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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. Question for anyone who can give a reasonable answer without the smart comments. These guys, let's say they are guilty for arguments sake, have been given the death penalty. Thai's who commit murder I never hear of getting the death penalty. Maybe they do and it just isnt reported I dont know but the thing is the sentence looks very biased. If you get the death penalty for murder, and I have no complaints about tat, then every murderer should be executed, so what makes these guys so special?

    Dead men can't talk.

    Yes -- but they are alive now and they still haven't talked if they have anything to talk about.

    Probably because they want to remain alive. And they want their families to remain alive. Maybe they are prepared to serve the sentences because they have much guilt about what they know and possibly saw but dare not speak of. Lucky escape for Maung Maung (if he's still alive that is).

    yeah right.!

  2. what are the differences between the 2 versions? i have seen the asian 1 and although i was expecting amazing revelations as hinted at by some TV posters here i found it was nothing more than previous news that everyone knew edited together.

    they briefly highlight 6 young deaths as 'mysterious' but fail to give any evidence and omit certain evidence for at least 2 that would remove them from that category.

    did the family of nick pearson make any reports about their suspicions to the UK police or media or anyone prior, or did they only do this after the hannah & david case?. I'm sure parents wouldn't want to think of a child dying of their own drunken stupidity, but is it not at all possible he might have after being put bed early on NYE for being 'too drunk to walk'?

    for those here that would like to link his death to AC bar.. the place where he was staying and also died is at completely opposite ends of the beach, by the other end i mean, you couldn't get any further!, in fact its past the beach and up into the the hill, you would have to walk the entire length of sairee beach past every other bar in sairee on before you would arrive there.

    since all the 'bad' press about KT it has been even busier that previous years, i would add that i've seen a lot more older couples and families since all this happened, so either people don't read the news or it didnt affect them. KT is still in the top 4 of holiday islands to visit.....bad luck for those of you who are so keen to see KT disappear!

  3. Our friend had a condition which cause his arm to become swollen from time to time. So please lay off the sarcastic comments. In addition to his medical condition he is not a drug abuser.

    He was on his way back from vacation travelling to Koh Tao from Suratthani on the overnight boat.For what ever reason he decided to leave the boat just before the boat was leaving. perhaps he did not realize the time. It has been confirmed that he has left his bag onboard the boat. This is why he had only the money in his pocket. leaving his phone and passport in his bag is not grounds for suspicion.

    He has been seen on CCTV walking away from the boat. He stopped to ask a lady where the nearest 7/11 was. After that we do not know what happened. Now we just want to find our friend.

    Many people talk about Koh Tao being "death Island" but really look at the amount of deaths in Pattaya, Phuket, and Koh Samui do not just label our island a Death island when there are many many more places which have far more incidents than our island. Full police reports have been made, the police are working well to find Jean.

    If you have any information please contact the police.

    don't feel like you in any way need to explain or justify anything to these (possibly fat, balding, or grey haired) keyboard warriors , i used to think this site was the place to come for any thailand related info, visas, travel, etc etc, i realise its just full of sad, bitter old men that have nothing better to do or nothing better to say than negative crap....i hope your friend is ok and turns up, shame some insignificant PRI^&S are only here for 1 thing....

  4. Moonsterk, on 02 Mar 2016 - 10:15, said:Moonsterk, on 02 Mar 2016 - 10:15, said:

    The video is referring to David Miller, not Luke

    You may want it to, but it isn't smile.png

    Another interesting revelation is the interview on screen with the parents of Nick Pearson who also died in suspicious circumstances on Koh Tao. Yet another family let down by the RTP and the Thai authorities.

    i don't really think anything they said was a revelation most of what they said was already known and nothing could class it as a suspicious death, 'he was so drunk he had to be escorted home and put to bed', remember that part, so anything is possible really, maybe he woke up and wanted a piss, maybe he decided he was off for a swim, maybe he wanted to stand on a rock and do a de'caprio, who knows what went through his head while that intoxicated, but it has to be sinister and a murder??...the brother said 'who would sleepwalk there'.??...surely you are asleep thats the reason its called sleep walking, you're not in control??

    there wasn't anything in that video that isn't already known, it basically just covers all the points of the cover up theory, and nothing else, i was expecting it to be more controversial or damming.

    is the is a verified production company? are there other docos?

  5. JLCrab, on 26 Feb 2016 - 02:11, said:
    IslandLover, on 26 Feb 2016 - 01:58, said:
    JLCrab, on 25 Feb 2016 - 13:50, said:JLCrab, on 25 Feb 2016 - 13:50, said:

    Mr. Samuels wrote on 9 JULY 2015 that his translator had been warned off by the Mafia and on 10 JULY 2015 he was submitting dispatches from the Samui Courtroom on his Twitter account.

    He is also recorded on video outside the courtroom saying that his translator had been warned off. He described those threatening his female translator as "mafia".

