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Posts posted by georgegeorgia

  1. 2 hours ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    these people look for the frail etc.

    I wonder what kind of person could attack frail people though , obviously for a financial gain eg robbery 


    But I wonder what goes through their mind , but let me say it's not always involving violence 


    I remember watching a UK crime tv documentary where a man was speaking nice to a elderly lady and his accomplices were stealing her purse from the handbag.


    The way the man was speaking so nice to the old lady ,even I liked and trusted him ,so psychological what kind of person is he?


    • Confused 1
  2. 1 hour ago, lanng khao said:

    Straight away my right hand goes up to apologize saying its my fault sorry,, as I'm saying this my left slips into my pocket and right into my diamond encrusted knuckle duster, goes everywhere with me, even wear it in the bath, 

    As im shaking your hand for the 3rd time, Bang,, ive hit you with a left hook breaking your jaw...

    Do you train or practice though?


  3. 5 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    I most likely wouldn't walk alone in a park in the night.


    Well, I have trained Combat sports, been a security, but you ar just as good as you are, until you meet someone faster, stronger and more crazy than yourself.


    So would I put myself in such a situation because I think I can defend myself? No

    No but you can risk manage sure but you can't prevent it.


    Ok so your coming through the door of the view talay 2B , I push in front of you 


    I call you names ,all this wasn't your fault was it ,but now I'm a potential threat to you and believe me there is people out there who have short fuses and anything can set them off 

    • Sad 1
  4. The question remains 


    Can you defend yourself adequately 


    So we have an 82yo jogger who is attacked at 10pm in a Pattaya park.

    We have no information on if he did fight back, perhaps he did 


    But the question is ,are you confident enough to be able to defend yourself if some drunk grabbed you ?


    If someone walks past you takes a swing for no reason 


    Now doesn't matter your size or even your age 

    I saw old boxers fight back 


    Now it doesn't take size to defend yourself 

    I once done a Israeli martial art called Krav Maga,the smallest people there seemed to be the best defenders 


    And I don't care if it's the Philippines,USA or Australia,are you confident enough to be able to fight back ?

    Because ain't no one going to help you.

    Bystanders won't intervene ,they won't until others do


    You could be on the street ,in a train , anywhere even in the back of a baht bus .

    I was in the Philippines last year , I remember a fit looking elderly man.


    He said he was a black belt in the Filipino martial arts of KALI 

    This is knife 🗡️ fighting and he was a  Master

    Now I have no idea if Philippines allows knife and please don't ever ever quote me on it !!!

    • Sad 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    A clinic in Chiang Rai will do an EKG on my aorta for 3500 baht. It checks for abnormalities.


    The gold standard for checking an aorta is a CAT scan with contrast. I don't know what that costs here.


    The average diameter of an aorta is 35 - 40 mm. Mine is 53 mm.


    If it gets to 60 mm, I will need surgery with a stent installed.


    I had this done 2 weeks ago at a doctor clinic 

    Isn't that where they put the stick wires on your chest ?

    Didn't seem to do much except give my heartbeat ?


    I then had a Echocardiography which also apparently can't see with this test that you have blocked arteries all they found was mild water with the heart pericarditis which was trivial 


    I think it's not a EkG you mean ,that's where they put the stick button on 


    • Agree 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

    It's actually right on, and I'm not your sweetheart. I mop my own floors.

    How dare you say a real man doesn't have more than one partner.

    A man needs many just like in some religion that promotes it 

    Also gay people have "open" relationship 


    A real man needs to be expressing himself 


    And that could mean being also experimenting with bisexuality, transexualism etc 


    Please try to educate yourself on modern wokeism that's all I ask 💜

    • Sad 1
  7. 7 hours ago, soalbundy said:

    A real man would be the example of that Thai man who walked 200 km carrying his young daughter so she could get medical treatment, all you've got is the law of the jungle, a silly old man who still thinks he's tough as if fists are the hallmark of a man. Try watching a discussion between professor Frederico Faggin and sir Roger Penrose discussing the connection between consciousness  and the quantum field theory, superior men who have never been in a brawl during their lives.

    So you can't defend yourself if push comes to shove 😉 

    Aint no one gonna help you sweetheart 

  8. 7 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

    A man is a real man when he makes all people comfortable in his presence. He doesn't look down on anyone, especially women. He lends a hand when he can, and defends his family any way he can. He isn't prejudiced or racist. Whatever knowledge he has he uses to help and not to hurt or destroy what others have built. He doesn't allow anyone to take advantage of others if there's anything he can do about it. He doesn't cheat on his partner for any reason. It doesn't matter what he looks like, how he dresses, how many tattoos he has or how he speaks, as long as he acts like the former around others.

    That's your interpretation sweetheart 

    • Haha 1
    • Agree 1
  9. 37 minutes ago, Maitdjai said:

    There are too many disgusting "comments" again.
    The AN mob of left fascist, racist lowlifes, driveling, and jxxking off again.
    Without knowing any facts at all.

    What your reading are right wing fascists

     in true leftist fashion...he should receive behaviour correctional counselling and be hugged himself 


    A true leftist socialist want the age of consent to be lowered and they achieved that in Australia a few years in regards to same sex 

  10. 1 hour ago, JimTripper said:

    How did they know he was a soldier. Did he spout off about his military service? Most military won't devulge that unless there is a good reason.


    Sounds like something that would embellish the story to make it sound like the attack was not that bad. ie. he's a soldier, he can take it.

    And would they mention he was a floor mopper ??😮

  11. 10 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


      So 100% of you life pleasures revolve around  your mouth, your bum and your knob ? 

       Your life is all abut what goes in your mouth and what goes out your bum and knob ?

       Those are your only enjoyments 

    Omg this forum has sunk to new lows... absolutely disgusting 



    • Haha 1
    • Agree 1
  12. 1 hour ago, fredwiggy said:

    The question was the best way to maintain a healthy sex life as you age. Simple. You either do what a lot here do and pay for it, whereby cash is all you need to satisfy your urges, or you take good care of yourself and know how to listen to and treat women well.

    Sounds a bit sexist 

    I don't believe in treating" women well "

    ,I'm sorry but we can't single out one Gender .


    • Haha 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    Penis ring is great 👍 

    I once and I kid you not accidentally left a penis ring on ,and I wasn't having sex I just wanted to try it.

    I forgot I had it on and walked over to the gym.

    Half an hour later I felt a massive pain on my little small worm


    I just wanted to tell you about that Hummin...not that you'd care of course because your very selfish 

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