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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. ask the french, Brits or muricans, they looted everything, all the gold and cash
  2. i dont believe you even watched it once. if you did you would realise how stupid your comments are. you are in a minute gruop that this means antything other than the US auto industry, Biden is 1, Pelosi is another, perhaps you have cognitive issues too!
  3. and when he said he'd tax the cars 100%, what he really meant was he'd kill all Mexicans! If you bothered to watch anything more than that line you should, if you have a rational thinking brain, be able to put it in to context, but somehow i don't think you will. 🤡
  4. as opposed to listening to what was said in full! did you even bother to watch your own link above?? at the 4 minute mark, even these hosts say it was very clear what he meant. you still refusing to accept what was said even though everyone apart from a couple of msm outlets and old hag pelosi, agree it was about the auto industry. you have major TDS man, and you have the nerve to call trump supporters idiots and low IQ!! you are certainly living up to your username!
  5. no, just won, fair & square...you have to accept the result right, i mean,,unless you want to sound like Trumpo!!
  6. so thats a YES then, you are denying the election result..... just like the orange man. perhaps you are more similar than you think!!
  7. ah, jim acosta,,,the bastian of truth!! when you guys say trumps uses 'dog whistles'..you don't think for a second that referring to trump as 'parroting language used by hitler' is in itself a dog whistle to the left ? you do realise everything you say Trump will do you are already doing!! this thread is prime example, 14 pages deep in arguing over something taken out of context, yet mnone of you have once backed down and admitted it was a misleading title..... and you say trump has a cult following...suckers!
  8. for sure, bigger weapons commenting here than the US MOAB! the human Biden centipede volunteers!!
  9. already said i fully support Putin..he just won btw..yes, i hate the US warmongering A..and what? can you deny they are cancer of the planet? i support trump in the context he goes against people like yourself, Putin or Trump for world leader...Putin all the way...cant wait for US empire to crumble!!
  10. and what is the point? Biden has been donated to by big corps, pharma or anyone with vested interests...surely its what the people want that counts no?
  11. yeah, destroying Libya for 1. the Us doesn't do anything alone, thats why NATO is still functioning, so the US can wage a war while having suckers to back them up.... as Trumpo said, nato is defunct, it was there for the cold war which ended in 90's, what happened to all Libyas resources? the gold etc.... what did the BBC tell you happened?
  12. that is comedy gold, seriously, have you ever thought of doing stand up?
  13. when he is the POTUS..yeah, i think it matters..every time you comment your credibility drops, it was low but now is near the 0 mark
  14. yeah right,you live in dream land no body outside of the US is in 'awe' of the US, that is your whole problem,. you are the most propagandised country on the planet 5% of you have passports, your corrupted media tells you 1 one thing and you are in an echo bubble, when the truth is the rest of the world hates the US
  15. so you think all the US led wars were because people asked for help.... how are the people of Libya these day?
  16. yeah right, that is an outrageous claim, so no politician or anyone in an influential position has lied before..... what planet are you on. shame those fact checkers weren't around during Iraq WMDS LIES, oh hang on, wasn't the fact checking guy found dead in the English country side!
  17. for someone that has had enough and was leaving this site you seem to be posting quite often, in fact, more than prior to you announcement!
  18. asked for help...yeah right, more like invade to take the resources or overthrow the elected governments under the guise of 'spreading democracy' who exactly did the Iraq war help? wasn't those innocent civilians that died was it.
  19. no, i think trump has faults and i dont agree with everytthing he says or does, i have made that clear in the past, but you guys are so anti Trump that you will argue the toss even when shown evidence that what you are arguing about is false, or in this case out of context. and re the court cases, well, exactly that, throw everything at him in order to stifle his re-election campaign.... pretty obvious to someone not suffering Trump derangement syndrome!
  20. i wonder, were the same scrutiny and frenzied fact checks done for others ..... i don't think so. don't forget Biden had 47yrs political career, this can be 'fact checked' if necessary, same for Killton and the rest, it's all online somewhere.
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