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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. so Biden isn't on video bragging the he got the prosecutor fired after threatening to withhold the money?
  2. trump impeached for a phone call.... Biden bragging on video about with holding 6bil..... nothing..... double standards . com!
  3. then why did nothing happen to big T ??... because it was BS thats why.
  4. i seem to remember all those like yourself eagerly awaiting the Mueller report as it was the nail in Trumps coffin......oh wait, it was a nothing burger!!!
  5. please explain it for someone as low IQ as me..how EXACTLY did Russia sway the 2016 election... in specific facts, no opinion piece articles...purely facts....
  6. that doesn't explain how Putin was able to influence the election, how exactly did he manage to sway the result of such a strong country, with such sophisticated tech& intel.... with some FB add, some memes, a tik tok video.... The USA is only strong and powerful militarily that just lost a 20 year illegal war to dude in caves!!
  7. reign of terror....hahaha, go on then... what was that so, brush all those killed and wars started by obama when he was potus because 'he was ok' so, you're seems you're fine with the killing of civilians because you liked the guy...humm, what does that say about your character
  8. sounds very much like election denial!! Russian interference...jesus, so, the strongest most powerful country in the world had their election result swayed by Mr P...... and you say trumps supporters are low IQ,
  9. watch the full unedited version of what trumps daid at the time and get back to me
  10. is that the aid Biden bragged he was going to with hold unless that prosecuter was fired. cold war ended decades ago, no need for nato.... Putins 'aggression' you mean like bringing his borders closer to nato? no, democrats and their media laccys exacerbating political and ideological divisions by constant trying to undermine and going against everything Trump said or tired to do... they alone have created the divide and stirred up the hatred, but as i've said before, it fits your narrative so you happily accept it. so whats the concrete evidence that Putin helped trump win?
  11. i didn't say anything about trumps position, i just highlighted what i know about obama.
  12. yeah, all being used to tie him up so as to effect his campaign.. oh, hows getting him off the ballot going?
  13. i don't watch it, not since trump left and even then i only ever switched to it so i could see what trump actually said compared to the edited version from msm, similarly i used to have to watch the white house live, also to see the unedited versions of what was being said. hannity is the only name i know, and he is one of them that we used to laugh at.
  14. and how many times did he disavow all that stuff when asked, yet the reporters kept asking over and over, how's Biden past with regards to POC? also, imagine how it would have gone down had he said 'if you dont vote for me you aint black' ol' joe got a pass. are the neo nazis the same as the ones in Ukraine Putin is trying to get rid of? is Biden and nato not supporting them by aiding Ukraine?
  15. given that of the msm there are very few that are neutral it is very hard to find non bias coverage of either side. duck duck go used to offer many different search results to google, however that seems to have gone downhill in recent years. i remember fox used to be a joke to everyone, we'd laugh at some of their news reports, but since trump it seemed to be quite rational in comparison to the hysterical claims from others like cnn, msnbc etc etc. i guess the truth is somewhere in the middle.
  16. ah, the ol' 'racist' label.... surprised that hasn't been used earlier to be honest.
  17. cnn is a joke, nothing from them is credible. i don't even bother opening the link, if that is your 'goto' news source then it would explain a lot, same goes for whomever said here maddow was credible.
  18. and thats why she lost, calling half you countries population that wasn't a great move
  19. luckily your opinion counts for nothing how exactly did Putin benefit from Trump? if Trump wanted good relations is there something wrong with that or are you the type that needs to have wars and conflicts and a boogieman ?
  20. he is being unfairly treated and these are politically motivated, but because you don't like the dude you are fine with it. imagine he was Putins opponent, you'd all be frothing at the mouth about it.
  21. haha, i'd like to think the was tongue in cheek, but judging by the levels of TDS shown on this thread i very much doubt it. but if you are a grown adult and actually think Trump was put their by Putin then 'gullible' is all i can say... (well, that doesn't break forum rules)
  22. so, just to clarify...you DONT have any properties in NYC, you DONT own a jet,...... but Trump is a loser...ok.
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