    So on 9 JULY 2015 he wrote and said on video that his translation had been scared off by mafia types and on July 10 he was able to submit his own Twitter dispatches from the courtroom so he apparently found another translator.

    I have no idea whether he found another translator or not but that does not alter the fact that one of his translators was warned off.

  6. Frank,

    Nobody owns the beach!! Stop passing misinformation on dressed as fact

    Then you go on to accuse others of misinforming, when your lot are the main culprits of this tactic - don't worry, we are not taken in by this ploy as we realise that your case is so weak that you have to resort to this type of thing. We are on your case and we will continue to post truths only rather than stoop to your level!!

    you know exactly what i meant by own the beach...that family occupies the land on that entire stretch of the beach...is that better for you???

    is that all you can pick up on from what i wrote??...how about your answer to the fact that it was NS family that the cctv comes from?..how would you explain them giving the cops their nephew on tape if they were involved.. people claim they are SO powerful, surely they would have been able to put a stop to that straight away?

  7. Finally Khun Han, a slight admission to the truth. All I want is for posters to acknowledge facts that can longer be refuted. That it is possible and probable that the phone was taken from the scene.

    No Khun Han, it does not prove murder. It does prove, they are lying to cover up. Even now, they could reveal the truth. But no, they choose to remain silent. I do not believe they acted alone, they may not have held the weapon even. But they were there. So unless they want to fess up, they are just as guilty as anyone else that was there. The law in thailand says, if you stand and watch a crime and do nothing to assist, you are just as guilty as the person doing the action.

    We can remember the jody foster movie.

    Finally you've gone off script and said something reasonable for a change, yes the scenario that they were only accomplices or witnesses to the murder is a very real one. If you believe that they were only involved but may not have held the murder weapon then why have you stated so many times that you are glad that they will be executed asap?

    I have never said I would be glad anybody would be executed.

    I have said only, I am glad they were Brought to trial and convicted. It does not mean, I agree with the death sentence.

    Also, I complain because with all that evidence that the defense had to dispute, they in fact did not dispute and wasted the whole trial going on about gait analyse and human rights.

    I feel that with their young age, they were very poorly advised. Had they stayed with the guilty plea, they would have received a half sentence and been out in around 15 years.

    The people to blame were the defense for encouraging these young lads to defend what looks to me to be undefendable.

    The court simply followed the laws of this country.

    How did the defense "waste the whole trial going on about gait analysis"? I don't think gait analysis was even mentioned at the trial. Or if so, just fleetingly. I would gladly welcome in-depth & professional gait analysis of the 3 Running Man videos. I think it would show, without a doubt, that RM is Nomsod. For obvious reasons, gait analysis was not done in relation to NS. RM's gait may have been compared to one of the B3, but if there was a match, RTP and prosecution would be crowing about it from the rooftops. Instead: not a peep. Oh, and there persists the recollection of that lovely honest man MON saying it was himself. Anyone who believes that, will want to buy some anti-baldness cream from me - only Bt.39,000 per 1 oz. bottle.

    The reason the B2 have stuck with their not guilty plea is because they're not guilty. They knew, before during and after they made that plea that it would carry the death penalty, and a plea of guilty would spare their lives, .....yet they have the strength of character to maintain what's right and speak the truth, even though it could cause them to be killed by Thai authorities before they reach their 25th birthdays. I don't know if I would have such courage. Would you?

    the video footage of running man was submitted by the family of the guy who you are trying to say is the running man!!

    you may not be aware due to having no knowledge of koh tao whatsoever that that entire end of the beach is owned by the same family....do you think they would have given video footage to the police of 1 of their own??

    at the end of the day all off your information comes from csi la, and his came from 3/4/5 hand gossip and hearsay from a frenzy of stories and press itching for the latest headline!

    just because you guys think they don't look like butter wouldn't melt doesn't mean they didn't! why wouldn't they at point of death penalty say..enoughs enough and grass up the actual murderers??..they are looking at death either way, why not make it known to the international media and go out in a blaze of glory???

  8. It is all a moot point. The police failed to link possession of the phone to the accused, yet the court went with it. Just as the court accepted the confessions which were the result of torture and written by a man who could not speak the language of the accused or Thai with any degree of competency. They also accepted DNA evidence which appears to have been done by a 5 year old in the kitchen and recorded in crayon.

    If the court didn't care about any of that then...

    I think he means the 'running' man. You know the one that has gait.


    so, you do know that the 'running man' footage was supplied by the same family of the guy you are accusing of being the 'running man'?

  9. i have said already that this unfortunate incident has not been mentioned on the island as far as i am aware, not 1 hint of gossip to say anything of foul play, now surely someone would have spilled the beans to CSI LA by now, inside information...pictures, rumours??...but nothing.....humm...maybe it was just an unfortunate accident??

