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Posts posted by Joebuzz

  1. 5 hours ago, billd766 said:


    Read the world news.


    Things like this happen all over the first world countries as well.


    I rarely use hospitals here in Thailand but when I have I have had no qualms about the training that the hospital staff received.


    You always do your best to find fault with this government but if you think about it few elected governments did anything either.


    Why not bitch about them too, or doesn't that fit in with your agenda?

    Wrong!  If you enter an ER in the USA with chest OR serious abdominal pain you are seen immediately.  A check on his blood pressure would have likely saved him before he bled out internally.

  2. 10 hours ago, LennyW said:

    Cant believe this crap gets bandwidth, has nobody noticed its been raining heavily lately ?? and these massive storm drains are .....well, draining the water from storms!! Surprise surprise!! 

    And to correct the article, Pollution and excrement is NOT pumped into the sea......the storm water run off carries with it all that is free to move and drains into the sea!!!.



    You sir, are absolutely 100%, to be politically correct and not call you a liar, are stating information that is erroneous. 

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  3. On 7/17/2017 at 11:17 PM, darksidedog said:

    Nice, but not very smart it would seem. Given TAT tells us there are record numbers of tourists here, the locals shouldn't need to be stealing from each other, but I guess all those tourists have gone somewhere other than Pattaya and aren't here to be robbed. I do agree though, way too much phone theft going on here, not to mention bags and necklaces.

    She is quite pretty though. If she doesn't have a spare phone, I wouldn't mind going down there and giving her one.:smile:

    I'd just give her a call....LOL

  4. 2 hours ago, Classic Ray said:

    Why don't other countries need to do this to protect their tourism industries? In the U.K. anyone can open a business and provide these services.


    The businesses that survive are the ones that provide the best service at the most reasonable cost


    Why does Thailand need to be protected from market forces? This policy reduces competition and restricts the market to those who are the most corrupt and who pay off the right people.

    You just explained why Thailand does this.  They let the cash cow grow until it's time to slaughter it.

  5. 11 hours ago, quadperfect said:

    So after 4 years of everyon on tv saying that chinese dont spend money and its all bs the folks upstairs are finally just now figuring this out.

     I guess now they might also realize that the crack downs have also made the other countrys who used to visit not to ever return.

    Oh but after you commited western tourist suicide its a bit late. Or did the aussy not come here before and now they are the new great white wale of hope.

    I am one that spent $40K a year for 3 years and will never return.

  6. On 7/13/2017 at 9:43 PM, Xonax said:

    Proper waste and wastewater management is what Thailand  desperately needs, rather than submarines and high-speed trains!

    I have seen the same kind of dirty beaches and black colored water several places in Thailand. Even in Khao Lak.  This has stopped my frequent visits to the beaches of Thailand and will eventually be the death of Thailands profitable tourism-industry.  Thailand is killing the goose that laid the golden eggs.


    You mean KILLED.  I spent $40K a year there hoping to retire permanently at the beach.  Due to the filth, constant police traffic harassment, and lying and thieving from just about everyone I had to give it up.  I now have a clean beach, good fishing and cheap living elsewhere.  I will never go back!

  7. 29. Civil engineering work including design, quantity surveying, organization, research, testing, looking after the progress of work, and giving advice (exception: specialist work).   It's now obvious to me why Jomtien has light poles taking up 40% of NEW sidewalks and why it takes them over a year to install 100 meters of storm drain before turning the job over to the city to finish.  Of course the rest of the boardwalk has this wonderful homemade steps and a nice drop for the kids onto the lower walk.  Lame is what I see.

  8. 13 hours ago, Cool Guy 5000 said:

    What an awful society it really is. It's quite sad as you come to realize just how disgusting Thailand is, my love for the place dies every day and it saddens me to say this.

    It took 3 years for me.  I will never go back.  The fact is, they don't really like us.  Why be there?  There are better places to retire.

  9. 5 hours ago, the guest said:

    So the foreigner is now a sitting duck, he will have to look over his shoulder for most of the time whilst in Thailand. 

