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Posts posted by nonthaburial

  1. Thanks for the replies, as I guessed a baby doing a mans job !! however fridge aside it does appear that this may run a few fans and minimum lighting.

    Crossy - I understand your comments on "mains in "and Genset operating at the same time, but surely the safety device would have to be automatic as its would be imossible to manually override when the power came back on. Would this safety device be expensive ?

  2. I have been offered a SUZUKI SV1000H generator at a very reasonable price. My plan is to wire it into my house for backup use during the very frequent "blackouts" suffered.

    I realise that this is not a large generator, but can anyone tell me if this would be big enough to give me a few lights, a few fans, a fridge and a TV. I would also be interested to hear if this model has a safety trip fitted where it shuts itself down if the main power should come back on.

    Many thanks

  3. I too have had various problems with Manila office. There is a local Filipino in charge (or used to be) and he is the most arrogant bad mannered lout you would ever hope to bump into. On one attempt I demanded to see the Thai Consul. He refused point blank and totally ignored me from then on.

    Steer clear of that Office, its a disgrace to the Thai Govt !

  4. I sent a small dog to Manila and it was far easier than I expected. I cannot answer for India, but this is the procedure I went through.

    1). Ensure the dog is fully vaccinated as Thailand is regarded as a Rabies infected country.

    2). Obtain an import licence from Govt dept in Manila

    3). Take the dog and all documentation to the "animal/livestock" office at the airport here in BKK.

    4) The dog will be examined by a vet if things are all in order they will issue a export permit.

    5).Take all the documentation to your airline and they will arrange to put the dog in the cargo hold on the same flight as you.

    Its hard to give more advice because I dont know the size of your dog. I do know that a friend of mine brought his Shi-Tzu from Manila to BKK using TG and the dog was allowed in the cabin with him.

    If your dog has to go in the hold it will have to be in a open proof cage/container and can be accepted as excess check in baggage. make sure it has water and I suggest a old T shirt of yours with it, this so as the dog can still smell you and not get too distraught.

    With live animals they are usually kept in a Air conned holding room prior to loading and are usually last on and first off.

    Hope this helps

  5. was devaststated today to learn the my PA/secretary of three years is to go, due to downsizing, probably caused by the political situation.

    The lady in question is in her late 30's, a Filipino passport holder has been in Thailand for 14years and speaks both Thai and English. She is a wonderful worker who does not mind working all hours god gives and not expecting overtime.

    She is wonderful in dealing with International clients and gets on well with most !

    She gives 100% to the company and is very outgoing and thorough in her work. She is prepared to work anywhere in Thailand as long as she is well looked after. She is single and has no family obligations. She is not a fly by night and will not attempt anything that breaks the laws of Thailand, she holds as of now the proper visa documentation and work permit.

    It disturbs me very much that a person of such calibre is to be set free and I know its a mistake, but decisions are decisions.

    If anyone thinks they may have an opening for this lady. Please PM me.

    Many Thanks

  6. I have the need to move cash out of Manila and into Bangkok, I believe that one is able to hand carry up to 10,000 USD out of the Philippines without declaring.

    Can anyone confirm this please !

    Before the heavens open and I get over run with comments about dangers etc, I am aware of such, but at this moment, the banking laws being what they are in the Philippines it is very difficult to move money by bank transfers and the likes of Western Union are just far too expensive with the exchange rates they use.

  7. The leashing of a dog, usually without shade for long periods seems to be a way of making the dog aggressive. I have witnessed this in a few Asian countries.

    The effect does in fact tend to drive the animal crazy. Not nice, but as you say TiT and your intervention would certainly create huge friction

  8. Its a sad fact of life, that due to the attitude of the Filipinos and their record of being over stayers, illegals etc, you will find that every immigration entry point to most countries in the world scrutinise heavily Filipino passport holders.

    I am not knocking the Filipina/o as I am married to one and travelling abroad with her is a constant nightmare. Lets be honest, a very good example of illegal workers are those you see at the Thai/cambodia border crossings. they estimate thousands of Filipinas renew tourist visa there monthly.

    For a girl they can easily say they are not working but living with their boy friends here, but for a guy the situation is a lot harder.

    So with the background out of the way, yes it is harder for a filipino to acquire the required visas etc, as you will be looked into harder than the average applicant.

    If I were to pick an Embassy/consulate out of your choices I would go for Singapore.

    I wish you luck, but this story about your country women does not help you. Some time ago a group of Filipinas attempted to enter Auckland and when questioned as a group by immigration, they responded that they were in NZ to sight see and they were very excited about the sights they were going to visit such as the Sydney Opera House !!!!!

    Enough said

  9. totally agree with Jockstar, Gerrard, after the tackle ran three or four steps and attempted to take the shot. Unfortunately he was off balance. I do not think it was a penalty and where was the red card ???

    Further more I do not think that Gerrard even attempted a dive as the OP has stated

  10. Today is the new format intro of 107 and what a load of old garbage it is. Been on the air a couple of heart beats and their promos are spouting "Thailands favourite international station" I was so impressed I totally wiped off all pre settings on my receivers.

    In my opinion this has been a huge mistake by all decision makers and have done themselves or MCOT any favours at all!!!!!

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