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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. yes seahorse, that is one of the many headline grabbing blogs and articles written AFTER the event….how many from before it?

    No, it was penned before this case, but due to the number of hits, the author decided to go back and update it.

    I know, because I know the guy.

    how well do you know him? did he tell you he had to leave because he got caught stealing money from the donation boxes?

  2. I think this is good point that if the locals believed the Burmese did it they probably would have swarmed around the residences of all Burmese in the area. They might not care about the lives of a couple of farang but they do care about their livelihoods that might be impacted by tourist murders.

    However, we have heard many comments from visitors to KT to the effect that they all know who did but don't dare say, except that it wasn't the 2B.

    what utter BS, if a tourist goes to Koh Tao unless they are the sort of person that goes out looking for trouble they will not find it on Koh Tao..other than this when have you heard of trouble in KT compared to all the other thai hotspots phangan, samui and especially the sanitly pattaya…or are you referring to Sean Mcanna?? the only person to cry wolf to get attention?

    The Dark Side of Thailand's Island Paradise

    And this one from 2010

    Their new mate, Nont (pronounced Non), the son of the AC2 resort owner, was sweet but a bit spoilt and played quite rough, as Thai kids seem to do.

    as most thai kids do? so the point of highlighting that bit is?

    After a few weeks on the island, we found out that Koh Tao has a dark underbelly in the form of locally powerful mafia-like families that own many of the businesses and make sure that they get the cream of the profits that tumble into Koh Tao. In the fairly short time we were there, several people were killed - that is, murdered. We even heard the crack of a gunshot on one occasion.

    well i call BS on the 2 deaths…i have been going to koh tao for over 10 years and bee


    as most thai kids do…so the point of highlighting that is?? hopefully you're not making out that kid was NS.

    i have been coming to thailand for over 10yrs..especially Koh Tao since 2006, so i call BS on the 2 deaths they wrote of.

    i know of 1shooting and that was a thai on thai dispute. and the gun shot..yeah right only if it was the one i just mentioned.

    something for those who say the B2 are innocent to consider…recently a friends burmese staff had to goto the police station to deal with his brother who had been involved in a knife fight which resulted in 1 bead burmese guy..stabbed to death!!!, so anyone can commit a crime regardless of nationality, looks or build

    and for the record i dont have an opinion either way to weather the B2 are guilty or not….however unlike a majority of posters here i won't rule out they were/are not capable

  3. This is conveniently forgetting all the thai on thai violence that happens on Koh Tao and has been documented, but that doesn't count right?

    my comment was badly worded and written in haste as i took a dislike to a slating of koh tao with the ' other visitors have commented that they knew who did it but wouldn't dare say'…who are these people that visit KT as a tourist and get inside info on who did it?

  4. Been following these topics for a few weeks now so have got a fairly good understanding of the case. One thing that sticks in my mind, why was one of the defendants trying to leave the island, i believe he got as far as Surat Thani before the police stopped him. Quite possible he had a valid reason, any idea's or was it a different person ?

    The better question would be: If he was guilty, why would he go to his room immediately after the crime and snooze like a baby?

    Additionally: if he was guilty, he would want to split (or he would at least act erratically afterwards). He'd have blood on him and his clothes, so he'd be crazed about cleaning everything. The trip on the ferry happened two weeks after the crime, for krysaches.

    Also, as Stephen has mentioned several times: locals would be literally up in arms - swarming to the Burmeses' dwelling to string the guys up - if they thought he did it. Locals usually know about such things. Heck, locals didn't even call out or throw anything when witnessing the reenactment. Ordinarily, Thais would be livid during a reenactment - particularly for such a heinous crime which impacts so badly on the island's reputation. The islanders know the boys didn't do the crime. Most know who did it, but for obvious reasons (they want to stay alive), they ain't tellin'.

    For sure.........smile.png

    I posted weeks back, check bank account transactions..............

    I think this is good point that if the locals believed the Burmese did it they probably would have swarmed around the residences of all Burmese in the area. They might not care about the lives of a couple of farang but they do care about their livelihoods that might be impacted by tourist murders.

    However, we have heard many comments from visitors to KT to the effect that they all know who did but don't dare say, except that it wasn't the 2B.

    what utter BS, if a tourist goes to Koh Tao unless they are the sort of person that goes out looking for trouble they will not find it on Koh Tao..other than this when have you heard of trouble in KT compared to all the other thai hotspots phangan, samui and especially the sanitly pattaya…or are you referring to Sean Mcanna?? the only person to cry wolf to get attention?

  5. Why would you NOT check this for finger prints and DNA of the murderer??


    Sir, you are right in what you say. But i do recall reading that the gardener first found the (his) hoe, and took it back and cleaned it up.

    Mon then later instructed him to put on gloves and take it back to the scene.

