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Posts posted by nonthaburial

  1. After long rain free periods, Roads, expecially tarmac, collect a lot of debris such as tyre rubber etc., When it rains the roads literally turn into skating rinks but for reasons I cannot fathom out, drivers still hammer along with no breaking distance between vehicles, Motor Cycles still do the same stupid things but after rain they are in trouble. As you so obviously can vouch.

    Its just amazing that some people just do not learn

  2. Many years ago I was involved in a survey carried out by the HKAA. We found that in City conditions such as HK, the fuel saving difference for a car running an AC on full cold and switching off was approximately 30% in savings.

    But must say, in those days it was thought impractical for a car with an engine size of less than 1200CC to be fitted with AC. Times have changed

  3. DJ-illusion, I have noted this post as well as others on the same subject and would suggest that if you have the need to continuously request help and information from members then you are far from suitable as a businessman.

    Realise that the "entertainment" business in Thailand is intense and very cut throat.

    Keep your hard earned money. Dont throw it away on highly dangerous ventures !!

  4. Just for the record,Phuket is not being singled out, the ban is nation wide.

    On the subject of booze, has anyone tried the "new" Singha Light. I bought a can yesterday and to say that it tastes like cats pee would be a lie. Its totally tasteless and a total waste of time. The can however is quite pretty :o

  5. lopburi3, standing in tather hasty jusdgement methinks. Firstly you keep referring to the OP as "he" and is a troll etc.

    I have no idea of the gender of the writer but I do not think this is a troll

    However your comments about you would think that such a degree holder would be employable in the degree field in a developing country were interesting ! Thailand is a developing country would you care to suggest to the poster a number of vacancies here available to him/her :o

  6. Just realised that the UK moved on British Summer Time last night so the time difference between Thai and Uk is 6 hours.

    Sports fans take note or you could lose the first hour of a game

  7. I too am a fan of corned beef and here is an interesting snippet. In the early 90's when I was on a 9 month stint in Brazil, I was bewildered that in the worlds biggest producer of corned beef, it could not be purchased there. I was told that only the unsellable cuts of meat were used to produce the stuff in cans, and the locals would not hear of eating such left overs !

    I also have noticed the apparent lack of supply over the last couple of years here in Thailand BUT if you have anyone going to Manila its readily available on supermarkets shelves there and a lot cheaper than here also.

  8. Happened to me once. Simple remedy. Disconnect from mains supply, take a small screwdriver and remove the outer casing, once that is done you will be able to see the working mechanism.

    In my case the DVD slipped out the back of the DVD tray and jammed the whole works.

    Removing the jammed DVD and replacing the cover I was back in business again !

  9. I am intrigued ! you are buying Guinness for 130Baht a can ??? Even the supplier is quoting more than that wholesale ! whats your secret and where do you source your Guinness ???

    I find the average supermarket prices vary about the 200 Baht range

  10. Personally I am totally against topless bathing etc and certainly more so here in Thailand with the cultural mix etc.

    However a rather amusing story, way back in the late seventies or early eighties ( Parkinsons you know) I was staying at a very grand hotel in Hua Hin where a youngish German lady had decided that whatever the staff or management of the hotel thought, she was going to go topless.

    She did this for a number of days lying around the gardens next to the beach, she didnt listen to advice nor polite requests to cover up and very selfishly continued her sunning of the boobs!

    Now this hotel had a very good tourist attraction in the shape of a small/ish elephant that used to be taken around the grounds at certain times of the day for people to feed with the usual bananas etc.

    Whilst negotiating around this arrogant self centred lady, the elephant decided that a touch of nipple was more to its liking than the usual that was offered.

    Well to see this woman hurtling around the grounds with the elephant in pursuit filled the other residents (and staff) with much merriment. Guess who never went topless again ?

    By the way, the Mahout was looking very pleased with himnself and his "baby"

  11. Its certainly a sad story, but no different to the hundreds of road deaths every day. Jomtien Beach road a nightmare,Very narrow, poor lighting, slow moving Baht buses, potholes, vehicles double parked, Motor Cycles without lights, Motor Cycles weaving in and out traffic irrespective of which way they are travelling OR even in the correct lanes, Riders with no protection such as crash helmets and on and on and on !

    So many factors to take into account here and as such those who sit in judgement should stand back and take a deep breath and engage brain before opening mouth! :o

  12. Not the same, but a related subject. Living where I do, its relatively close to a large Uni and I have noticed that the Local Tesco Express does not sell alcohol any more. As this is my local TE, I took it for granted that it was close to a place of Education, hence the lack of alcohol.

    However I have recently been to a few other TE's and found the same dry wells. Could it be that as the TE's are located at Esso Gas stations thats the reason alcohol cannot be sold/purchased. If so the decision is understandable, but would I be right in assuming that alcohol sales at Gas stations

    are banned country wide or is it TE taking a positive step in trying to decrease drinking and driving.

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