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Posts posted by nonthaburial

  1. Thanks for the feedback easybaybob. It appears from your comments that this hotel should be acceptable for a three night stay. I note your comments about other better hotels, however my timed visit is over Easter, which is celebrated there in Macau and the other hotels have jacked their prces up by 200% which I consider greedy.

    What with a day trip to HK and possibly a foray into the PRC I wont be spending much time in the hotel.

    One thing that does bother me a little is the fact that Mainland girls of the night etc are very much into Macau and I was hoping that the Masters Hotel was NOT one of their bases.

  2. Never heard of it ! However, one of the best outlets for alcohol in Hong Kong is a rather upmarket outlet /supermarket in Ocean Centre in Tsim Tsa Tsui, sadly the name escapes me for now. But I am sure you will be able to find it as its rather large

  3. Like most non business flyers, I check the prices for the best financial deals. Last November I booked a flight to London with Qatar Air. So on the 2nd Feb, I presented myself at Don Muang at 6am, the required two hours before departure, checked in and given 2 boarding cards, Bangkok- Doha and Doha - London, was then informed that due to late arrival of aircraft, flight was delayed by 2 hours!

    When questioning Qatar Air ground staff about the consequences of the 2 hour delay regarding the connecting flight from Doha to London, I was informed that there would be no problem and all would be plain sailing, so to speak.

    The flight to Doha was quite pleasant, the aircraft was good the cabin crew(mainly Filipinas) very helpful and inflight service etc no problem.

    Although over 2 hours late,on landing at Doha, we were informed that the airport was very busy and that we had to hold in a parking area what seemed to be miles from the terminal. thirty minutes later we were allocated a parking space.

    Now, what became a bad start to this trip started to get worse,a lot worse. Doha Airport is nothing more than a dismal hovel still under construction and makes Phuket Airport look like world class.There are no jetways and every aircraft has to park on the apron and all passengers bussed in to the terminal which was chaotic with hundreds of people taking up nearly all the floor space sleeping.

    With my Doha-London borading pass I joined the long line at the London bound gate only to hear my name, along with six others being called out to go to the transit desk. Finding this desk and actually getting there without falling over the strewn sleeping bodies was an exercise in patience itself. The transit desk was literally under seige by angry passengers and the two

    Qatar airline staff manning the desk were totally overwhelmed by what appeared to be at least four full blown rugby scrums! It didnt make things any better hearing the tannoy blaring out for all remaining London bound passengers to board immediately as the gates were now closing.

    With the tact of an enraged buffalo, I managed to grab a Qatar Airline staff who told me I and the others were too late for the London flight and that our suitcases had already been taken off and were now sitting comfortably in the belly of an aircraft waiting to head for Manchester.The fact that there were other passengers behind me in the London check in gate had no effect on this guy and he even hinted that it was my fault the Bankok flight had arrived late which had caused this disruption to normal service. I was finally given a new boarding card for Manchester and told that at Manchester we would be met and guided through to our final destination, London Heathrow.

    Ok we have all had a bad hair day but this was really stretching my usual peaceful demeanour and it was made worse when on the Manchester bound flight I was told by yet another Filipina member of the cabin crew, that the London flight was in fact heavily over booked, hinting that I and the six others had been bumped from that flight. Sorry but I was not a happy chappie !!!!

    We landed at Manchester over 3 hours later than our scheduled arrival time at London only to be kept in a darkened aircraft at the jetway as some dipstick had failed to locate a ground generator in operational condition !! Upon being released from our flying prison, we were met at the gate by a guy of obvious Middle Eastern heritage who sported a wonderful Manchester accent, thrown on a bus and taken to the domestic terminal and by running through back corridors we eventually reached a back room immigration office and went through the usual and then to a British Midland desk where we were given boarding cards for London Heathrow. Just to enforce the bad hair day, I must point out that as the British Midland printer was down, all boarding cards had to be hand written.What the heck after nearly 18 hours of pain and suffering, whats another 30 minutes of hanging around !!

    After another hour we finally landed at Heathrow, but hold on this was Terminal 1 not Terminal 3 and it was 10.30 at night not the 5.30pm we should have landed. Suitcases were on the carousal ( see not all things went wrong) and we were freed out of the airport into fresh but freezing air.

    One of the other "detainees" from Bangkok called his family at Terminal 3 who were waiting for him to find that they were in a state of panic as they had not been informed by anyone that their Son was going to be 5 hours late and would be at Terminal 1 and not Terminal 3.

    As for me, no problem, all I had to contend with was that both my hire car and my hotel reservations had been cancelled due to my "No show" and that my 80 year old parents sitting comfortably at home in Lincolnshire were on their 5th heart attack of the night!

    Qatar, you can take your airline and your crappy little airport and shove it, you will not be seeing me again, unless of course you compensate me with a free return trip to London in first class and the use of the first class lounges at all airports encountered on route. But I wont hold my breath.

  4. I recently flew my wife to BKK with Jet Star, the comments received were very good although I have heard they are very strict on luggage weights etc.

    For the record, as we have friends in Singapore, my wife flew MNL - Spore - Bkk return for 2,000 Baht cheaper than a direct flight MNL - BKK using the usual monopoly !!!!!

  5. I also own a GR and I tend to make comparisons with her and other GR's I see around. Mine is a really deep gold colour, very dark indeed whilst the others I see around tend to be much lighter, some almost white in colour.

