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Posts posted by nonthaburial

  1. Sorry people but I cannot read anything here that indicates that the legal mother abandonded her daughter in the USA and fled back toThailand to be a bar girl ! I read it that the mother and father are in Thailand and the father shipped the daughter back to the USA for "safe keeping" so to speak.

  2. Last year I came on this forum with a request for information on a paint problem I had, I received a lot of info' and from that info' I managed to find a supplier who I am still happily using to this day.

    I am now working on another project which requires the sourcing of stainless steel pressure vessels that must be able to stand a pressure of 40 Bar. I have had many quotes from overseas such as China etc but cannot seem to find a local Thai supplier.

    Any assistance here would be most gratefully received

  3. I have lived in this house in Nonthaburi for nearly 3 years now, the last two summers, whilst having a few ticks around the garden, they did not pose much of a problem.

    This year however, my garden, my verandahs, the exterior walls are totally tick infested. I clean the areas on a daily basis using such things as Dettol/Bleach mixture - to no avail, the little blighters are everywhere.

    I have two dogs, a GR who, because of her hair length does not suffer too badly with the ticks, but my Lab is having a real hard time.

    Can anyone give me any wisdom on how to eradicate this nuisance. Is there an agriculture type pest spray that could be used to spray the whole area ???

    Your much sought after comments please !!

  4. This morning I have watched over and over again this incident. Do I believe Rooney deliberately stomped ? no I dont ! In fact if anything I feel that Rooney should have been awared a foul for the attention he was receiving from the two Portuguese players. So my view is that the stomping incident was not the cause of the red card.

    The next was the physical pushing of "smirk face" by Roonrey, again I feel that the conection was minimum, which was not helped by the reaction of "smirk face". This was possibly a yellow card offence and not a red. However, what I think most people have missed was what appeared to be a torrent of verbal abuse by Rooney on both "smirk face" and the referee and in my humble opinion was a justifiable red card offence.

    Rooney has a track record of lack of self discipline and I feel that he was set up rather crudely by Ronaldo and he fell for it hook, line and sinker. and I think Ronaldo's wink as Rooney was walking says a thousand words.

    So did Rooney deserve to get red carded ? I think he did, however the referee was also at fault for allowing the portuguese to pressure him and as for Ronaldo, well I guess he has no future at all in Manchester now, he probably realises it himself, hence his comments after the game about wishing to join real Madrid as quickly as possible

  5. I dont wish to burst your bubble, but being well versed in the Filipina way of life I always get heart palpitations when I hear the dreaded words "my prend says" etc etc. You state that "your prend" has invited you to work in Thailand, which if read properly, indicates that you have a job lined up already. If you mean you have the offer of a home base in Thailand but no job, then it would have to be assumed you would be entering on a tourist visa and would join the thousands of other pinays doing a border visa run every 28 days.

    If the above is correct, I strongly suggest you go through the forums on here very carefully and gleam as much information as you can, and if possible obtain a job before you depart NAIA.

    I do not know much about call centres here, but with the generally poor English spoken by Thais I would have to say that its may not be a large industry. This statement indicates why places such as the Phils and India are into Call Centres big time.

    If you would like any more info please feel free to PM me.

  6. yes I saw that konangrit and it was a real eye opener, fantastic bit of investigative journalism and Mr Blatter and his cohorts should be very worried people right now.

    To cap it off todays UK Press are reporting that the top dog of FIFA in Botswana has been found scalping world cup tickets and has been "relieved" of his responsibilities

  7. Years ago, a newly opened bar in HK was having problems getting the required licence. Instead of sitting back paying rent and getting no income the bar owner sold peanuts etc at huge prices (for peanuts anyways) and offered a free glass of your choice to chase the peanuts down.

    Really had the authorities scratching their heads !

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