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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. RIP!

    I have said this before, the island has a serial killer. And he is just enjoying this!! Expecting another? WAKE UP THAILAND AND DO SOMETHING!!!

    Just what I have been thinking, a serial killer or gang led by a nutcase serial killer who gains more power every time he/ or they kill.

    Because they are being protected by corruption / mafia.

    I don't think responsible for all six deaths but the 15 m fall , the GB 2 and the French suicide hands tied and the latest poor girl look to be very suspicious.

    Can someone post the full story about the lead up to annessley's death the 2 fighting over her and being found naked sound very suspicious and there is a huge lacking again of proper police and forensic investigation.

    with regard to her being found naked, (which is not uncommon in a tropical climate), she herself posted that that was one of the reasons to get a bungalow of her own rather than share a hostel room…i think 'now i can walk around naked' was what she wrote on her own twitter or FB.

    these deaths are not suspicious unless you have that conclusion in your mind to start with...

    this whole serial killer nonsense is only being talked about with you guys on here, There were 2 murders in september, which were handled very badly buy the police, but that doesn't mean there is a 'protected' nutter roaming the streets praying on tourists..thats a bit far fetched.

    can you honestly say that in the big picture of things that a family form a tiny island in the gulf of thailand would be allowed to tarnish the whole reputation of Thailand on a global scale?? i very much doubt this.

  2. thaiandchill…i thought i explained in one of my very first posts the 'you' meant the group of 'you' that keeps dragging this thread on with your absurd theories and now just repeating yourselves with nothing of any value or importance.

    i believe the guy that said this post should be closed is correct, there is nothing here to say as nobody knows anything and now its just people clutching at straws and bickering with each other or posting 'stats' from other countries..

    i dont know how far along this is but maybe people should wait for these results..which by the way would be FACTS!!

    the bangkok post have said this...

    Medication suspected in Koh Tao death

    AFP reports that a British backpacker who was found dead on a popular Thai tourist island had consumed a potentially fatal combination of alcohol and Valium, police said
    Tuesday citing preliminary autopsy data.

    when i added @ and your name, that was me asking you directly.

  3. and ok, the german girl didn't like the ways the body was moved…what is her experience of seeing dead bodies being moved ?if she is a nurse, medic or doctor then fine, if not, does she know a wrong or right way, i would imagine she would be upset at hearing of a death and any site of a dead body would be disturbing in its self.

    you also have to remember this is thailand and not Europe, death is not treated the same, i have never seen dead bodies shown on the news back home but here they are. it just a cultural difference.

  4. well to start with if her MOTHER, who i am guessing had far more contact with her daughter..and also knows her daughter far better than any of you here hasn't raised any questions about the verdict then i would take note of that way before listening to any of your theories given so faris that not a sensible way to look at things.or not fit in with your... err.. facts were they you have facts right??

    ps by 'you' , i dont mean you in person mr/mrs/miss chill..i mean all the people saying it was foul play

    Nobody knows yet what was the cause but the Police coming out and making ridiculous claims of natural causes without an autopsy adds fuel to the fire.

    I fail to see how a relationship between two people suddenly gives them the expertise to be able to give a verdict on their death

    have the police actually given a press conference yet about this or did you read this online somewhere?

  5. well to start with if her MOTHER, who i am guessing had far more contact with her daughter..and also knows her daughter far better than any of you here hasn't raised any questions about the verdict then i would take note of that way before listening to any of your theories given so far…is that not a sensible way to look at things….or not fit in with your... err.. facts were they… you have facts right??

    ps by 'you' , i dont mean you in person mr/mrs/miss chill..i mean all the people saying it was foul play

  6. yes started from page 1…and the comment above is another, you dont know any facts from the what was found at the room..how do you know she didn't take valium and tramadol, pass out and choke on her vomit?….too easy i guess and wouldn't fit in your murder theories.

    another…why was she naked??…really??.. a tourist in a tropical climate??..bikini all day then don a night gown to sleep in??

    why did someone enter her room??…err, maybe she was supposed to check out, maybe she was supposed to be getting a boat, diving??…..no..in you guys eyes the only possible reason was 'they came to clear up her murder'.

    the list goes on and on

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