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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. its not a right wing narrative, it's blatantly obvious
  2. reportable? you're a bit of a snake then aye!! 'President cackles'. he mean Kamala Harris.... so you want to report someone for that? how old are you?
  3. it will be closed pretty sharply if he loses...or 'when' he loses!😎
  4. no, what it reflects is that the main 'goto' sites for info are corrupted and bias to a certain side.
  5. are you sponsored by kool-aid? you've said it more time that appears on family guy, if you are defending CNN then perhaps it's you thats drunk too much !!
  6. google never did, duck duck go used to be more neutral results, however that changed since 20/21, and yeah, i'd prefer to read less bias articles if its were possible. the likes of cnn are a joke, but i doubt you bother to look any further than what you're told by them. Fox used to be the joke..they still are to a point, but cnn took over, but at least you can here the other side of the story and the truth is somewhere in the middle.
  7. well given the fact that the majority of MSM & online presence is left leaning i'd say they have the bigger reach, they, along with the bbc etc bashed Trump nonstop daily, so if anything you reap what you sow, sum num nah!!
  8. No, the media have weakened murica to the world buy attacking their own President nonstop. the media have also stirred up the anger and aggression, with their race baiting bias edited reporting.
  9. no, you have't disproven it at all, it's, as usual, brushed under the carpet, or covered up. if only the media treated the Dems with the same contempt they do Trump, we'd get a good insight into how corrupt many politicians are (and rep for that matter)
  10. i wonder if the speaker of the house has a little tantrum and ripped up copies of the speech like pelosi did..... bitter old hag, thats is where the division comes from , people like her!!
  11. like i said..lots of left leaning Trump hating pages, and as i also said i wasn't going to waste my time trying wading through. it's probably easier to find things on Twitter now Musk has got rid of all the liberal activists, however i don't use it that much so not familiar with it.
  12. i think you'll find there are many race baiting & divisive outlets in the US, i'd say most of the division has been caused by the left wing msm.
  13. that was me, i did try a google search but as always the top results are always left bias MSM articles or 'fact' checkers. i didn't have time or inclination to wade through pages to find a more independent neutral article for it to be dismissed by you or whomever i was replying to. The twitter link with McCarthy was covering the same thing. the fact there were no where near enough police. it's that same on youtube when searching political topics, the results are always cnn, msnbc, bbc etc etc. you don't see the bias as it leans to your side. since Trump its been so obvious, then with brexit, covid, vaccines and now Putin & Ukraine.
  14. you're misreading it. it was a reply to my comment, not a quote.
  15. no, the point being, she used the same or very similar terminology. if Trumps said go n smash the place up then fine, but he didn't, it was no different to hers, just a different setting. as you are quick to do forget it...he actually said 'March peacefully'
  16. do you want clips of democrat maxine walters telling her audience to 'fight like hell' with regards ti the supreme court? https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2726516057657653
  17. thanks, i couldn't remember the dudes name. funny how these things are now only covered by independent journalists or outlets, msm & social media is totally corrupted and bought out. so much clear to see since 2016!
  18. neither did Trump, if you listened to the audio or watched the video, he clearly states..to 'peacefully' march to the capitol. were those that chose to riot actually Trump supporters??
  19. i expect he'll get a small sentence or huge fine. it's not that much he got caught with. if they were watching him for 5 months surely a bust at Christmas or NYE would have gained better results.
  20. UK prisons are full, a non violent crime and if a 1st time offense i expect he will be out in less that 1/2 with a tag,
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