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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. street protest... was that you on cnn saying firey but peaceful? 2 billion in damages and how many dead..but you call it a street protest.
  2. what was the extend of this interference? was it enough to sway the vote? links like what....
  3. i doubt anyone well be prosecuted. they are all corrupt, so 1 goes they all can fall.
  4. you mean like Hillarys denial that Trump was legitimate? oh, and the MSM pushing the Russian collusion?or is that not undermining faith democracy too then? or are rules different for you?
  5. the opposite of how you say 'firey but mostly peaceful' when referring to the BLM riots
  6. Trump had every right to question the election, Clinton called him illegitimate, she still does, her, along with the entire MSM all pushed the Russian Collusion hoax, daily, for the entire 4 years or has that slipped your mind?
  7. Jan 6th is being over hyped and used politically by the Dems.... but they said he was a threat before that..so, forget jan 6th, how is he a threat?
  8. how exactly is Trump a threat to democracy? Democrats only accept democracy when it goes their way ....killery didn't accept Trumps win, none on the MSM did, none of the dems or voters did either! how many 'democratically elected governments have the us being involved in overthrowing? Democracy when it suits!!!
  9. i find it amusing and do not take it seriously, like i think some might!! i dont think Biden does either, but if i had to bet on it, judged on there TV appearances past & present, i'd say the odds on bumbling Biden crapping his pants are higher
  10. ??? where does it say the Israeli was a back packer?? and also...heard many people say 'travelling on daddys credit card' many times in the past.... in fact that's probably the most stupid comment posted so far!
  11. incontinence..haha, i've not see anything about it, too busy laughing at the alligator moats CNN says he wants to have
  12. i see that white house spokewoman saying america has the best economy in 'history' under biden....where are those fact checkers when needed!!
  13. didnt realise this thread was still going, thought a few would have bust a bloody vessel by now
  14. yeah, like i said, believe all women......unless they accuse JB.
  15. yes i remember metoo movement, and the 'believe women' mantra that was all over the media.... believe all women.. unless that is, you're Tara Reade and accuse Biden of sexual assault... then its believe all women, except her, she's a liar !! everyone jumps to senile joes defense. 'them' are the 2 girls, now women who waited 22 year until trumpo was running for president before filing a lawsuit, your sidekick loslobotomy posted about it a while ago and didn't see it as a coincidence due to his TDS blinkered brain 🙂
  16. apart form the spelling mistake in the beginning....its all pretty clear. like i said, funny how they waited 22 years to file a lawsuit, all that time trump was a high profile star/celeb, if he hadn't run would they have kept it to themselves and never said anything?
  17. triggered . com. around 80mil do, those that voted anyway, the more they throw at him the more popular he becomes.... guess you can't see that.
  18. yeah, not a coincident what so ever!! 😕. he was a high profile celeb, all over the tv & news.. didn't feel the need to file a lawsuit in 2 decades...funnily enough wasn't hated by the media back then, i wonder what changed all that!!
  19. 2016, after he was running for president.... but not before, they waited a whole 22 years before filing the lawsuit... hummmm
  20. i think its pretty obvious, just look at him talking from a couple of years ago to now.... if you still deny it then i guess it's you thats in a cult. put him and orange man together live debate and lets see....
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