    May be and I would also think the same thing as you if it wasn't for the family's suspicions and saying that it wasn't an accident, he was dumped in the pool by someone else and they have proof of it.

    So let's not be so hasty to write it off as an accident just yet until we get some info about the situation.

    they have proof? where is this, on a FB page, or they have taken it to the police?, i doubt it at all, i can understand they are upset at this time and maybe after being bombarded by poisonous opinions from the likes of ADAM MICHEAL MURPHY & CO.. but, actual proof or facts, i doubt that at all.

  10. i have said already that this unfortunate incident has not been mentioned on the island as far as i am aware, not 1 hint of gossip to say anything of foul play, now surely someone would have spilled the beans to CSI LA by now, inside information...pictures, rumours??...but nothing.....humm...maybe it was just an unfortunate accident??

  11. smedly

    Maybe you should read post #825 of stephenterry before going off half cocked.

    Quote>"I speculate that he was attacked and knocked unconscious and dumped in the pool where he drowned. Why? Because the photos of his injuries taken by his friends were not in line with the rtp assertions.

    I hope the family raise bloody hell IF this is accurate." End quote

    So no one made a statement that I asked questions of? Please tell me what this is? A little insensitive telling one to approach the family. Maybe you should get one thing straight, this is not the Smedly thread and one can ask questions without first obtaining your permission or being told what to do by you.

    Because ST got that from the friends post, the same as I did.

    Lets make this a little clearer. The 2 friends left Koh Tao when Luke was killed, they then went to Surit Thani to the hospital where I presume he had the autopsy. While there and while the RTP were not looking they took photos of Luke. It is these photos that they say do not fit with the version of events by the local RTP.

    Please don't shoot the messenger I know no more than that make of it as you will but to avoid even more speculation why not wait for more information to be forthcoming first.

    when he 'died' there is no evidence to say otherwise as of yet, stilll waiting for the friends to prove to the contrary.

  12. threw his body. into the pool??...now thats a new one..has that guy ADAM MICHAEL MURPHY been spreading his anti thai BS again...(ps admins...i name him from Facebook..not here, i do not know if he is a member on TV , i use his real name from his Facebook page ) so no need to delete my post

  13. so what happens if the uk say it was drowning, will you accept that?? or will you deny it and say they are 'in on it'....

    the british government....


    down to a tiny gypsy family island so called mafia...or will you just accept that he died from misadventure?? you really think that every death is suspicious ?? 2 guys drowned on 25th december...1 was western 61 and died, the other was chinese and was revived by the good deeds done by the volunteer rescue team....both had an accident while snorkelling.....nothing suspicious....or because there was witness's and it was in the daytime it wasn't reported in samui news it wasn't news worthy??

  14. Is there anything to suggest this was foul play, other than that it happened on Koh Tao?

    Of course there is and it is all in the minds of the TVF Investigators. It's called imagination, could also add fervent to that. coffee1.gif

    I find that a gross and extremely disrespectful statement, not for me or for any of the posters on here apart from one Maria who still logs in to view the thread.

    If you had bothered to do even the slightest bit of research outside of TVF you will see the family are very concerned and have expressed that concern through facebook, TVF, and the BBC including a TV interview. They have evidence that does not agree with the version of events as set down by the RTP who have as far as their concerned completed their investigation.

    The investigation is far from over and after the UK autopsy there will then be the official inquest.

    Shame on

    Enjoy your coffee while the family mourns and waits for the body to be returned home

    is that because you adam and some of the other TV sleuths have contacted the grieving members?? i find that gross and extremely disrespectful that you would try to fill their heads with your own personal anti thailand agenda.

    there has been no talk of this unfortunate accident on the island, and certainly not even a whisper of any foul play, its only yourself and the select bunch on here that are trying to make something from nothing.

  15. Is there anything to suggest this was foul play, other than that it happened on Koh Tao?

    Andrew Drummonds blog makes mention of "reliable sources" saying there were multiple injuries to Luke Miller's body, none of which were consistent with the barb wire theory.

    The same blog mentions mafia turf wars full on with gunfire which has led to the arrest of a prominent Samui archipelago person mentioned in a post here earlier today.

    hahaha...i often lie awake at night listening to the sounds of gunfire!!...mafia turf wars and gunfire on koh tao??...hahah.....have any of you actually been to koh tao??

  16. So you are justifying smashing someone's face in for "flipping a finger" -- really?

    A hand gesture deserves an attack by multiple people - stamping the man into the ground - but hey that's ok a the law is upheld with a 10,000 baht fine ?

    Do you not see anything wrong here?