    I ended up in the same boat after telling someone my "girlfriend" stole 5000 baht.  She had neighbors watching me to call her when I went out.  I concluded that I would move to a more populated area 5 miles away.  Of course now I'm hundreds of miles away and would never go back.  We are but targets in a gallery in Pattaya waiting for someone with a good aim.

  10. 23 hours ago, tartempion said:

    Still have not met the only English knowledgeable teacher or person in my daughters school. All other personal in that school does not understand a single English word.
    She does get one (1) hour of English though. Why would Thai teachers need English anyway? There is no use/need for English in this country.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

    I spent 3 years there meeting people from all over the world and most ALL had a much greater understanding of English.  Yet living in a tourist area, where you would think people would have a desire to communicate with those bringing the money, I found that their Thai exceptionalism is killing their chances of actually increasing their income.  As a retiree it was totally frustrating and I gave up.  As another said, Cambodia and Vietnam are both on my future itinerary as Thailand no longer is.  I only spent about $40,000 a year there but it won't happen again.  Far too many negatives to consider it again other than just the language.

  11. 5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    The point that Prayut is missing is that those living overseas CAN criticise him. Most of those living here are too scared of being thrown in prison or sent for attitude readjustment, to be able to speak their true minds. But let's face it, their criticism of eroding democracy and human rights are absolutely bang on the money. If he doesn't want to face such comments, he could always hold free elections and restore full freedom of speech!

    You are absolutely correct!  I have a retirement visa but after 3 years there I will NEVER return unless it's a stop at the airport on my way to somewhere else.

  12. On 6/29/2017 at 5:05 AM, Arkady said:

    It is definitely very strange. This decree is not just an amendment to existing laws.  It is a replacement.  In Section 3 it cancels the 2008 Working of Aliens Act and 22016 Decree on recruitment of foreign labour.  It was approved by the cabinet in March before the new constitution came into effect but has been passed after the constitution came into effect when new laws have to go through a public hearing process, allowing stakeholders to give their views.  Before the 2008 Working of Aliens Act was passed there were detailed public hearings.  Thai industry bodies and foreign chambers of commerce were rightly and properly invited to air their views.   There are huge implications for Thai employers and for foreign investors and in the interests of the economy and society as a whole one would have thought that they and any other stakeholders, such as Thai labour groups would have been allowed their say this time too, through a normal legislative process. 


    Normally legislation through Royal decrees is reserved for emergency legislation, particularly relating to financial and tax issues, as well as security issues.  They seem to be representing this as a security issue.     

    They will "represent" it as whatever they see fit as the gov't transitions to communism.

  13. 10 hours ago, LazySlipper said:

    That is exactly what Hitler did by using the Jewish people as a scapegoat. 


    The way they treat us here makes me wonder if we will become Thailand's scapegoat. 


    The stage is surely right for this...


    BIB-->brown shirts?

    You are correct.  The time for trying to retire in Thailand is over.  I expect full blown communism in 10 years or less as the military replaces the police.

  14. On 6/28/2017 at 5:42 AM, whatawonderfulday said:

    Don't worry about it, it is just the Thai administration becoming ultra xenophobic day by day because they are so incompetent at running their own country effectively they blame everything and anything on foreigners . A fascist state just a door knock away

    You are absolutely correct. I had planned to start a business there and realized it just would not be worth my time, effort, or money.

  15. 9 hours ago, mikebell said:

    As a microcosm of the housing picture our estate has 62 houses with only 2 defaulters on Maintenance fees in the last six years.  (Both Thais.)

    Despite the estate having 1.5 million in the bank; being well run by a Committee of 8 (4 farangs/4 Thais) there are 18 houses up for sale.

    As police corruption continues to bite, more and more farangs are seeking pastures new.

    My new pasture has clean beaches and food I can trust.  Fishing is great too.  I really DID want to retire there but alas, the place doesn't hold a candle to where I am now.

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