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Everything posted by tingtong

  1. Just plugging in for overnight to his own wall socket is still a long way from reality to a tenant on the 16th floor of a Bangkok condo...
  2. Security guards seems to have 3 major qualifications: - young - men - work cheap. The previous condo one guard started to " talk" at nights to my girlfriend, coming home alone in the car....and she wasn't comfortable with this situation. Calling me as to arrive, I went to meet her at the garage, around the 3rd time the guard got the hint, <deleted> off, never bother again. I can see how this can be an issue for young, single women. But it isn't not only security guards however. Somewhat strange in a country where every levels of prostitution quite readily available service.
  3. Waiting to see when chicken prices rise, following the increased demand, now that ppl can't afford pork meat anymore.
  4. Or that the SUV driver lying. That wouldn't be unimaginable either... Especially in light that motorbike guy unlikely to give an interview the moment.
  5. Beer girl... Majored in gender studies in collage. One particular gender only. Plenty extracurricular. All in the name of science. But the hard work paid off. Happy ending then!
  6. Wonder if leaving the scene judged more or less harshly than drunk driving, or driving "high" on drug. Must be, if so many opt for a runner...
  7. Counter proposal: I would offer the +40 thb for the owner in exchange to watch him eat up what he was cooking, with a big smile. No defamation in that, and gets likes on TikTok too. Following the Thai laws logic, such act must bring in customers too, as opposite to a dissatisfied diner's experience. Right? Not right! Time to get rid of those clinging to these dinosaur of laws, and protect the customers. As a side note: in 3 weeks hassle with a major PC seller, to send a technician to repair a hardware issue, from day 1 of receiving my new Pc. Never mind it is sold with 3 yrs premium care onsite!! And a list price of 80k!! Customer comes last here.
  8. Driving yesterday, this statement feels untrue. Plenty cars out on the roads! But then, all must have headed to the train station, a plausible explanation. Or not.
  9. A bit hard sell when the media keep writing about families spit up on arrival and forced to quarantine hotels... What would that leave from a 10-14 days beach vacation? Does it worth the risk? With uncertainty, and fortnightly changing rules in Thailand ( or even the home country), and randomly cancelled flights, it is just hard to trust anything and anyone this time. Why give a high ball with a slogan, when unlikely to be able to deliver on it from the get-go?
  10. Waiting for the next doctor to come front with a statement that single use plastic bags also can protect from covid if properly used... Wouldn't be great if they sync the "message", before it gets published?
  11. 1. Omicron is already transmitted locally 2. Worrying about vaccinated and tested tourists "sneaking" the virus in when literally 100s a day "sneaking in" (with active local help) unchecked from neighbor countries is hypocrisy.
  12. For one, I am happy not the math faculty is recruiting.... 5500/30= 183.... But which school is running a 30 days work schedule?? Apart, it is free choice. Plus supply and demand. If someone offer too little to 3xchange my time, I don't take the bargain. Nor anyone should really take this offer. Or complain about not being able to complain about it with names. Just keep demanding a change the <deleted> defamation law. If the majority want it, sooner or later they will have to. Since there isn't a strong enough push to change the law, could well be meaning the majority of Thai ppl like it or ok with it as it is.
  13. Phone autocorrect...but coincidentally describes pretty close the defamation law... ????
  14. In a superstitious country with a strong defecation law... Claim the fish got to the seal container by some divine intervention, and sell it out to the biggest believer with the deepest pocket. Probably hint the company's CEO should be the buyer of this one time rarity, offer him to be first in line!!!
  15. Frankly, where ppl don't go to jail killing a person, like red bull's "Boss", Premchai should qualify for a reward "only" killing off wildlife!!
  16. I am also rudely discriminated, and fighting to correct injustice! I am 45 yo, but identify as a 68 yo retired CEO Pepsi Co., and petition both my country authority and my imaginary employer to meet my demand of extravagant pension demands I clearly no doubt entitled for and deserve!
  17. As usual, somewhat confusing infos. Mid of nowhere isaan, wife got first AZ, was told for 2nd shot Pfeizer.. but instead got Moderna. Funny enough, cos that stuff was not long ago supposedly for hard cash only, then for booster after SinoVac....now looks given as 2nd shot for those last in line countryside. My 3rd shot isn't due until February, but not sure if really much in rush, if supposedly a new omicron resistant vaccine in the making...and good old first gen vaccines aren't much a protection against that.
  18. Yet there is a rush to import at least 400.000 migrant workers from neighbor countries. Kinda controversial, if unemployment is already at record high.
  19. Can become a digital nomad hub. Yes. But not the way they are currently imagining it! However if the goal would shift to have ppl staying longer term and spend money to local economy, rent, eat, travel around in free time... with reasonable requirements, that would work.
  20. Actually the ones who really coming ( or about) the 400k migrant workers they desperate to import back...but looking to find a loophole how to get around the 1 days hotel stay required and the expensive test.
  21. With economy suck, and way less ATMs walking around... That 500 thb bribe goes a lot longer way than usually!!
  22. Replace Burmese migrants with your choice of white retired folks here.... And guess how far the compassion would go if you down your luck, no visa, patching up a shack to stay illegally? Surely Immigration officers would be so understanding on the way to a temporary cell and the pending deportation.... Why the double standards?
  23. Um, maybe I am not alone thinking that with this William story the best thing was changing the name!! Only story #3, can't be that already hit the lowest, yet everything pointing that way.
  24. Perhaps, But guess a factory worker in the USA, on minimum wage, does take home more than ~7500thb too! (24 days * 310thb?)
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