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Posts posted by nonthaburial

  1. Simon, I have been keeping myself updated on your very trying situation, you seem one hel_l of a guy, however, I fail to see how you can concentrate fully on either your hotel OR your wife in such circumstances.

    Surely you need to take the time to get away from Phuket for a short period to give your wife 100% of your very valuable time.

    I say this as a way of trying to help you and for that reason only, I am a Chief Engineer working in BKK, I have been here 5 years and would willingly take a weeks leave to come and look after your hotel whilst you took the time with your wife. All I would need is a room and one meal a day, I would not accept payment. I merely want to help out.

    Please PM me if you wish to discuss further or for any other way you would need help

  2. Many, in fact too many attitudes towards fire and fire safety are downright frightening. I have heard such things said on more than one occasion "Fires dont happen to me, they happen to my neighbours" and

    "why should I worry, I am insured".

    Sadly majority of tourists are just not aware that many of the tourist areas are nothing more than potential death traps. Recently a foreign lady was burnt to deat on Samet, now Phi Phi has experienced the wrath of fire. Pattaya itself is a major disaster waiting to happen fire wise.

    The days of the very heavy, lumbering fire trucks are long gone, using new technology called "Micro Drops" a very effective fire figthing unit can be mounted on a Motor Cycle, Quad or pick up, these units at a fraction of the price of a traditional fire truck.

    Is there interest in this new product, you bet there is except 'No budget available" So people/ Property etc can burn all for the sake of a relatively small amount of Baht.

    If there is anyone interested in finding out more about these products please pm me.

    This is not a sales line, but being in the fire business, this product is a real eye opener.

  3. I have held two BKK Bank accounts now for over 5 years, both accounts with their own ATM card. One account is held by my wife in Manila who gets her monthly allowances via the ATM in Manila.

    Today I attempted to move 100K baht from one account to another only to be told over limit. I continued trying until the ATM agreed that I could transfer 50K. After doing so I attempted to take a few thousand out for my needs, to be told over the limit.

    Before anyone suggests my limit is only 50K , let me say that ever since day one I negotiated a 500k per day limit, so thats not the reason.

    Do you think,this could be something to do with the financial controls that the BoT are attempting to strengthen.

    Anyone else having / had the same problem ?

  4. Following the upheaval at UBC, it was realised that my receiver had to be changed in order to receive the new format etc.

    UBC engineer arrived and changed the "black box" and everything seemed to be fine, that is until I tried to reorganise my channels and found that all the menu is in the Thai language and couldnt find an English version.

    Last night whilst watching the UK soccer, I was horrified when at the start of the match I lost my English commentary which was replaced by Thai language. Another hasty look at the receiver menu offered no hope of changing to the English sountrack.

    The new receiver is "TOPFIELD" brand, can anyone give me the steps to change the menu into English please.

  5. What a farce, I managed to reset all my favourite channels with no problem, except I cannot get BBCE or STARWORLD, just a blank screen. Then last night whilst trying to watch the ESPN and Start Sports channels the picture kept disappearing as if it was heaving down with rain.

    This may be a coincidence but I found that the lower down the channel numbers I went, the quality of sound and picture improved

  6. I also lived in hong kong for over 20 years. I understand the feeling of being fed up with show box sized apartmets costing horrific prices. When moving to BKK 5 years ago I decided that I wanted a new and fesher environment and joy of joys greenary and open skies around me.

    I now rent a very pleasant 3 bedroom house, complete with garden and orchids etc for the sum of approx 2,700 HK$ per month.

    Personally I see Sukhumvit as being worse that HK and I say the same about the other locations mentioned. I live out near Chaeng Wattana, right near the expressway and its the opposite to the HK feel factor.

    As mentioned a house such as the one I rent is ideal for using as an office downstairs with private accomodation upstairs. And yes I do run a car as I like to get out of BKK quite often to walk the beaches etc

  7. Before coming here,I worked and lived in Manila for 6 years. I have attempted to use the Thai Consulate in Makati many times, in the end I gave up. The guy behind the Visa counter is a Filipino and the most arrogant prat you can ever imagine. Apart from that, as others have said, if he doesnt accept your Docs then they wont go any further and his knowledge of requirements is ZERO.

    Sorry but place to steer well wide of in my opinion

  8. If you read this thread,you will see that I tried the good samaritan thingy and took Elsa for what I thought was a 3 month period. Unfortunately, after taking her, communication between my self and the Op became difficult to say the least. When my e-mails were answered I had a number of reasons/excuses thrown at me as to why the agreed 3 months "doggy sitting" had over run. These excuses ranged from Medical problems, business problems to domestic problems.

    Now nearly 9 months later, I am still "doggy sitting" and have realised now that I have been "had" and used. and the OP had no intention of returning after 3 months to take back Elsa.

    If my position here in Bangkok was secure, then I would love to keep her, but unfortunately, things do not look that bright for me, so I am now asking if anyone would be interested in taking her off me.

    Elsa is a lovely dog, loyal, loving, aware and a fantastic companion. and wonderful with children.

    Although a biggish and strong dog, she only eats once a day in the early evening and is very happy with a rice/ fresh cooked bone style mix with the odd dog biscuit. She is equally happy staying outside the house as being an "inside" dog. She is fully house trained and innoculated.

    Only one stipulation, and I know beggers cannot be choosers, but Elsa really needs a garden to romp around in.

    Believe me if there were any ways I could keep her I would, as I have grown very fond of her, but I must be realistic and give her the chance to continue a happy life with a caring family .

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