might be nice bragging rights or get a person into Mensa, but it is hardly any sort of free pass into success.

    Genius is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration.  Thomas Edison

    158 to 172, you are smarter than you seem :o

  9. he's absolutely spot on that writer. i've never seen a reaction like we got at the weekend, we won the match, rafa got his tactics and personnel right, and still the man gets vilified.

    Probably something to do with the fact of who you were playing more than anything. Look at this way, for a change the London paper boys have a new target in Rafa and are just milking it for all its worth.

    As for the previous poster, so when you are 2-1 down, you honestly thought you would win? That is confidence!

  10. does anyone know of a gym or fitness center in BKK which has racquetball courts? i would like to play (or just go slam the ball against the wall repeatedly which is good enough for me :o ).... also, is squash the same as racquetball?

    The ball is the big difference to me. There is very little bounce in a sq. ball vs a raq. ball. Consequently, you do a lot more runing while playing raq ball.

    Perhaps it also has to do with short racquets?

  11. what was the IQ test Result????? ..... then you can see for yourself :D

    His test result was 130, which test they used I have no idea.

    The last time I took one I got a 130 as well. Does that mean I am as smart at 4 year old or is it the 4 year old is as smart as a 40 year old? Confused I am. :o

  12. Hi new to this forum and would appreciate any advice.

    Is it possible to lease a property in Thailand and then use it for business purposes.

    My husband and I would like to run a small guest house in Thailand and would like to know if this is possible.

    We are UK and Australian citizens.

    Many thanks


    Maggy, the Real Estate Forum on here is full of "expert" advice. Maybe someone could move this???

  13. When Man Utd win by the odd goal away from home despite hardly having a shot on target, they are deemed unstoppable.

    I can't think of any game this season (exception of the LP game_ that we have not outshot our opponents by a wide margin.

    The rest of the stuff where he believes LP would win after trailing on two occaisions is pure 'after the fact' reporting.

    The stuff about Chelsea is humorous at best. Only 3 league titles - compared to LP, how many in the last decade? Still clinging to that old one. :o

  14. Our contracts with our advertisers prohibit comments with regard to advertisements which appear on our forums.

    Fair enough to look after your own interests. But it is strange that that a site that supposedly encourages expats to share info and find their way around the good, the bad & the ugly of living in Thailand has a policy that basically encourages anyone with a dodgy business to pay to promote themselves knowing that they will be immune from criticism and will have their reputation defended staunchly by Mods. Whereas other, possibly better, companies who don't advertise are open for criticism.

    It's called the Golden Rule mate, he who has the gold - makes the rules, take it or leave it. :o

  15. According to Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozzarella_di_Bufala_Campana, it is manufactured in Thailand. Also, this website mentions it too http://www.expatica.com/fr/lifestyle_leisu...n-Thailand.html

    Do they actually make real mozzarella here? I have never seen it in any of the stores or delis. And I am almost certain that, despite this article, Pizza company does not use buffalo mozzarella.

    It should be porcelain white in color, stringy, soft, and melt in your mouth.

    add salt, black pepper and eat with tomato, pepperoni and olives. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........

    Dave, picked some up at Villa on 33 over the weekend, not cheap 249 baht for a ball of it.

  16. grant took chelsea to within a whisker of the league and a couple of instances of stupidity of the european cup and got sacked for it. he was hard done by. scolari's been even harder done by. the way chelsea are treating their managers in recent times can't make it the most appealing job to top managers right now.

    agreed, why would Zola want to go to that circus when he can stay at WH and build his reputation as a manager (gain experience) and maybe someday when Ambro is out of the picture - return to Chelsea.

  17. should never have sacked mourniho (sp)

    any one seen the odds for the new manager ?

    3/1 Gus Hiddink

    4/1 Avram Grant

    9/2 Frank Rijkaard

    8/1 Mancini

    8/1 Zola

    8/1 Erikksson

    16/1 Mourhino

    I'll take 9/2 with Frankie boy. Should have left Scolari and fired Wilkens

  18. Huntsman has three different kinds of seating configurations, if I recall correctly.

    1. a rectangular central bar-tending area ringed by bar stools.

    2. upholstered booths sized to accommodate 4 or 6 around the perimeter walls.

    and 3. loose and moveable/arrangeable tables in between 1 and 2..., which would seem to fit best for accommodating any larger groups of folks.

    In general, the Huntsman Pub is a very comfortable and low-key place for dining and drinking, and the Filipino band that's permanently stationed there serves up a good evening of mostly pop and mainstream farang hit songs.

    Though without their Happy Hour specials or any other special accommodation, an evening of serious drinking at the Huntsman gets to be a bit pricey because the pub is still part of the rather pricey Landmark Hotel.

    They've been running/advertising the regular Happy Hour specials for quite some time. But the mention above about the 2-for-1 Jack Daniels bottles and glasses (24/7) is one I've not heard of or seen advertised by them before.

    Thanks JFC for the seating review. The Marketing Director said in a PM that he would allow us to be grouped together. As for costs of drinks, they are in line with prices we experienced at the last P-Up before Christmas.

    As for renaming Thithi's Birthday, well, we'll have to vote on that at the event proper. :o

  19. Dreams are a wonderful thing stevie - without them there is not much hope.

    hope is the essence of football, james.

    which is why we walk on with it in our hearts.

    Awww, now i know where that stupid saying "You'll Never Walk Alone" came from. :o

    Enjoy the weekend everyone.

  20. Does anyone know where I can get Bacon that is NOT cut wafer thin?

    I think I have tried just about every brand going but I still live in hopes.

    I like the taste of the Belucky streaky but its Oh so thin,,,cook it too long and it shrivels away to nothing.

    Have tried Yorkies,streaky,middle cut and gammon....too thin and tastless.

    So I just cant have a cheese and bacon sarnie.....life is sad.

    If you go to a foodland or villa, you should be able to find various types of bacon in the deli section un-cut and cut.

  21. Advertising pays most of a typical newspaper's budget, so there's a built-in conflict of interest in terms of reporting objectivity. Managing editors will claim otherwise of course.

    I've worked for newspapers in several different countries, and the experience from one to the other differed relatively little. All practiced self-censorship to some degree. Certainly newspapers in some countries I've written for (Malaysia, Singaore and Mexico come to mind) enjoyed less press freedom that, say, the Post or The Nation.

    At the end of the day, is there any vocation or profession that doesn't involve some degree of moral compromise? I doubt it :o

    i'd like to explain why mate but I'd either be arrested or at least kicked off TV. WWW.PRACHATAI.COM wiil explain all go there and we can talk buddy.

    Thailand is far more obsessive about certain issues.I would say in todays climate the most repressed nation on earth.

    Most repressed nation, haven't been to the middle east lately have you? ahhahaa learn to seperate sensationalism from fact and some people might take your posts more seriously mate.

    maybe you should re-arrange your statement, if you are speaking about media freedom - well I have no thoughts on that really, but in general I find this country to be very open.

    Try being gay in malaysia for example.

  22. Hi there,

    Just a quick question. Whats the age group of peoples meeting up, its not over 60s is it?


    Despite certain poster's screen-names, for the most part we are 25-40 I would guess, but if Thithi comes and brings along her groupies and gf's, the average age will come down a bit.

    Anyways Sean, you have something against senior citizens mate? You will be one someday :o

  23. Possible for sure, but more interesting will be the look on Rafa's face when he does the same against you. :o

    that's fine. we beat them 2-1 on the last day to clinch the title, keane can score for them and collect his league winner's medal afterwards. :D

    Dreams are a wonderful thing stevie - without them there is not much hope.

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