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Everything posted by 1happykamper

  1. A creep? Hardly. The world is too full of sensitive types.. Like you
  2. How very pathetic this story is. I'm guessing by consulting her family.. That's code for.. Shall we get money from the farang Another fine example of such fragile egos and greedy mindset.
  3. So she is guilt but has connections so she's laughing at justice. Just another day in paradise. Put this trash in prison for 10 years
  4. Another day in Thailand. Absolutely no one cares. No one is really in charge in Thailand. Money for nothing and the chick's ain't free. One more safety disaster....the boat fell apart 555. One more urgent committee meeting today to address safety issues in sure. Nothing will be accomplished. The beat goes on.
  5. Geeeeez. That driver was going FAST! Not much left of that car. A tragedy and probably very avoidable if the driver slowed down. 🙏
  6. It starts with everyone acting responsibly and acting like adults. Thai have this saving face BS wrapped around them. The simple truth is that Thai have the emotional maturity of a 7 year old kid. If Thai don't get their way they act out and often get very violent. Still a partly barbaric society. Another comment was that these incidents give thailand a bad name. I suspect they are eluding to how it affects cash in their pockets from tourist income. It should be about ethics, maturity and taking responsibility. Thai always deflect the truth!
  7. How would the result be any different to online? Immigration tells me to go to the office... Because I was out of thailand... But last time I returned to Thailand was June 2024 and I'm at the same address! They keep making mistakes forcing me to go to the office. What are the chances of a red stamp for not filing a tm47 for a year?
  8. I'm resurrecting this post. Chiang Mai immigration IOs are idiots. 3x my tm47s.. Done online have been rejected... and in all cases the person rejecting has made a mistake. I'm fed up of traveling to immigration to file my tm47s... and pointing out their mistakes. I'm thinking of just not filing any more tm47s. My tm30 is current... When I renew extend my Non O.. Just simply pay a 2000 baht fine for missing three tm47 a?
  9. In all other countries arson is a big deal crime. In Thailand... "carry on"! Here in chiang mai these mushroom growers burn undergrowth to produce a better crop. Farmers burn fields. Both are illegal... But no one is arrested.
  10. In other words.. "protecting her income" This line made me chuckle. Only in Thailand... Two drunks driving around... at 5 am. I know I'm old but... 5 am? Why?
  11. So you don't support the police action? Smoking in a toilet? In the cabin? They broke the law. Throw these louts out of Thailand
  12. If I send my SSA deposit to my Krungsri account...would IDD deposits show as international transfers for immigration /visa purposes?
  13. Who? What? Where? All of Thailand? Nope.
  14. Geeez.. Talk about grasping at straws You need a better hobby... My AN profile handle is simple a made up word. Try to keep up... Or go outside and get some fresh air.
  15. Another irresponsible moron behind the wheel in thailand. Never telling the truth.. Thailand brakes having a failure rate 1000x more than usa 🤣🤣🤣.
  16. What? Happy? Kamper. Where did you read.. Homo.. From those two words? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 You wish! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  17. I miss getting laid Western style.. IE... go to a bar... meet a lady... drink.. dance and then by mutual understanding that you're both horny and you BOTH want to ENJOY sex.. you frolic off to yours or there home. ONS...no harm done.. Just for pleasure.
  18. He rushed to open the hotel door at 3am? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Lonely (stupid) man
  19. This gorilla gets a 500 baht fine?! Throw this trash out. Thailand police are too soft with these trouble makers
  20. You seem lonely. Why would you even care to ask this question?
  21. It's illegal to photograph or video anyone in public for the purpose of shaming them. Right?
  22. This is really disgusting. How can Thai people stand for this nonsense. Very sad
  23. How does any not see what in front of them? A pedestrian is moving slowly.. Usually standing still for a while... So a dirt bike rider must had ample time to react. Right? ... Unless they were speeding or just not paying attention.. Thai style Very sad for the victims family RIP 🙏
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