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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. it would depend if it were backed by the US & UK, if it was then you know something is fishy..its all about oil, minerals, or recourses, but certainly not freedom and democracy for the people
  2. yes, basically whomever the western politicians and media tell them to hate, they run for the pitchforks!
  3. recent admission by Merkle and another that they were signed only to buy time to re-arm, re-train Ukraine
  4. which proved to be false, remember Adam schiffs fictional dramatisation of the phone call the didn't happen, how did the impeachment go btw? i remember the video of Biden bragging that he got the prosecutor fire after threatening to with hoid aid..no charges..humm
  5. what has trump got to do with this? seems clear you don't have anything to add
  6. who's arguing. it was a simple case of reading an article with new information many probably haven't heard, and making an opinion. it certainly puts a different spin on the whole situation... unless that is you just want to ignore it and carry on with the 'Russia bad' western narrative
  7. i didnt ask yoyu to prove anything, i showed you an article, youm dismissed it, i guess with out even reading it..... so do you deny the story is true?
  8. and after 14 days how many recovered and left hospital perfectly fine?
  9. and natural immunity is how effective in comparison?
  10. what about studies in Thailand rather than US, we are here after all!
  11. so, msn.com isnt one of your trusted channels? you denying the story? or can't accept that their are possible alternate reasons for this continued war, the same as the ME ones?
  12. nice to see a few have arses handed to them, perhaps some might look outside their msm bubble in future !!
  13. read for yourself... https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/senator-graham-ukraines-12-trillion-mineral-wealth-and-its-future/ar-BB1o1qqL
  14. perhaps you should question the media you watch more often too, or search of others to get a different perspective.
  15. how about the 12 trillion $$ wirh of minerals Ukrains sits on, do you think that has any bearing on the US and allies support?
  16. yeah, i guess you dont have the faintest clue about the saudi/petro dollar thing do you....
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