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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. Really, I think being alive is better all round.
  2. Blah blah, your last claims were false,. There is a thread about Ukriane peace talks and include quotes from an official statement by Rubio. Still no mention of giving extra land to Putin. Only what he occupies already. So that whole thread proves you were wrong.
  3. Pop your question on a post card and send it to him
  4. Got to keep the fear going, there is an evil dictator just around the corner, waiting to be evil once oil, gas & resources are discovered
  5. Mostly are ethnic Russians. Would you accept the referendum results if Putin won?
  6. No, everyone should follow the news you do, because you are soo informed and factual🤔
  7. Way to go Tulsi..... in your faces corrupt 51 signatures of the Biden loptop Bye bye blinken,😀🍾💪🏻🥳🥳 Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of war hawks
  8. Yes, that's it tranny, you got me, Cornered and buried. I am probably not going to post again as I will be too busy digging myself out of this hole. That will teach me for messing with AN's very own Mensa member.
  9. I am uninterested in anything you have to say here, my reply reflects that.
  10. Because they have weak politicians who were fed fear, the whole thing was rushed through in a matter of days.
  11. Yeah, I bet the speech didn't say "NATO needs to retreat or I will invade" though. Post a link to this speech
  12. Again i am not deflecting or gaslighting, you made a made a claim backs up by 2 links that didn't confirm anything. there wasn't any verification of what was supposedly said. in private. 'An aide said' is not proof of an event, so that whole story is fabricated. If the article provided a name to the aide then that would be different. Its just false story, the same as there was a rift between musk & Rubio, the media were not in the meeting, but ran with the story like it was true, asked questions as though is was true even though all those involved denied the claim. You keep on being fed with your fake news, so many times have they been proven wrong but the gullible continue regardless.
  13. so basically Putin is Hitler 2.0 and he is just itching to invdade Europe!! Haha what a joke, you really are living in a fantasy world, fear of the bogeyman. Not sure where you get your info, but its absolutely mental.
  14. Didn't take long for the Arrgghh Trump brigade to chime in.. just cat help yourselves
  15. But I am not shown anything am I, you guys all si g from the same legacy media Humm sheets, literally word for word
  16. 50 trump - 50 putin
  17. But he hasn't made a statement has he, that's the whole ppint, some lame stream media are reporting on somethng that might or might not have been said in private....what part of that don't you understand. Trump has not made any official statements in relation to what you have claimed.
  18. It just another of the never ending barrage of anti Trump crap posted by you and the DJTDS posse. You really should get a life outside Trump
  19. Arrgggghhhhh...tttttrrrrump lives in my head every day, rent freeeeee, I cannot control it, I am wastng my twilight retirement days on ASEAN Now, clucking & squawking like a chicken...over something that doesn't directly actually effect me whatsoever... because...because. Truuuump... arrgghh, he's a felon....CNN lied to me for 9yrs, but they're telling the truth now... trumph #pussygrabber, #weaklibtard
  20. You should be sortingnyour stomach ulcers out rather than postng here, the stress of having Trump derangement on a daily basis is probably why you're have the issues with your guts
  21. I'm not, because , I'm not a little screetchy, squawking anti trump, Putin hater, we don't cry, unlike you guys have daily since 2016. But I guess by that lame response reality kicked in and you realiesd you lost
  22. Threads go off in many directions, I was replying to a previous comment.
  23. Of course its 10's of 1000 Ukrainians and 100's of 1000s Russians.... because Russia was losing all that time right, as you were told be the USAID funded propaganda outlets Yes Putin orchestrated the coup, killed 14k of his ethic Russian comrades, shot down a passenger plane and moved his borders closer to nato🙄
  24. But he HAS NOT made a statement, that is a lie, both links you provided make claims about something that was said privately, there is no proof anyhjing in those links actually happened, until there is an official statement its BULL.
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