    I wonder if you'll be so supportive when it's was your child or your face, or your lovers face that is being smashed in.

    the guy was pissed flipped the bird, if the account was at all true i would imagine there was more to it than just that, but he got a slap (by 2 girls)..i guess he learnt a lesson and will probably now think twice....but the last paragraphs are more like a tao bashing form someone other than a tourist thats friend got beaten up. thing is anyone post stuff on there internet without any verification.

    i see so many clueless and disrespectful 'kids' on their gap year or first time away from home 'travelling', i am amazed how some of them even made it here in the first place.. but some think they are the DB's and the first to travel to thailand ever...the wanna be gangsters!!
    and when people here say it was the staff attacked them...err.... doormen/bouncers scrapping with drunk customers was a weekly sighting when i was growing up....but if its against tao then its gotta be true.... just run with it!!
  17. Two of Lukes friends who he was with have now returned safely to the UK, but this is far from over.

    Nichola Gissing They hate us over there, land of smiles my ass. Land of snakes and murderers, Mafia, rapists and corruption, we couldn't even go to the British embassy in Bangkok because certain members not I won't mention names right now are being paid off!!!


    now adam, did she really say that?

  18. From the above 27 DEC2015 posting:

    A few tall male customers see what is happening and try to get the aggressive people away from Davy.

    This is a photo of the late Mr. Miller on the left:

    and the guy on the right is taller...so it must of been him she was writing about?....is this what you're trying to imply? i don't get it?

  19. If the poster claiming to be Maria is indeed genuine they need to verify it so as to taken seriously. The information she had given so far is at odds with the official explanation and for it to be credible it must be assertained that this really is Maria Miller. Often the british goverment tells family members to keep quiet in situations like this and let the authorities handle it. As we have seen time and time again Britain values its diplomatic relationships more than justice for individual citizens. If this is really Maria Miller my advise to you is to cause as much of a scene as you can. Officials will want this resolved as quickly and quietly as they can and if youre not happy with their answers , go public and create a s**t storm.

    My genuine condolences on the loss of your brother.

    Somebody else said they saw her posting on the sunset facebook page but I couldnt find it, they may have deleted I suppose. But the sister has posted her frustrations on another facebook page, can post the link but not sure if its allowed. The page is called Shucking Korn. I took a screen capture of her posts and deleted her swearing, she must be feeling terrible. God bless her and her family

    there is no mention whatsoever of any of that on her own FB page or the other family members pages or any of the friends of them for that matter, yet she posts on an obscure thai FB page that no ones heard of?? to me that would suggest that her page was hacked in someway.

    Do you really believe all of these hacking stories?? What a patheticand desperate excuse from one of the usual Koh Tao supporters.

    If she was hacked it one of her friends would have said so on her FB by now, so it is really Lukes sister, why do you have such a problem with that if you were unbiased and didn't mind yet another scandal for Koh Tao?

    that fact that she or nobody else have written anything anywhere that says anything like what she supposedly wrote on that random thai site that nobody in the UK would have heard of doesn't seem right, no, its a lot less far fetched than some of the therioes I've seen written on this thread, she's not written anything on her own page??. the other person on that screen shot is adam micheal murphy, amongst some of his posts slating Koh Tao he has written on the sunset bars page that he will have their pages hacked...maybe he knows?

  20. Christina Annesley's parents are still unhappy with the investigation into her death carried out on Koh Tao:


    and there was that Swiss guy, diving alone and drowning mysteriously in a shallow waters on Saree ...

    no, 2 went out 1 didn't return,

  21. If the poster claiming to be Maria is indeed genuine they need to verify it so as to taken seriously. The information she had given so far is at odds with the official explanation and for it to be credible it must be assertained that this really is Maria Miller. Often the british goverment tells family members to keep quiet in situations like this and let the authorities handle it. As we have seen time and time again Britain values its diplomatic relationships more than justice for individual citizens. If this is really Maria Miller my advise to you is to cause as much of a scene as you can. Officials will want this resolved as quickly and quietly as they can and if youre not happy with their answers , go public and create a s**t storm.

    My genuine condolences on the loss of your brother.

    Somebody else said they saw her posting on the sunset facebook page but I couldnt find it, they may have deleted I suppose. But the sister has posted her frustrations on another facebook page, can post the link but not sure if its allowed. The page is called Shucking Korn. I took a screen capture of her posts and deleted her swearing, she must be feeling terrible. God bless her and her family

    there is no mention whatsoever of any of that on her own FB page or the other family members pages or any of the friends of them for that matter, yet she posts on an obscure thai FB page that no ones heard of?? to me that would suggest that her page was hacked in someway.

  22. balo, on 10 Jan 2016 - 15:34, said:

    Has anyone tried to contact Maria Miller on her genuine facebook page just to verify that she is the real poster on Thaivisa ?

    I would not be surprised if she don't know anything about this thread. .

    Balo, she is genuine. How many times do I have to tell you.

    youd have to be pretty gullible to believe that it was actually his sister, more likely 1 of the KT haters from this site judging my the language used.

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