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Posts posted by georgegeorgia

  1. 12 minutes ago, JimTripper said:

    View Talay 2B is waiting for you. Have a nice room ready there for you as you get older into retirement. You can't stop whst's coming. Welcome home.

    Oh please don't remind me 

    I was detained captive in that place for like 6  weeks 

    You have to walk miles thru a carpark to get to the road 

    Shocking depressing place 


    I ended up escaping through the side gate where the cafe , jumped the fence and bolted .


    • Confused 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    Yep, totally agree. 


    There was a thread today, Wokey foreigners complained about food stalls on Soi LK, sadly they have been removed. 


    Look around, food stalls everywhere, always been, but Wokey left foreigners moaning. 


    Oh it's pathetic , I bet it was Ralfy or that Laccesist poster complaining  !

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  3. 9 minutes ago, Enoon said:


    Thank you for providing yourself as an "Aunt Sally" on AN......your presence will be even more appreciated if Bob Smith is true to his word and departs.



    I'm saddened just as you are that Bob is departing , last I heard he was going to Alice Springs in Australia to bring his wisdom to the great people of Alice Springs.

    I love Bob 

    Join me in Thankyou for your service Bob 🙏

    • Confused 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, Sandboxer said:


    I feel for him (a little) and even share/understand some of his views, though I choose not to let the young wussy generation's ways bother me one iota. Obviously a life long un(der)educated blue collar drone whose only way to make himself be noticed in his old age is to be the buff tough guy senior citizen who may or may not know how to box a little.




    Unfortunately we all can't be doctors like you are Sandy 


    But we are amateur academics and we must come up with solutions to these challenges in life 

    • Confused 2
  5. 6 minutes ago, nikmar said:



    I would say this is something regurgetated from some AI bot somewhere but AI can produce better English and content.

    What on God's Earth is this?????

    It's Democracy manifest that's what it is!

    It's only is as academics that can talk about sincerely and with academia that we may be able to change society 

    • Confused 3
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  6. 19 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Do you shave and wax same lady? many men do now

    Your very correct but one must analyse the academic qualifications behind it


    Facials , cellulite treatment,etc are they only for women?


    A man would perhaps be looked down at for receiving a facial or does that not make him a "real man" , obviously if we were to go back to say the 1970's or 80's even and I worked in the coal mines in North England and I said I was going for a beautiful facial , times have changed haven't they 


    • Confused 1
  7. 17 minutes ago, Gottfrid said:


    Maybe you should be a bit more careful.

    It's you who should be more careful

    Thc amount of sick days you had in your working life was atrocious 

    Calling in sick every Monday without a medical certificate 

    Was you proud of yourself?


    Look back at the people who had to suffer because of you 


    But going by all your posts the last few years your a selfish man often calling in 25 minutes before starting time to call in sick !

    Do yourself a favour and email your former employer a apology ..that's the least you could do shorely

    It's unfortunate your a selfish man but let's blame that on the life you have endured rather than yourself and no dont get into Nature vs Nurture ...I don't have time!!!


    • Confused 4
    • Thanks 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Sandboxer said:


    Who cares what someone wears in a gym as long as it is appropriate for a gym?


    Your/you're.........seriously, 3rd grade stuff.





    So some of these are trying to look like a man and act that way but when it comes to the crunch they really have a feminine voice 


    • Confused 3
  9. 9 minutes ago, Sandboxer said:

    You seem to place a lot of value on being able to fight, and not enough on basic 3rd/4th grade grammar.


    Especially since your boxing skills are worthless in a country where, unless you know how to defeat 10 attackers at once.

    If your going to look the part ,wearing tribal tattoos, red Nike shoes ,singlets , baseball cap back to front  etc and stand over old men in the gym and can't fight then at least be able to fight if your going to look that part of a man 

    Most guys my age don't need to look "tough" or act "tough" and are real men 

    Don't mess with the old man as the saying goes 


    Has nothing to do with 10 people fighting you 



    • Confused 4
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  10. 1 hour ago, marin said:

    Because he is happy taking your money, you have been advised correctly by your Australian doctors. They have the education to see your problem is in your head its not pancreatic problems. 

    The Australian doctors will wait until you have the final stages of whatever disease you have before they take action 

    This year I gave had to have XcT scans ,stomach ultrasound, colonoscopy,throat examination,prostate etc after getting pains 


    All I asked for was a endoscopy and he refused with a sarcastic tone.

    That's why I'm taking my health to a doctor in Thailand 

    I also had headaches and thought I perhaps had a brain aneurysm that was also met with a sarcastic tone  by  the Australian doctor 

  11. 1 hour ago, DavisH said:

    OP perhaps get your gall bladder checked also. It's close to the pancreas and is also involved in digestion. Some people get gall stones. I had a pain in this area for 6 months...saw a specialist, he pushed and prodded. Said it wasn't the gall bladder. It was most likely a muscle /rib cartilage strain and got better after a while. 

    Funny you should say that about the rib cartilage strain,I had the same thing 

    Went and got a stomach ultrasound back February after a pain in the side

    Couldn't find anything from the ultrasound 

    The specialist $(250)  made a report it was muscle rib strain and couldn't find anything from the ultrasound 


  12. 5 hours ago, wwest5829 said:

    While I am left of center, politically, socially progressive, I am also an American. When I lived in the USA, I was a gun owner, mostly target shooting and small game in a rural area. I also went through the training to hold a Concealed Deadly Weapon License (this was to cover me if I had a gun in the car but out of sight). So, we saw the actual shooting of Oswald by Jack Ruby. We saw the actual shooting of Reagan. In both those cases, I have no problem with the death penalty. Break into my home and threaten the life or bodily harm to me and mine? I would have no hesitation of killing and would not lose sleep. As to more subtle evidence presented to the Trial Jury? Too many cases where later DNA fact finds the jury was wrong … in those cases, I favor life without parole unless that DNA or more solid evidence comes forth clearing the accused.

    You need to hand those weapons in , you could scare people having a gun.

    You should use diplomacy when threated not a weapon 

  13. 4 hours ago, Trentham said:

    I don't believe in it but if it is Trump I will make an exception.

    Why do you Americans need to bring politics into everything?

    Who cares about some bloke in America where people are on $5 an hour wages and no free health care and laying homeless in the streets walking around with guns and after 6 months unemployment your on your own.fantastic system 

    What a lovely place 

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