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Posts posted by nonthaburial

  1. Highdiver a truly brilliant post, one that bought back many sweet memories many thanks for reminding how the good life really was. pehaps in your post somewhere is the reminder that when the going gets tough,the tough get going, wouldnt happen to the mambied fairies of today !!

  2. Last night I broke the plate of my false teeth. Actually it was only about half an inch that broke off and the broken part was only used as a holding section, in other words a very small part.

    Anyone with knowledge/ experience know whether a dental clinic can repair or do I need to get a replacement set made. These were made in Manila a few years ago and were not expensive ( maybe thats why they broke) but were wondering about the costs here.

    No jokes please as I am ticked off with what has happened as my potential film star role is now in jeopardy :o

  3. When I arrived here five years ago, I opened an internet account with KSC, buying a top up card when so needed.

    Last year I moved from KSC dialup to ToT broadband, so very rarely used KSC. Last week I had an e-mail from them stating that my account still held 115 hours, but would expire on a certain day and that I should buy a new "load" within 30 days.

    Obviously with ToT I no longer require KSC dial up, but if I do not top up my account will I lose my KSC e-mail address ???

  4. I am currently in the same situation, however, after being in Asia 30 years I have learnt NEVER to take short cuts on ventures such as this. I have had talks with Sunbelt and spent a number of hours with them yesterday tying up loose ends.

    believe me in this case, money spent is very much worth it. Thailand is teeming with dodgy lawyers etc who are quite happy to take your money and sometimes get you a company operating, but dont look at today, look months or years down the line and be confident that they have done it 100% legally. Trouble is you wont know until the first hurdle presents itself !!

    With Sunbelt I am happy with their advice and their expertise and feel very comfortable with them putting my affairs together

  5. as for the supermarket "thingy". Obviously the OP has not been around very much, the same "whinge" is valid in Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and to a degree Hong kong, especially at weekends.

    In my humble opinion, its a way for the not so well off to spend some time in a pleasant air conditioned environment and enjoying a couple of hours of dreamland !

    However I do agree with the trollies complaint, but no one has mentioned how, on busy times, the shop staff themselves cause bottlenecks in the supermarkets by restocking shelves using mobile pallets. Why restocking cannot be done after closing hours is beyond me.

  6. oh as an after thought, my suitcases are well travelled and have destination stickers etc all over them. I very rarely get approached, but I will admit to have seen people with"virgin suitcases" being harrassed

    Same goes for Customs as well !!!!!

  7. Sorry I fail to see your joke dr PP. One of the main reasons I asked for clarification was because its not something I am fully understanding, however, and this may dampen your humour, there is a young lady in my mooban whose face is covered by long thick hair, I understand that this is from a birth mark. However funny it is not sad. It most definately is !!

  8. a couple of months ago, a Chinese lady, who is in her late thirties and is a friend, was on business in China and whilst exiting the aircraft steps (no jetway) she fell and badly bruised her hip, thigh and lower leg.

    now, although the bruising is long gone, the area on her lower leg in the area which was bruised, has started to grow quite heavy hair !

    Now this lady, is typically Asian and as such has the usual hair free skin is now showing hair growth in the damaged area of her leg, and I mean the exact area and size of the original bruising.

    I have never come across this before - any theories ? :o

  9. Hong Kong is a difficult destination to gauge, air ticket price wise, possibly because its a lucrative route and as such airlines compete with each other to "fill the empty seats". At this very moment Thai. Cathay and China Airlines are offering return tickets under a promotion banner, prices between 8000-9700 Baht. So reasonable deals can be found.

    Having previously lived in Honkers for over 25 years, I think it fair to say I know that area very well, and because of this, I am more than happy to take AirAsia to Macau, take a 20 minute taxi ride to the HK Ferry Terminal, buy a ticket and end up in HK 50 minutes later.

    The last time I did this, I left HK late morning, took the return ferry to Macau, left my suitcases in the Ferry left luggage and then walked around Macau stocking up with good and cheap Portuguese Vino! It was then a simple case of returning to the ferry terminal, collect my baggage and take a 20 minute taxi ride back to the airport.

    As I say I know the area very well, but this method may prove to be a little daunting for those who are not familiar with HK/Macau.

    As previously mentioned, the ferries operate regularly - every 15 minutes so miss one then its only a short wait for the next one. The only downside is that at weekends or public holidays, every man and his dog leave HK for the casinos in Macau so its imperative that you ensure you have a ticket booked during those times.

    So if you have the time, not too much luggage or ankle biters give this way a go, its certainly most enjoyable

  10. Snakes in high rise apartments are certainly not new. Try checking through the back editions of the Straits Times, Singapore seems to have a real problem with this. Cobras as well as Pythons have been captured on very high floors. Theory is they come up through the drains. Be careful next time you use the thunder box, you never know whats lurking directly under the family jewels - ouch !

  11. A couple of points, someone mentioned Kookabura as being an Indian beer, did he mean Kingfisher ?????

    Secondly Red Horse beer was only brewed by SM to try and counter the local Filipino demand for cheap Gins such as Ginebra. You will see the alcohol level of Red Horse is very high and even tastes of strong alcohol. To me one bottle guarantees a mighty headache

  12. Final arrangements are being made to form a new company, based in Bangkok that will be involved in the energy sector and we are looking for a confident person to take the position of company secretary.

    the initial requirements are:-

    Ability to speak/read/write Thai, Mandarin and English and able to translate

    Male or female Thai citizen.

    Aged 26 or over

    Fully conversant with computers/e-mails etc

    Able to work with minimum supervision.

    Be able to make decisions when so required

    Will answer direct to the company MD.

    Holder of a current passport

    Probable travel envisaged so suggest it would suit a single person.

    Have a pleasant personality.

    Holder of a current driving licence is a firm requirement

    For further details, would interested parties please PM me

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