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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. pretty sure if you browse the lastest Trump threads here you will see it's the left/liberals that start throwing insults.
  2. hahahah,, ok, so did they issue arrest warrants for Bush, Blaire, Obuma? actually does the USA recognise the ICC ? how many countries will up hold the arrest warrant?
  3. do you need to hear a specific individual saying 'yes i am a nazi' ? they are a far right 'neo nazi' group, pretty self explanatory really, sporting nazi insignia... no, i guess they are just a group of substitute school teachers! https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/3/1/who-are-the-azov-regiment
  4. oh, thats a new one to add to evil Putins list... haha, nah, they just use nazi symbols for the craic!!! https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/ukraine-crisis/german-tv-shows-nazi-symbols-helmets-ukraine-soldiers-n198961
  5. you can read the link i posted earlier and find out, the msm used to call them Nazis too, until they switched their reporting.
  6. The 'Military operations' being carried out are for several reasons!
  7. so, the neo nazis in Ukraine are ok, they're just using the name?
  8. Putin wants rid of Nazis where ever they are, especially if they're killing ethnic Russians. before 2020 there were many articles regarding them, but since those same media outlets and politicians seem to be denying they even exist.
  9. https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/neo-nazis-far-right-ukraine/ funny how all these outlets changed their tune since 2020!
  10. no, because Trump doesn't need to focus on a telepromper.... 'end of quote'
  11. i can, like what he does IN the US, close the border, trying to bring back manufacturing, and how he calls out the fake news, corrupt Dems, Killery clinton, and best of all, winds all you guys up. I don't like his stance on Israel, Iran, Russian gas to EU, and muricas foreign policies in general..
  12. you would be well versed in that being a Biden supporter and covering for your doddery old man, ..actually, i'm pretty sure there is a thread only the other day that said Biden was too frail to stand trial....but if you disagree, then get him on the stand!!
  13. so you don't think there was any misinformation from any of the trusted media outlets, big pharma, Fauci etc? all 100% factual?
  14. it's quite clear what they are discussing, it's not just about tesla, its the whole practice of using inside info.
  15. i'm sure he has backers if needed, you forget that he has 80 million voters, its not just rednecks that support him,
  16. she practically admitted it, although not as 'insider trading' said there was nothing wrong with it, there is even a website dedicated to following her trades.
  17. c'mon man.... are you serious. do you literally believe everything you read 100%
  18. err, donbas and the killing of ethnic Russians? or you dont know that bit because cnn. didn't tell you.
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