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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. Maybe they know I'm a weirdo and they are attracted by it !!🤣🤣👌i wonder though and please tell me this guys honest Is it weird to go up to someone you don't know to start a conversation? What if someone does ? Now I'm thinking today when that young guy sat near me he was up to something? But.....he may have just been lonely ? So should we be rude?
  2. I just seem to attract weirdos Even back in September walking around the Nirun condo's in Pattaya I had a weirdo approach me singing at me " Bunny wabbit ,Bunny wabbit,whilst holding his beer and topless I walked off only for him to follow me ' I'm sorry mate ,I'm sorry he says whilst crying holding his beer bottle I'm thinking why me,why do they go for me ? Apparently it's my AURA !!!
  3. So the last few weeks living in a major city in Australia I have been going to the park to sit on a bench in the sun. Never a week has gone by that someone has approached me to sit next to me and tell me their life problems,I seem to attract this! Going to the park this morning I decided to sit in a different spot on the grass on my blanket only to have a Pakistani student sit right near me he then started to make conversation on how he had been mugged in Sydney the night before,,they stole my shoes he said . I sympathized , did you go to the police I said Yes he said " they handcuff me" he said , Then I'm thinking another weirdo ! The week before that was a old guy who came over to comment on my yellow t shirt ? Your t shirt had Hawaiian on it he said , I had to look myself I had no idea , he started to make conversation and sat next to me I felt sorry for awhile until he opens a beer bottle and then I'm out of there before he gets drunk Are they lonely ? Strangely I never get this happening in Pattaya ! I sit everywhere by myself and never get that I come to Sydney sit in a park 4 times and get 4 different people wanting to make conversation with me sitting near me ! Here I was relaxing in the sun today in the park reading ASEAN ,only to get this young Pakistani student, who knows he might if wanted money but I soon packed up said goodbye and left him This afternoon I asked a friend about why I attract people to me , a friend who reads tarot and into mystical,he said it's my "aura" , he said Some people he said attract cars , ....cars ??? Yes he said ,every time they go to walk across the road a group of cars suddenly appeared making them wait So what does your Aura attract
  4. Even the " Addicts" forum were rubbing their hands together with glee ,😅
  5. In a perfect world, in a perfect world, doesn't happen in reality. I remember about 2016 I held a door open for a Thai lady with her farang boyfriend,a young muscle guy covered in tatts, this was in South Pattaya , he then started shouting at me " I can do that ! That's my lady ! After they experience I thought F ...it ,why bother
  6. I must add a farang called "Trevor" who runs a Pattaya YouTuber channel that promotes Pattaya I think 100k subscribed I won't say his YouTube channel but I love watching him , I'm not gay but I think he is one of the best looking guys I have seen , and if I was ever gay I would pick him first I would say a lot of these Pattaya YouTubers do great things in promoting Pattaya but many look older than they are I was surprised to see one namef Geoff C was only 61 but he does very well and is successful in promoting Pattaya
  7. I thought he was on the Gold coast in Australia? I know he has a house there worth around 5 million
  8. As bodybuilder Kali used to say ....."Don't be jealous!!
  9. This is the way society has become,the white middle aged man is the target !
  10. I think he means the addicts forum who I couldn't bother to read
  11. Just talking to a work colleague in his 60's says he was standing at a bus stop (Australia) on Friday night only to have two drunk girls slap him across the face for no reason "I never hit a woman mate " he said Two drunk young girls he said ,slapping guys on the bus I told him I would of hit them back! to his shocked look "You should not hit women mate" he said I despise of this attitude some men have that women are weaker ,granted ,it's usually the old guys ,but listen please !!!! Times have changed !!!! I'm sick of all this Bull<deleted> I don't even hold doors open for women unless they are elderly You silly old fools who keep this attitude that women are weak really pee me off !!!!! A few years ago in m.walkkng through a street one night in Melbourne Australia to see a young Irish accent couple ,the boyfriend pushing her to the ground ,she looks at me to do something,yeah right ,I walked around them and kept walking !! I treat these women especially these rough ones tatts all over them , part of gangs mugging elderly people have no hesitation in hitting them back , I once saw 4 teenage girls push over a elderly man for his phone ,and all laughed about it ,no one would get involved as they were girls I don't treat women now any different,carry your own luggage !!!!! YOU should of helped her mate!!!! ,she's a woman !!!! One old man said to me after not helping a lady up the stairs with luggage !!! He was walking beside her too Yeah right I said ,how about you help her I said to him "I'm 65 he snapped back ! I'm 62 I said back , you silly old C
  12. Personallly and to be honest I no longer discriminate against anyone , I take people as they are Why should I "follow" others in hating ,no one will do anything for me ,
  13. Is that the guy now? The one I saw was a big guy 😯😯
  14. Your right ,the Rotary clubs were big 20 or so years ago , nowadays they don't seem to attract farangs
  15. I don't know if the word "successful" is what I'm looking for ,maybe it should be admiration Ok there is no need to name names ,but who your opinion is the most successful as a person in Pattaya in terms of achievement and helping others ,I don't know if that's the right word ,or is it admiration for a farang who assisted the community in doing what Just describe what you think is "successful" farang or business I'm not talking about someone financial or running 15 business's I'm talking about success in creating a better life for others even at a old age and creating things , I was just listening to a podcast of a British guy who at 65 retiring from his UK job decided to buy a wildlife park in Tasmania Australia, it went from a old ruined park to now a theme park ,that's success in life ,he wasnt doing it for money but to live his life to help Wildlife and create something! I admire from Canterbury tales bookshop in Pattaya , I think they did/do a "community service" by having books and creating a "social" type group club for many lonely farang especially their bookclub meetings etc ,that to me is success because it brings lonely people together Another was the muscle guy who used to feed the Soi dogs nightly , haven't seen him for years ,but that to me is someone I admire What about the old farang who used to clean the Jomtien beach every morning ? There should be a yearly Pattaya Community service award given I believe to someone who creates things for others
  16. I guess that made you more independent though in life and able to look after yourself
  17. This is mostly aimed at older guys but I was talking to a work colleague the other day whose father had just died of cancer He said he was sad but not overly devastated as when his mum died ,in fact hd was still going to work on the same day his dad died . When his mum died he had 3 months off work , Where is your mum & Dad now ? My parents would be near 100 now if they were alive It's funny how life goes so quick
  18. I don't think there is anything wrong with trying boxing at my age though It may give me more cardio workout I like to learn uppercuts ,jabs etc ,I'm not looking to obviously get hurt just learn the techniques
  19. Yes thanks guys ! I'm thinking now Krav Maga or boxing ,Kali , stick fighting or even knife fighting
  20. Now I have been doing bodybuilding/weights for years , I'm 62 but I'm still relatively fit doing gym sometimes twice a day now I'm getting bored with weights I want to learn some kind of fighting and will be going back to Pattaya next February for 8 weeks Last time I was there in September I just trained at the gym with weights no fighting stuff Apparently there is one called Rage or similar,who will take me for 8 weeks to learn ? I'm not really interested in Muay Thai ,I want to learn boxing and or BJJ Is there any boxing only or BJJ in Pattaya?
  21. I see this in Pattaya all the time , of course Bali ,Kuta is full of these drunken young farangs that's why I stay away from Bali But yes as Thailand becoming more popular because of its lax drug laws the young yobbo 's are coming to wreak havoc. Look I saw a drunk young guy tattoed one early morning up outside the Subway shop in Jomtien Laying in the gutter blubbering away ,his wallet was laying nearby so I quickly scooped it up and left the blubbering idiot to sober off .
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