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Everything posted by retayl

  1. According to google:- Punitive damages are not calculated using a set formula, instead, courts consider various factors like the severity of the defendant's misconduct, their financial situation, the harm caused to the plaintiff, and the need to deter future similar behavior to determine the appropriate amount, with the primary goal being to punish the defendant and discourage others from acting similarly; essentially, the calculation is based on the egregiousness of the defendant's actions rather than the plaintiff's direct losses.
  2. A full trial would have exposed Murdochs pet rotweiler Rebekah Brookes & other top executives to the risk of prosecution, so they settled. Harry bottled it in the interests of money.
  3. FFS read what I said - I’m denying him nothing!
  4. I’m denying him nothing! Hope you feel so charitable if he uses one of those guns while he should have been incarcerated.
  5. I JUST GOT A PARDON BABY!” Jacob Chansely, better known as the QAnon Shaman, posted on X Monday night. “NOW I AM GONNA BUY SOME MOTHA FU*KIN GUNS!!!” This is what Trump has unleashed on the American people. Good luck with that one!
  6. Yep! Those right wing press barons like Murdoch & Rothermere are pretty pissed off.
  7. Us coke snorting, hooker using degenerates take great exception to being compared with those redneck retards.
  8. Somewhere a tree exists just to produce oxygen for him . He owes that tree a f#@kin apology.
  9. Churchill said” democracy is the worst form of government apart from all those other forms that have been tried from time to time”.
  10. Thank you for sharing. I sense a very stable genius in our midst.
  11. If you want to find the source of Trumps foreign policy give a listen to Political Science from the album Sail Away by Randy Newman, but like Trump, get an irony bypass first.
  12. Scratching the bloody surface isn’t doing a lot. How many corrupt cops & local government officials have been held responsible? The point I’m making, which you missed in your attempt to defend a contemptible government, is that these disgusting events are being used as a political football to score points, the last people these b****rds care about are the victims!
  13. The last Tory government spent 14 years doing nothing! Of course the right wing media makes this an anti-labour party issue. Of course an inquiry should be held, but don’t fool yourselves that the media, Kemi Badenoch etc. are anything but hypocritical chancers with their own agendas, they don’t give a twopenny toss about the victims.
  14. I’m bored now, so leave you with Mark Twains quote. “ never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience”.
  15. Irrelevant. The subject is Trump, not interested in whataboutery. I have always considered Biden a buffoon and Obama false & shallow.
  16. Yep and threatened them with civil and criminal action should they ever disclose his grades.
  17. Trump attended Wharton because of his wealthy father. Professor William T. Kelley, his tutor is on record as saying “he was the goddam dumbest student I ever had”.
  18. and then the boy genius appoints Musk to get rid of the permanent staff.
  19. It’s the 99% of lawyers who give the rest a bad name.
  20. When offered a choice between Harris & Trump, democracy is irrelevant. Voting for the least worst is a wasted vote.
  21. Typical comments of a bar stool w⚓️. WTF has the “looney left” got to do with this horrific, tragic case?
  22. Unfortunately Democracy didn’t win, it surrendered.
  23. An appalling appointment- pure tokenism. The guy is a moron and for Starmer to choose him as head of UKs diplomacy shows dreadful judgement.
  24. Fortunately the concrete broke the fall.
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