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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. Trump is trying to end a war and you want it to continue
  2. And the citizens are paying the cost by 3x high heating costs, due to weak politicians under the US thumb.
  3. This happens when the dollar is weaponised.
  4. I really wish people like you were put in the middle of the fighting, that yellow streak down your back would soon appear. Keyboard warrior
  5. I thought it odd that the article was instantly denying it was Ukriane, then I saw 'Atlantic council' foollowed by it was the Russians, total <deleted>. Russia Russia Russia....
  6. 5 pages of screethcy BS from the lamestream reality deniers... some of us told you ages ago that Putin has the land in the east he wanted and Ukraine has lost this fight...and now look... does it register to any of you that you were lied to and now are wrong ... AGAIN?
  7. As opposed to a keyboard warrior like yourself who wants to keep the war going, people dying, all from the safety of his laptop tucked away far from the bullets or missiles, you weak half man, pussy.
  8. Provoked has a different meaning to started for no reason,
  9. I have been to UK prisons and can safely say its total bullshi, not a deterrent, more like an inconvenient youth club, major reform needed,
  10. You think wrong, I hate USA equally to UK, France and any other wearern country that push for wars
  11. Trump is whole new ball game, not a corrupted politician, cry every night you weak half man. Your Lefty BS is done, so many weak men on this site.
  12. You might have been told that by your media, but in reality he is a well respected leader and has massive support by his people. How many western leaders are respected on the same level..
  13. But they're both world leaders running countries, you're just typing crap on ASEAN now. P.s there is a lot more to say that just OAP, however I wouldnt want to break forum rules
  14. Yeah right..... haha, that's the best one on the thread so far. Off with the fairies. And you guys mock Alex Jones for conspiracies
  15. Yeah right, of course they did, and I guess CNN were there when they got captured and live streamed the event.
  16. The irony of you calling someone else stupid goes way over your head. The war has sod all to do with the USA? Were you being serious when you typed that Putin has been in power 20 yrs, he's not doing too well reinstating those old borders is he. P.s I couldn't care what you do, you're an OAP, nothing you do is of any interest to me.
  17. No, exactly, thanks for highlighting how selective the ICC is. Spewing hate is a bit dramatic don't ya think
  18. I bet there are no US presidents on the ICC lista
  19. Oh no, cornered again, please stop, I am in a deep enough hole from the last time. I dont agree with any war, however this action was a result of provocation and interference by the USA. You can deny all you want, but that's the truth. I dont expect you to know as you are a headline reader and behind the times.
  20. No, have you not realised its always the same, the 'enemy' of the west is always killing women, children, bombing hospitals and schools, gassing their own people, etc etc, same story everytime, people like yourself blindly accept it, without question. Its called manufacturing consent
  21. Hahaha, yeah, of course Pesky Putin always meddling with his imperialistic ambitions, this imperialistic ambitions he's sat on for a whole 20yrs... The worlds bully is the USA, however that was under previous war mongering administrations, so far Trump is the only president in my lifetime to actively seeking to end a war, he has already done far more than any career politician.
  22. Yes, always killing civilians, women, children, but there isnt any western propaganda.
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