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Posts posted by Joebuzz

  1. 1 hour ago, bkk6060 said:

    Here we go again.

    Have you ever traveled this country outside your comfortable $60 a bottle box?

    Because, this is not your country, or your up bringing, or your parents, or your culture.

    Traveling and learning about the world??

    Believe it or not get outside the box and most people here are still just trying to survive.

    Put food on the table and get by day by day.

    It is not going to change any time soon this is still mostly close to a 3rd world country.

    It is unbelievable to me that people think this place should be like where they came from and their world.

    You seem like an intelligent fellow, but sadly seem to be clueless on this topic.

    Using your logic I guess I'd be just fine backpacking through the jungles of the Congo or maybe trekking through Syria.

  2. On 8/2/2018 at 6:43 AM, worgeordie said:

    It's harder finding Farang tenants for rental properties now,

    10 years ago relatively easy,now its Chinese (only as a last

    resort) and Thais (never again),not racist ,just good business


    regards worgeordie

    I was extorted by both condo owners in my 3 years there.  Extorted by the police.  Robbed by two women I had known for 6 months.  Knew better than to swim in the ocean (I was warned my first week there).  Honestly, when I left I was so glad to be gone.  I'd never go back or even recommend someone go there.  Next time I visit Thailand I won't be leaving the airport unless it's on a plane.

  3. Doesn't bother me at all.  I realized what a dump the place was and left.  There's no ocean to swim in.  'Good' food is overpriced.  Everyone is greedy and corrupt.  Yep, let's complain about our choice on where we pucked to live.  Even beer is overpriced.  Most of the women aren't worth a second look.  Really found nothing great about living there.

  4. I look forward to America stopping taxpayer money going to the whole damn world, ESPECIALLY countries that clearly hate America.  WE DON'T NEED THEM.  America is one of the youngest countries in the world.  Why are we one of the most advanced?  Because the rest have been ruled by corrupt regiems or absurd religions....and still are.  American taxpayers are sick of footing the bill to drag 3rd world countries into the future.  Let them eat sticks.

  5. I once met an American living in Mexico.  The neighbors took him in to help him.  I gave him sheets, a pillow, some food and clothing.  Within a few days I got to know him.  Two years prior his house had been robbed an he was severely beaten.  When he woke up in a Red Cross hospital he didn't remember much about anything prior to the beating.  I went through his wallet with him and found some information I could use.  Within a week his family was there to pick him up and take him home.  They thought he was gone for good.  He was only 35.  Two years a bum in Mexico will retard you even without a beating.  As it turned out his family was wealthy enough and he had just rented a trailer on the beach to surf and have fun for a year.  


    So....Do not judge...lest ye be judged.

  6. On 11/23/2017 at 11:43 PM, Cadbury said:

    It looks like back to the knitting for Kobkarn. If she is dumped the country will certainly miss her creativeness.   

    Lest we Forget: Kobkarn Watanavarangul and TAT's Thai tourism attractions and hubs.

    ·        Durian Kit Kat tourists

    ·        Pokemon Go tourists

    ·        Rusting naval base tourists

    ·        Jetski tourists hub

    ·        Eliminate prostitution

    ·        Sports tourists hub

    ·        Medical tourists hub

    ·        Jewellery tourists hub

    ·        Pattaya good clean family tourist fun hub.

    ·        Target wealthy Chinese tourists who normally go to Japan

    ·        Target wealthy Japanese tourists who normally go to Taiwan

    ·        Promote 400B National Parks for tourists

    ·        Promote off-season tourism

    ·        Attract Chinese couples for marriage in Thailand

    ·        World film locations hub

    ·        Rainy season tourist programme

    ·        Village to the World project

    ·        Gastronomy tourism

    ·        Wedding and honeymoon hub

    ·        Indian Bollywood stars hub

    ·        Thai Sustainable Tourism in Thai Way of Life Project

    ·        Attract India couples for marriage in Thailand

    ·        Thailand Golf Paradise hub

    ·        Cultural world heritage development in lower northern provinces

    ·        Married couples hub


    You failed to mention the "HiSo" wealthy single women coming to Pattaya for the yachting.

  7. 7 hours ago, Dazspur said:

    Oh dear, hand out more weapons. Really?


    All countries with gun controls have seen immediate and drastic reductions in gun related deaths.


    This makes for very sobering (and disturbing) reading http://www.gunviolencearchive.org/


    12,000 deaths and 25,000 injuries in 2017 alone YTD with year on year increases is unimaginable in any civilised country.

    Yeah, don't bother to mention the 1.5 million times a year that firearms prevented crime or death.  I carry everywhere.  I do enjoy reading about dumb <deleted> doing a home invasion and not living to tell about it.  Or the carjacking where the perp ends up dead in the street.  Best yet...three Taco Bell employees open fire on an armed robber.  Loved it.  The most used weapon on earth for murder?  The machete.  You...call 911.  Me...I'll live most likely.  The police, most all the time, show up to count bodies and take notes.  They actually "save" very few.

  8. 1 hour ago, Briggsy said:

    You have failed to grasp how the Thai police work. You have overlaid the fundamental principles of Western policing on a very Thai situation. The result is you are left confused.


    The Thai police use a different method for resolving cases. It is outcome-led. The most desirable outcome is first decided upon. The criteria for deciding this is related to the relative social status of the various stakeholders in the case. Then evidence which supports the 'most desirable outcome' is accentuated whilst evidence which doesn't is discarded or even altered or hidden.


    The goal of this style of policing is to preserve hierarchical power structures within society and to allow those with higher status greater protection.


    Once you have grasped all this, your confusion will be no more. You might also think about ways to boost your own social status within Thai society so you too can enjoy greater protection from prosecution or even others with social status who might do you harm.

    Or you could realize that you're just another target and buy a plane ticket.

  9. 8 hours ago, jackdd said:

    Of course as people mentioned before all littering should be addressed at all places, not just cigarettes at the beach (and of course the government / shops etc. should be responsible to put enough trash cans), but that's at least a start. And besides of the littering aspect i also don't want to smell the smoke of the cigarettes, so i welcome this step

    It's nothing more than a tourist money grab Jack.  I guess you better quit taking a crap because you're polluting the ocean just as much as everyone else.

  10. 40 minutes ago, nisakiman said:

    Why the sudden mania by the military rulers to clear the streets of vendors? Street vendors are an integral part of Thailand, and the country would be poorer without them. They add colour, choice, economy and convenience to the lives of the people who live nearby, not to mention a means of making a living for the vendors themselves. Many Thai cities are concrete jungles, and without the vendors they have little appeal. I really don't understand why the authorities want to clear them out. Ok, some of them may create obstructions, but that can be easily dealt with on a case by case basis. I've never found it to be a major inconvenience to thread my way past them. If you're in that much of a hurry, perhaps Thailand isn't the place to be.


    When I'm in Bangkok, I usually stay in Saphan Kwai, not far from the BTS. There used to be some great food stalls up and down the main drag - it was quite vibrant, but now they've been thrown out, the place is just a rather grim, dirty semi-subterranean piece of road with very little to offer apart from the Big C supermarket.


    Why can't petty officials just stop meddling in other people's lives? What they are doing is of no benefit to anyone and a substantial loss to many.

    Sounds like they're all democrats.

  11. 8 hours ago, tigermoth said:

    It has to start somewhere. Your attitude is just what the country doesn't need, a pathetic whining little person who expects someone else to do all the work.

    ROTFLMFAO ! ! !  What have you been smokin'?  Do you actually think that ANY EDUCATED THAI cares what a farang thinks?  The only thing that will change is you growing old waiting for Thailand to wake up.

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