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Posts posted by nonthaburial

  1. Does a Thai need a visa to go to Macau? If its visa on arrival, how many days?

    When you arrive in Macau, do they stamp your passport with a Hong Kong Visa?

    Is it possible to arrive in Macau's airport and leave from Hong Kong's airport?

    Is there a Thai Embassy in Macau?

    Thais do not need Visas for Macau. I think 28 days given on arrival

    On arrival in Macau you will be chopped with a Macau chop - nothing to do with HK

    Yes it is possible by taking the ferry across to HK but you will need another air ticket

    No the nearest Embassy is HK

    Please understand that Macau and HK are two seperate identities

  2. Congratulations, a good move in my opInion. However a couple of things. I note again that like everyone else your quotes do not include taxes etc. I do understand why, but could you not quote for a ticket, say in 6 weeks time, but when quoting using the taxes applicable for the day the quote was offered. This would at least give some idea of the full price to be expected.

    Secondly, I am one of the minority tribe members who does not have nor need a credit card, this has caused tremendous problems in the past with things such as car hire, is there a way that you guys can get round this ?? Such as take cash here in Thailand yet book the car using your agency with your credit cards. I think if it was done by an agency then the rules would get a lot easier.

    Just my two satangs worth

  3. This type of "convenience" marriage happens a lot in Hong Kong, all marriages would be conducted at the City Hall and are low profile.

    It must be realised that in most of these marriages, the local "guy" makes a bit of money on the deal, however whether they live together or not, the local husband is held responsible for his wife. With this in mind, I feel that as in a lot of other cases I know about, that the guy would not be too unhappy with a divorce.

    BUT, if she were to divorce, then its possible she may lose her rights of abode in HK, which then is a different ball game. You did not mention what employment she has there so its difficult to give a direct answer

  4. If anyone from UBC is reading this, swapping a smartcard from one decoder to another it DOES NOT WORK.!!!!!!!!

    For everyone else :o

    It most certainly does have tried it on two different decoders !!

  5. Yes this is really a treat to watch, over 1,500 inmates strutting their stuff.I also saw the Radio Ga Ga version which I thought was better still, but I must say that must have taken a kot of work and patience, but well dome Cebu and the inmates Great stuff

  6. As I said rats are a part of life here so no need to get religious on me old boy ! Seen rats in 5 star hotels in Hong Kong, seen rats on board a certain huge cruise ship moored in HK, seen rats all over fire trucks in my travels( I am an engineer) was working in amongst them under a fire truck in Mumbai. Seen them in Sukhumvit, seen them at a large supermarket in Manila etc etc etc. So as I say have got used to them after being here in Asia for 30 years.

    Only once have I been disturbed enough to create a furore, and that was on a certain airline at Kai Tak that was about to be pushed back when a rat jumped out of the seat back in front of me jumped on my shoulder and disappeared down the aisle. Flight was grounded !!! not surprising if you have ever seen what these four legged objects do to electrical wiring, and I have seen more than my fair share of Fire trucks needing to be rewired after being munched by rats.

    Now if you had said that the the green garbage cans had attracted a family of King Cobras, then I would have fully accepted your posting and had sympathy with you. But as someone else on here has mentioned, the city that you mentioned has its fair share of rats, and not just four legged ones !!

  7. Am finding the Asian Cup to be very interesting but am finding that the voice of PJ Roberts in the commentry box to be extremely grating, which is a shame as the other guys, Reeves and Masefield are doing qjuite a good job.

    Is it just me ?

  8. Cash Converters is not owned by carrefoure. It is in fact a company who started off life as a Pawn Shop and have expanded to what it is now.

    As in the Pawn Shop they are a magnet to those who have financial problems and something to "cash in" to assist them in their situation.

    As for pricings, there seems to be a number of cases where good items can be purchased relatively cheaply whilst others seem to be expensive. Lets not lose sight of the fact that these are second hand shops, although they do have certain new items on sale which I guess may be insurance claims from damaged shipments/fires etc.

    As for them not lasting long, well they seem to be doing alright to me and in cases such as Lat Phrao and Chaeng Wattana they have been there a few years

  9. Lets expand on this a little. I have a friend who inherited UBC's cheapest package when she moved houses, for 300 a month she gets all Thai terrestial channels plus a few others. not worth the money. my thoughts are if I visit her and take my smart card which is platinum package, would I be able to receive the platinum package through my smart card in her decoder box.( god this reads very erotic)

    Failing that, then, from answers given, the way would be to take my decoder box and card to her house and swap them around

  10. as all UBC users know, there are a number of different priced packages available, and right now there is a lot of discussion going on about the EPL and how it will pan out considering the Platinum package is showing more games than the gold package.

    Now I wonder if, by removing the sim card (or whatever its called) from a decoder of a user who is paying for the platinum package, and placing into the decoder of a gold package user, whether or not the decoder would accept the sim card and show the platinum channels.

    If this should not work, how about swapping around the complete decoder box and not just the sim card.

    As I said, just a thought but I wonder if !!!! :o

  11. Following my failed visit to immigration on the 17th I tried again to day AND FAILED again. The major sticking point is the new requirements where a lot of the documentation must be original not copies.

    And a warning to you all, the new requirements that are pasted up on the walls in Immigration aka as Nightmare City very clearly states EFFECTIVE from the 13th July, so where the 8th of August date came from is beyond me !

  12. After working for the same company here legally for 5 years, my application for extension was rejected on Tuesday the 17th July, the reason for the rejection was that my paperwork did not include the new requirements as stated by the OP.

    So either the immigration officer got it wrong or that these new rulings are already in effect. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am of course very concerned as my present visa expires on the 26th July.

    Can sunbelt confirm that the 28th August is the commencement date for these new requirements.

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