    Yes, no excuse, but after the cleaning and further handling who knows what would have remained.

    no, the hoe was there the whole time covered in blood, it was not cleaned and put back as you have read, it was about 20 m from the bodies, the police took it away after they removed the bodies

    Police tried to manipulate Koh Tao witness, court told

    Police on Koh Tao tried to persuade a witness at the Witheridge-Miller crime scene into saying that he had wiped blood off an alleged murder weapon, according to Aung Myo Thant, a lawyer for the defence team.

    Speaking to DVB on Thursday evening, the lawyer said the court heard testimony from a Burmese migrant named U Oh, who was a garbage collector on Sairee Beach during the period in September 2014 when British tourists Hannah Witheridge and David Miller were murdered.

    “U Oh confirmed he was the owner of the garden hoe, which is alleged to have been used as the murder weapon in the case,” Aung Myo Thant said. “A police officer had earlier testified that the hoe was used to murder the victims, then the blood-stained tool was placed under a bag and discarded on the beach.”


    i do not know the owner of the hoe, i have not heard anything form dvb news…i was replying to the poster bamukloy...

    i can assure you the hoe was there the whole time, covered in blood in a patch of garden under a tree 20m from the victims until the police removed the bodies.

  6. Why would you NOT check this for finger prints and DNA of the murderer??


    Sir, you are right in what you say. But i do recall reading that the gardener first found the (his) hoe, and took it back and cleaned it up.

    Mon then later instructed him to put on gloves and take it back to the scene.

    Yes, no excuse, but after the cleaning and further handling who knows what would have remained.

    no, the hoe was there the whole time covered in blood, it was not cleaned and put back as you have read, it was about 20 m from the bodies, the police took it away after they removed the bodies

  7. yes..the first settlers were first called sea gypsies…i used the word as referring them being an insignificant family( not to be taken literally) from a tiny island, would they be allowed to drag the international image of thailand through this?

    left a message to who…tourists that are only here for a week or so??…

    what parts of my post are assumptions??

    what parts of any of your posts are anything more??

  8. a few things that you probably dont know as guessing none of you have actually been to Koh Tao as it full of young people…….

    the reason there isnt any local witness's coming forward is because this happened on a sunday/monday early hours when 98% of locals would have been sleeping…the only people out n about at that time especially in Ac bar would have been tourists…

    for this reason the press with some very unprofessional reporting would jump onto any whisper or rumour they heard just to print something…

    AC bar is a bar frequented by tourists and local thais and nobody really goes down there because the night life is mainly at the other end.

    there was a football tournament on the island at the time, i dont know if it was just surat region or others but multiple teams of none Tao thai lads on the island.

    by 10:00 am 5 boats left the island potentially carrying upto 1000 people.

    the entire south end of the beach is owned by the same family so all the CCTV given is from them….(why give clips containing images of their family members?)

    do you really think that Thailand would let itself be dragged through the international mud by a family of "gypsies"??

    if said family is so powerful & connected would they dump 2 bodies on their door step for all this shit to happen and put them all in the media spotlight??

    why not use 1 of their many boats to dump them at sea or just disappear ??

    with regards to the B2..you can't say they are innocent on their looks or build…I've seen 3 totally destroy a hugh mouthy american (who deserved it).

    an unsuspecting punch or a hit with a stick…once down you will more than likely lose.

    seam Mc anna was a BSer and compulsive liar after his 15 minutes of fame….if he was involved then CSI LA and sky news are complicit in aiding his escape….maybe he did do it!!

    i dont have an opinion if the B2 did it because i dont know the facts, but unlike some of you i dont listen to all the gossip and state it as fact.

    when provided with photographic evidence to NS being in bkk it was dismissed by some as faked as with the DNA….yet no evidence to prove the B2 are innocent as of yet…but they are cause its a cover up!!

    what it is a is a mess by police that were completely un prepared for this type of event or to deal with it…being the sleepy nature of Koh Tao compared to the neighbouring islands

  9. ' murdering any person that would get in their way (in the most lucky cases only your business would go up in flames), raping and/or murdering beautiful girls who would not succumb to the divine charisma of their male offspring'…hahaha…i dont know what you've been reading lately..maybe you should change it for a mills n boon paperback

  10. I'm pretty sure that none of the people that voted the island 5th in the world stopped to ask themselves if the room they were staying in was built with a permit and i am also pretty sure the the whole encroachment issue is about illegal building nation wide .

  11. so what...drugs in some form are used at most parties all over the world weekly/daily….not so much openly sold, especially on koh tao..in fact the only place i have ever known advertise drugs when i was going to parities while travelling is magic mountain on koh phagnan..i think you maybe have confused the 2 islands….FULL MOON PARTY IN ON KOH PHAGNAN

    i can't deny that 1 terrible thing happened there back in september no..but the other incidents reported here are just hearsay with no actual real evidence or facts…. even if facts are given they are dismissed by the same 5-10 posters..the same people who seem to be anti everything 'thailand'

    yes there are many places that are better than koh tao..or even 1 side is better than the other..all depends on what you're into, the majority of people that goto koh tao are younger and looking for the party scene while doing a dive course….these people dont visit this site so won't be put off by what is said here by a few……i read here once that someone claimed tourism was down on tao buy 50% because of their postings…dont flatter yourselves…..again the tourists visiting koh tao DO NOT visit here so all you petty accusations fall flat as soon as you press send.