    I dont wish to start a GR war here but can anyone tell me which colour is actually the one that is expected from a GR

  6. I used the motorway yesterday and saw the remains of a mini van, which I assume was the one in question sitting in the "scrap heap" on the north bound lane at the service centre.

    Trust me it was not a pretty sight with the front section totally flattened and pushed back suggesting that the front section occupants had no chance - not nice.

    On the previously raised subject of MoT or annual mechanical inspections, this is a requirement in Thailand for any vehicle over 7 years old and a pass certificate is required before annual licensing is allowed to take place.

    I know this because on Monday I had to go through the ritual with my pick up. however, for the cost of 150 baht, someone checked the chassis/engine numbers against the log book, carried out a brake test using a digital brake roller and then checked the emissions from the exhaust. That was it, no steering tests,no under body/ chassis tests, no checking of lights etc etc.

    Upon completion it was explained to me that the vehicle had failed as the hand brake was 1% below the required limit AND THEN proceeded to give me a pass certificate.

    And no this examination was not done in some little back street garage but right outside the main entrance to the Bangkok LTO office and whilst at the LTO I witnessed many a vehicle that was being registered that I personally would be too embarrassed to give to a scrap yard !!!!

  7. My Phils wife who is residing in Manila, and I are going tothe UK next month. My wife called the BE in Manila and asked how long before departure she should apply for the required Visa.

    She was told the earlier the better and she should go to the documents office outside the BE Embassy in Manila and obtain a application form, which she did.

    She filled out the form and prepared the required documents and then as instructed on the application form she called a BE telephone number and was given an application number. She was then told to buy a bank managers cheque for the required sum and when she has done that and confirmed it with the BE, a motor cycle courier will collect the docs etc from our house.

    This in fact happened and the courier closely inspected the documents and then sealing them in an individual bag and locking them in his courier box of he went saying it usually takes about 5 days.

    On day four the courier returned with her passport and the required visa - simple ! however he did tell my wife that out of the 30 application he collected only my wife and one other were immediately approved, others were asked to attend an interview.

    So in my wifes case it was simple, straight forward and painless but it must be pointed out that she has a number of vis chops in her passport(s) BUT a real eye opener so BE In Bangkok wakey wakey

  8. No low cost carriers from BKK to HK perhaps via Macau wiyth Air Asia or if you want a direct flight try Air Lanka, Gulf, or the likes.

    Not sure of your dates but be careful as Chinese New Year is approaching and I think its early February. As for Visas it depends on what passport you hold. Remember HK have different vissa requirements to China and are a lot more lax. Its possible you do not need a Visa

  9. My apologies if this is posted in the wrong forum, but I am having difficulties "slotting" this subject in.

    However, I am presently having some items manufactured in Chonburi but I need some sand blasting done prior to the final paint. I would expect that ship builders/yards in the Pattaya area could do this but was looking for something a little nearer Chonburi itself.

    All suggestions welcomed

  10. I think the RACQ comments just about sum things up, however, we are talking Thailand here and in my job I see regularly the results of vehicles not being attended to or used.

    Oviously the best thing is to have someone come in and at least start the vehicle regularly, and I do recommend putting the vehicle on blocks to eliminate tyre damage if its not to be driven

    But being in Thailand i think one of the biggest dangers, is the vehicle being taken over by rats with edibles such as electric wiring being nibbled/eaten/destroyed which will require a total re-wire around the areas affected. Not to mention damage by rats to seats etc.

    The rats of course will then attract snakes who love covered unused cars!!!!!!!!

    I write this seriously and am certainly not taking the mickey

  11. The world media are full of the trial of the two scumbags who supposedly murdered the Welsh lady on Samui. Thaksin has intervened saying that justice must be done urgently to help heal the negative impact on Thai tourism(noteThai tourism not to comfort the girls parents etc)

    After this public statement, Batman and Robin went into overdrive and within days had the two in custody who pleaded no contest. World records were broken as the trial was ordered immediately and judging by reports, no defence witnesses were called and again judging be reports the two are likely to be sentenced and could face the death penalty by the middle of next week!

    Hurrah for the Thai justice system (at long long last) but why do I smell a rat and wonder if these two guys are being stiched up in public to entice the tourists back. Why did it need Thaksin to get involved to kickstart Batman and Robin ? Are we sure these guys have not been framed to get a quick completion? are we sure that everything is above board here ?

    Food for thought!


  12. Both the Baht and peso seem not to be wanted in the visiting country. I was last back in MNL in November and the exchanges at MNL Airport did not want to know the Baht and then offered me a 1-1 rate. In Pasig at a money changer I managed to get 1.2 Peso to the Baht.

    I remit money monthly to the Phils and without doubt its easier to use the ATM machines. my wife having a Bangkok Bank account here in BKK. I believe the HKSBC and Planters banks accept the BKK Bank card with the HKSB allowing 80,000 Pesos per day withdrawal.

    As has been suggested carry USD notes which are easily convertable but carrying a lot of money around is not recommended.

  13. Sorry but I think you will find that the locally made Hondas do not meet the UK/Euro emmission specs and if correct you could be in for a nightmare experience.

    I am involved with a project that is using the Honda 5.5 HP engine and the specs for these are also very different and these engines do have on them a sticker saying not to be used in Europe, USA and Australia.

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