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Posts posted by nonthaburial

  1. as we know, no cheap/budget airlines operate between Bkk-HK so its a sellers market and tickets are not cheap.

    However, Air Asia fly twice or even three times a day to Macau and the ferry service from Macau to HK are every 30 minutes and takes about an hour costing approx HK$150.

    Interesting and different way to go

  2. Very sad state of affairs if taken at face value.

    However, nearly all of the discount airline flights I have taken out of Bangkok involved being bussed out to the aircraft and then climbing the steps to board.

    This of course makes it very difficult for a wheelchair bound person to safely enter the aircraft.

    So can we please identify the resl reasons for refusal before asking to blacklist

  3. This topic will not be appreciated by most non Brits, however I am sure majority of Brits worldwide would agree (well maybe)

    The FA Cup final is on the very near horizon and not only because it is the oldest cup competition in the world (soccer wise) to most Brits is is a day that brings out passion, nostalgia and many memories.

    In my humble opinion the actiual game is only 75% of the days attraction, the remaining 25% is the pre match rituals such as military bands and communal singing, which without, in my opinion once more would make the game nodifferent to other big games.

    So why is it then that I have never yet seen a FA Cup Final broadcast in our region showing all the pre match build ups including those that I have just mentioned. I am sure someone will say that Air time is expensive, however that has not stopped the PL showing time wasting clips of players warming up on the pitch etc !

    Sitting in a bar ( or at home) watching the massed bands of the Royal Marines doing their bit plus the very spine tingling sounds of "Abide With Me" being hammered out by over 60,000 people is enough to ensure the rest will be memorable.

    I have written to espn/star but i wont hold my breath

    Abide With Me being

  4. As stated in my pm,I am a little confused. If you are looking for a home for Elsa for 3-4 months then I will happily oblige, but forever may be a bit difficult due to future moves etc.

    As far as the Farang family only bit, I assume this is because Elsa only recognises the German language and is a firm suppporter of the German national soccer team. Placing her with Thai only language persons would confuse her and her chances of watching the German team in the World Cup would be very minimal. Understandable decision on your part :o:D

  5. Just got back from a short visit to Macau. Stayed at Masters Hotel (2 star but ok) and was surprised to see on the TV tha apart from the localchannels, therewere three UBC channels being shown. Two Supersports and Channel 7.

    Wonder if UBC know about this and if so I wonder if they are charging for the rights to receive in Macau


  6. Tony Blair is responsible for loutish Brit behaviour in Pattaya ?????

    What a load of crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Footballers are not responsible for the behaviour of youth. Parents and teachers are!

    What a load of crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Teachets are beseiged by the yobs called students because the parents dont care a <deleted> and in a lot of cases are actually physically frightened of their offspring.

    Of course the yobs of today have to look up to somebody and with "brain deads" face on every tabloid its got to be relatively simple to see where the idolisation goes. So whats good for Wayne has got to be good for me is the attitude. If Wayne can swear at officials its got to be OK. If Wayne can go granny shagging it has to be OK. etc etc

    What a load of crap !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh before I forget do you have Tony's number please ?? :o

  7. Reading some of these responses, all I can say is that its "Horses For Courses".

    "As long as he does his job etc etc I dont care how he spends his money or what he does"

    Guess that should apply to all the rest of the UK retards who are now turning Pattaya into a Asian version of any UK city, Binge drinking, unacceptable behaviour, fighting, causing trouble. But what the shit ,what they do with their money is not your problem.

    As I live in Bangkok and not Pattaya its not my problem neither !!

  8. Just my two Pesos worth. Forget the Thai Embassy in Manila, they are not easy to get along with. In the past I argued with the visa counter staff, who were in fact locals, and politely requested to speak directly to the Consul. Request denied and also Visa denied.

    I can understand her fears of doing a monthly Visa run to the border, but I can assure you I know Filipinas who have done it regularly for many many years and have no problems at all !!

  9. For those who have been following the EPL, you could not help hearing about the 700,000 GBP that Rooney is reported to have run up in gambling debts. To make matters worse, Michael Owens company appears to be the bookmakers involved.

    So baby faced Owen may not be the nice kid that he appears, however if his actions are within the law then so be it.

    In the case of Rooney, I see it from a different side. The "boy" is without doubt a terrific sportsman, but his inability to string three words together to form a cohesive statement is an embarrassment to the youth of the UK.The fact that a cockroach high on Singha is better able to be understood, plus the fact that Rooney has a rather expensive girl friend who sees it her duty to milk him for what she can and it will be understood that his reputed 50,000 GBP a week is not that helpful. But lets not forget the millions he has made from sponsorship deals !

    It now emerges that Rooney is a very angry little boy as no one tried to stop him from trying to regroup his previous losses thus leading to the huge debts of 700k. What a strange world we live in, a 20 year old multi millionaire whose face is emblazoned across every tabloid in the world is angry that he was allowed to blow his money and no one tried to stop him.

    Ok so again in my opinion his mental capacity as well as his obnoxious attitude is now brought into question and I would ask, with this brain dead attitude is it safe let alone sensible to put so much faith and media hype into him being the messiah for England in the World Cup.

    Before anyone enters the fray and flames me and says that he is young etc etc blah blah - forget it as it doesnt wear with me.

  10. As an ex Royal Marine I spent my military years around fire arms and that did not make me a gun freak.

    I was taught from the start that "If you carry a gun you had better use it as sure as the sun comes up in the morning the other guy will" sad statement to make and justifies why in my opinion, fire arms should be totally banned and those who violate should be locked up and the keys thrown away.

    For those that have experiences of the Philippines, I am sure you will agree that the overwhelming number of fire arms amongst the public is very frightening indeed. and it is because of this that the police have almost lost the battle against crime, assaults, robbery and murders.

    Death by shootings in the Phils is so common that the press dont consider it news worthy and a hit man can be hired for as little as 5000 Baht.

    Ban the ###### things is what I say and to those who advocate gun laws and the right to arm, I say you must have huge inferiority complexes.

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