    • Like 2
  12. oh look out….here come the koh tao bashers/tv detectives/fantasists……the same few names that have been none existent the last few months when 'Pattaya' & 'Phuket' have been in the headlines DAILY……fortunately for KT its geared up for younger tourists so it will never have to deal with the likes of most of you that comment here..the lack of girly bars will be a deciding factor in that seeing as i bet thats the only option for the majority of you guys.

    why can't you just be grateful that after all the bad press thailand has received lately that its still ranked highly of places to go…kind of proves that its not all that bad….after all you came her and continue to live here…so must be better than home.

    • Like 1
  13. RIP!

    I have said this before, the island has a serial killer. And he is just enjoying this!! Expecting another? WAKE UP THAILAND AND DO SOMETHING!!!

    Just what I have been thinking, a serial killer or gang led by a nutcase serial killer who gains more power every time he/ or they kill.

    Because they are being protected by corruption / mafia.

    I don't think responsible for all six deaths but the 15 m fall , the GB 2 and the French suicide hands tied and the latest poor girl look to be very suspicious.

    Can someone post the full story about the lead up to annessley's death the 2 fighting over her and being found naked sound very suspicious and there is a huge lacking again of proper police and forensic investigation.

    with regard to her being found naked, (which is not uncommon in a tropical climate), she herself posted that that was one of the reasons to get a bungalow of her own rather than share a hostel room…i think 'now i can walk around naked' was what she wrote on her own twitter or FB.

    these deaths are not suspicious unless you have that conclusion in your mind to start with...

    this whole serial killer nonsense is only being talked about with you guys on here, There were 2 murders in september, which were handled very badly buy the police, but that doesn't mean there is a 'protected' nutter roaming the streets praying on tourists..thats a bit far fetched.

    can you honestly say that in the big picture of things that a family form a tiny island in the gulf of thailand would be allowed to tarnish the whole reputation of Thailand on a global scale?? i very much doubt this.

  14. thaiandchill…i thought i explained in one of my very first posts the 'you' meant the group of 'you' that keeps dragging this thread on with your absurd theories and now just repeating yourselves with nothing of any value or importance.

    i believe the guy that said this post should be closed is correct, there is nothing here to say as nobody knows anything and now its just people clutching at straws and bickering with each other or posting 'stats' from other countries..

    i dont know how far along this is but maybe people should wait for these results..which by the way would be FACTS!!

    the bangkok post have said this...

    Medication suspected in Koh Tao death

    AFP reports that a British backpacker who was found dead on a popular Thai tourist island had consumed a potentially fatal combination of alcohol and Valium, police said
    Tuesday citing preliminary autopsy data.

    when i added @ and your name, that was me asking you directly.

  15. and ok, the german girl didn't like the ways the body was moved…what is her experience of seeing dead bodies being moved ?if she is a nurse, medic or doctor then fine, if not, does she know a wrong or right way, i would imagine she would be upset at hearing of a death and any site of a dead body would be disturbing in its self.

    you also have to remember this is thailand and not Europe, death is not treated the same, i have never seen dead bodies shown on the news back home but here they are. it just a cultural difference.

  16. well to start with if her MOTHER, who i am guessing had far more contact with her daughter..and also knows her daughter far better than any of you here hasn't raised any questions about the verdict then i would take note of that way before listening to any of your theories given so faris that not a sensible way to look at things.or not fit in with your... err.. facts were they you have facts right??

    ps by 'you' , i dont mean you in person mr/mrs/miss chill..i mean all the people saying it was foul play

    Nobody knows yet what was the cause but the Police coming out and making ridiculous claims of natural causes without an autopsy adds fuel to the fire.

    I fail to see how a relationship between two people suddenly gives them the expertise to be able to give a verdict on their death

    have the police actually given a press conference yet about this or did you read this online somewhere?

  17. well to start with if her MOTHER, who i am guessing had far more contact with her daughter..and also knows her daughter far better than any of you here hasn't raised any questions about the verdict then i would take note of that way before listening to any of your theories given so far…is that not a sensible way to look at things….or not fit in with your... err.. facts were they… you have facts right??

    ps by 'you' , i dont mean you in person mr/mrs/miss chill..i mean all the people saying it was foul play

  18. yes started from page 1…and the comment above is another, you dont know any facts from the what was found at the room..how do you know she didn't take valium and tramadol, pass out and choke on her vomit?….too easy i guess and wouldn't fit in your murder theories.

    another…why was she naked??…really??.. a tourist in a tropical climate??..bikini all day then don a night gown to sleep in??

    why did someone enter her room??…err, maybe she was supposed to check out, maybe she was supposed to be getting a boat, diving??…..no..in you guys eyes the only possible reason was 'they came to clear up her murder'.

    the list goes on and on

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