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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. you do at about Trumps 70+ million voters
  2. FFS, he said he's be a dictator for 1 day and it was a piss take, you guys certainly lack any form of humour when it comes to Trump!!
  3. hope Biden does a drug test, will be easy to spot if he's speeding by his eyes , this is his normal state..... https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-z0mUwT9cqA
  4. how do you know? i very much doubt you have looked into it, just blurted out some anti Russian nonsense on here!
  5. it's not easy to stay long term in many countries with out obtaining a proper visa for all nationalities, well, apart from the US, the southern border is wide open under Biden!
  6. they have visa free travel to 120 countries, out of 193. 131 for British 150 US
  7. beheading POW's really, and you have proof of this i'm sure. does your info come from the same person that said 40 babies were beheaded on October 7th?
  8. if he wanted to 'erase' Ukriane then why is he concentrating on a few areas only? 'he must be stopped'...hahah
  9. and illegal act, or do you condone supply routes being attacked so civilians, women & Childern are effected?? you seem to relish at the thought of innocent people suffering, some guy you are!
  10. an American calling another country a bully.... IRONY . com !!!
  11. this is couple of wewek old now, but dont hear much about it
  12. 'Alleged' war stories, i'm sure many members here have told some porkies about their past to their future bar girl missus. i used to be a sniper in Iraq!
  13. is fascist you favourite word? you seem ytou use it in every comment
  14. i hate trump so automatically cannot say anything nice about a woman i could never get in a million years, (spits pacifier out, whaa whaa whaa)
  15. yeah, Putin going round killing the opposition.....ever stopped to think perhaps people actually do like Putin and vote for him, or your cold war mentality wouldn't allow that
  16. so you don't believe Putin, then do we have to believe Biden got all those votes?
  17. the had a referendum, the majority voted to join Russia.
  18. you really are stuck in the cold war era aren't you!
  19. yes, because in all the wars to date, politicians Children and family members have been the first to sign up!!
  20. most of the labels on stuff you use and buy daily says 'made in China', don't see many with 'made in the USA'!
  21. do you think all the 'aid' to Ukraine is free? they will owe the US forever now, those 12 trillion in minerals certainly won't be going into the Ukraine coffers !
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