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Posts posted by nonthaburial

  1. Funny that, up to about 5 months ago, I had no problem burning DVDs or VCDs using Nero, but now although things look as if they are going through the motion so to speak the fi ished (or should be finished) product is empty !!!!

  2. I agree to the comment made by the gent, however, as I said the comment was made with brain in robot mode.

    However, I would like to point out that I do not consider myself to be racial but the situation in the Uk now has certainly got to be viewed with more than a little trepidation. Its not funny any more walking down town centres to find yourself being totally outnumbered by 'foreigners". In fact its downright nerve wracking having a group of ten or more black "residents" approaching you in the middle of the pavement, they dress just like the muppets you see on TV in America and are very intimidating.

    To see a group of 12/13year olds sitting around drinking beer and talking a foreign language is not attractive, to be served by a person who speaks with an odd European accent is something I see as strange.

    Perhaps the Thai Immigration and Government have got something right with the Visa requirements whilst the UK have got it seriously wrong, and by the way, my original posting about security at Heathrow, I forgot to point out that all those security officers involved with that debacle were not native British, their accents showed that straight away.

    I can assure you my mindless comment to an Indian immigration officer has nothing to do with the fact that a lot of elderly people in the UK are terrified of leaving the safety of their own homes.

    No doubt the do good brigade will flame me on these comments but good luck to you as I am the type who calls a spade a spade.

    Am I a racialist, I hope not but I say that Enoch Powell hit the nail on the head many years ago.

    rant over and soapbox put back in the cupboard

  3. Accepting that airport outlets need to cover overheads etc, I have often wondered why they are called "Duty Free" when obviously they are not. Take Singapore and Hong Kong as examples, both are advertised as Duty Free Cities, yet the prices differ hugely !

    I for one almost never buy from duty free outlets and here is an example why. At the border town of Poipot a carton of original L&M Cigarettes cost 150 Baht, at the airport 350 Baht, yet at London Heathrow the same cost 1,500 Baht . Duty Free no way !

  4. I was in the UK last week and bought a T-Mobile sim card. It worked very well and I thought the prices chaeged for Texts etc were quite acceptable. However it was a real pain getting it loaded as T-Mobile needed all sorts of information, which, as a non UK resident I could not give them. The sales girl overcame the problems in the end by using her address etc.

    I have advertised this sim card for sale and is still available if wanted. It cost me GBP20 to purchase and it still has over GBP8 of value left. Much easier, before arriving UK put it into your phone and you are active !!

  5. seems my thread has diversified slightly, however it now gives me the chance to tell a true story !!!!

    About 12 years ago I entered LHR and was standing in the long line for immigration, slowly shuffling forward when I was approached by an immigration officer complete with beard and turban and told I was in the wrong queue !! Feeling tired and irritable after the flight from HK, I without thinking responded "and you are in the wrong country"

    sometimes when overtired its worse than being drunk !!!!

  6. I read a lot on here about the consulate in Hull, and wonder if that is the only consulate that is well known. Last week I had reasons to visit the Thai consulate in Cardiff. The honorary Consul is in fact a elderly Welsh Gentleman and he was very pleasant, friendly and helpful.

    There was no red tape or officialdom just very down to earth and as I say a very nice guy, even better was that there were not any other customers there so in and out in minutes !

    For a lot of people, Cardiff has to be a lot closer than Hull

  7. I have no arguments with your response, however, surely the hand carried rules should be enforced by the airlines and not the security at the airport. And what makes a mockery of these rulings is the fact that passengers can load up with bags and bags of duty free items AFTER the security checks.

  8. Warning to all who are going to be departing UK via Heathrow. I flew out of Heathrow on the TG flight on Sunday night, Checked in no problems and made my way to immigration etc with one briefcase and one laptop. Was stopped at security and told only ONE piece of hand luggage allowed.

    Realising that by fighting the establishment would get me nowhere, I asked how this rule could be got round as I certainly would not check in either of my two hand carried items ! Was told go to a shop and get a big plastic bag and put my computer inside ????? :o but I pointed out that there would still be two hand carried pieces !!

    Ok then was the reply, take your computer out of the case, pack the case into your briefcase and then carry both through :D Did I really need to point out again that this would still mean two hand carry pieces ? Anyhow thats what I did and was allowed through. Madness pure madness !

    And by the way, anyone who thinks that our new airport here is bad should take a close look at Heathrow, it is disgusting Oh! nearly forgot a carton of duty free ciggies there costs 1700 Baht compared with 450-500 here. DUTY FREE - go figure

  9. I am using Avast Anti Virus and am very happy with it, however recently Avast picked up a Trojan Horse in my computer and although identifying it, I cannot get Avast to delete it or move it safely to a chest.

    Any ideas please

  10. I am going back to the UK tomorrow and was trying to rent a car. I noticed in some of the car hire web pages they are requiring both pages of the driving licence. I then sort of realised that the UK have issued new driving licences.

    my question is this, I haved an older type driving licence valid until 2017. Is this still useable in the Uk or must one have one of the new type licences.

  11. I am arriving UK on Sunday 22nd April, and wish to hire a car for a week out of LHR. It seems that if one does not have a credit card then hire is impossible. I have tried booking using a card belonging to and authorised by a friend. Still the same cannot do. I am prepared to pay cash on arrival as well as take out full extra insurance - cannot do.

    Anyone out there had this experience and overcame it ???

    Any UK contacts who are a little more flexible would be well received

  12. Not sure about aggressive taxi touts, I have just gone through the airport and was astounded to have been harrassed by a taxi tout, complete with his pictures etc at the CAROUSEL whilst waiting for my luggage.

    That has to be a first, they will be waiting at the jetways next. So much for security !!!!!!

  13. on the 16th of this month there is a large "fire" exhibition being held in Taipei. Question is, how can a Bangkok based MD, with PRC passport can apply for a Taiwan visa.

    Who is able to accept applications etc in Bangkok and what documentation would be required, and of course how long the procedure will take !

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