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Posts posted by nonthaburial

  1. Just got myself a great little MP3 player and I amnow looking at how I can use a headphone adaptor to be able to take two sets of headphones simulataneously.

    I have scored the IT City at Rachada but to no avail.

    Any one know where I can buy please

  2. I think we UBC subscibers have noticed, whether for the good or not, that the UBC have dropped their red screen/ boring music cut ins and now show the adverts as aired live by the relevent programme supplier.

    HOWEVER last night whilst watching the English Premier League, both on ESPN and Star Sports I noticed that every time the sponsors adverts came on, UBC reverted back to their own adverts, last night it seemed to be about wrestling or the like.

    This has got me wondering, as the sponsors are TIGER BEER is UBC blocking ads' that promote alcohol or is there a hidden agenda somewhere ??

    If the advertising of alcohol is the reason then there are a number of sporting events that should not be allowed on air such as the JOHNNY WALKER golf competitions AND Everton games should not be aired as the connection with Beer Chang

    just wondering !

  3. I honestly dont think you will get away with a hand carry six pack. Cabin Crew seem very aware of whats happening around them and clamp down pretty quickly.

    The AirAsia logo is something like " Now Everyone Can Fly" and that hits the nail right on the head. There is nothing wrong with experienced flyers taking a low cost airline to save a few $$$$$s BUT these low costs also attract people who have never flown before and some of these flights can be a real eye opener. My first Air Asia flight reminded me of many years ago when I flew from Guongzhou to Wuhan. There were no seat belts, chairs were loose and there were no seats or belts for cabin crew. BUT a fellow passenger sitting next to actually had two chickens and a PIGLET in the overhead locker - gospel truth.

    shocked me rigid at the time but actually laugh about it now

  4. Actually the location is outside the main entrance from the car park. on the right hand side of the entrance door a lady has a stall and sells gadgets, knives etc.

    If you look at the her display,the can is on the top shelf on the right side

  5. Thanks for your responses and rather surprisingly I found the required spray, made in China on sale at an outlet on the ground floor of Carrefoure Chaeng Wattana.

    The cost was 350 Baht for a relatively good sized container but could not find on the label the "ingredients or strengths" so apart from a self test, which I am rather disinclined to do, its not easy to tell if this stuff is the real tear jerker or a watered down cousin!!!!!!

  6. Her parting words were "sorry I dont think I will be happy in England" to me those words mean a lot and I am surprised that you did not bring this up earlier in your posts!

    Scenario One. She actually meant that she would not be happy in England and decided to opt out of the journey HOWEVER if this is the truth then I am surprised that she has not gone back to her family, beg their forgiveness and when her emotions return to normal,contact you and apologise etc etc and tell you she will be waiting here as your wife for you to return to her etc etc.

    Scenario Two. What she really meant was that she would not be happy living in England with you, and that is a different ball game. As she departed the Airport and has not been seen or in contact with anyone since, sadly I feel that there must be another involved with her.

    I am sorry to convey thouhts that no doubt you dont want to hear but lets call a spade a spade. I guarantee its happened before and it will certainly happen again but hopefully not to you!

  7. After the celebrity wedding this week of Sir Elton John and Mr David Furnish I sam left with a bit of a head ache!!!!!!!! :o

    Do I address their Xmas card to Sir and Mrs Elton John OR Mr and Mrs David Furnish.

    Its a weird life we live in :D

  8. HK Immigration are always a little wary of the female form from Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia and I have noted in the past that after a few basic questions they are able to tell the innocents from the guilty if you get my drift.

    The fact that she will be with you and of course you have return tickets as well as a hotel booking to show then I see no problems. Just dont rock their boats as they can be equally good at rocking yours also. They have a job to do so just respect that and enjoy the crowded dirty streets of HK

  9. I e-mailed a UK company explaining my predicament and was told that without a credit card I am considered as a credit risk and that the hire companies do not wish to hire out their expensive assets to some cardless person who might disappear with their cars. :D

    However it was explained that if I arrived in the UK during office hours they could run a credit check on me and if I was considered OK then cash could be paid.

    I find this statement very inflammatory and will now be writing to all airlines telling them to change their flight timings so as I can arrive at Heathrow during office hours :o

  10. Thanks people BUT I am one of the few animals who do not have a dreaded plastic credit card and all on line firms I have tried will not accept a booking without the said dreaded card.

    Hence my wish to pay locally CASH in Thai Baht

  11. Am going to UK in February and want to rent a small car (with fuel prices as they are in UK a bicycle may be a better option- however I digress) and would like to make the booking here in Bangkok AND pay in Thai Baht.

    Any helpers on this one please

  12. I really do not think there are any cheap options.

    However do not blame the local companies for the ridiculous prices to the Phils for calls, its the greedy barstewards such as Smart and Globe who pile the charges on.

    You may have noticed that even landline calls are very expensive also, thanks to PLDT

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