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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. I was trying to look for that video of the two farangs fighting Do you have a link ?
  2. I had to sit and listen to a middle aged Filipino guy last night at work tell other colleagues what a great country the Philippines is and especially under its new leader Marcos . Oh he the best ,said Ramos ,my Filipino work colleague Yes I said , "his father Marcos plundered the country, I sat there patient until he told them it was "even better than Thailand! Even better he said to my 3 other colleagues who was listening attentive at Ramos exciting news that his country is nearly number 1 in Asia for global business So I had to be direct with him, " the Philippines is absolutely in the <deleted> infrastructure compared to every other Asian country,even India has a modern public transport system better than Manila ! Another one with a shocked look on his face and I told him how I had been there and rubbish strewn around , people peeing openly on the streets, ,beggars bothering me , how everyone in Manila I saw had scowls on their faces "Better than Thailand" he said ,your joking right I said to him in front of others Here is a country that has never moved with the times , it had its opportunity to become a modern city but never progressed Too many people it's problem., overpopulation , and too many followers And these people and I don't care if I sound racist they are followers not leaders ! Even in Australia they will kiss the bosses 🍑, they are "yes sir' people , yes bossy ,yes bossy ,how high you want me to jump bossy
  3. I love this place , the manager there is a young farang guy well built , lovely guy
  4. It depends....as I get old I now tend to pick my "fights" in what is important in life Is it really worth being right getting into a argument etc over that ? If there are by psychologists here could they explain if that is right
  5. Your absolutely right ! People this generation would rather record than help 😂
  6. Oh absolutely! How about this ? Do you think farang in Pattaya hate other farangs, I say this because I actually witnessed a car speed up to blast their horn at a old farang slowly plodding walking across a road in soi bukhao When that car parked ,near the I Rovers bar in Pattaya I observed 2 youngish tattooed farangs, I would say Australians , exit the vehicle laughing , would they have done that to a Thai guy? There is a level of bitterness among farang ,a hatred towards each other
  7. Just reading a news post where a Russian tourist in Thailand was injured going to the aid of a baht bus driver bring threatened with a knife from another thai guy on the street Apparently he went to help the driver but was punched by the Thai attacker ,then the attacker fled and also the baht bus driver who was the original victim leaving his saver the Russian tourist to lay in the street . Now let's talk about this bystander effect ,do you help others or mind your own business. Would you or ever have you got involved, it's a hard decision I never forget few years ago in a bookshop cafe in Pattaya, listening to farangs who mentioned shockingly they kept driving around a body laying on the Pattaya highway no one stopped,they all went around Is this called the Stockholm syndrome where no one gets involved,or maybe it's called the by stander effect ? Strangely this happens in China too I'm told more so , where they run over the body and no one sees it I was in a gym in Australia a few weeks ago to see a elderly guy arguing with a young tattooed guy , I have no idea what for , but looking around me I saw no one get involved and pretended not to see it , I was about to intervene before the old guy walked off That's I guess the bystander effect
  8. Walking street apparently in my guess would be the area where assaults would occur most but even then it's caused by drunken farangs Look let's face it ,most if not all these "altercations" between farang and Thai people are caused by the farang not showing respect and swallowing their pride I had a few Thai guys earlier this year push in front of me at 711 , they just walked Infront of me , I immediately apologised to them and let them in ,it's not worth getting into trouble over it ,I had to wait a few more minutes in line but so what ,it's their country, Even Wai them 🙏if you have to ,it's called swallowing your pride
  9. You must have plenty of time on your hands then to sit there replying to it 😂
  10. Yep,the boys are up in jomtien complex nowadays
  11. And that's because of your looks of course ,your good heart not your baht !
  12. And just saw another post on here where the poster a farang said he was robbed or attempted to be robbed by 2 Thai guys in Pattaya of his phone and when he reported it the police apparently laughed I don't disbelieve it but I have never had this experience in Pattaya and maybe the Thai guys just wanted to borrow his phone?
  13. Absolutely! Another safe Thailand city ! Compare it to other Asian countries eg Philippines and walking thru the slums of Bangkok is a piece of cake !!
  14. Pattaya is extremely safe , I haven't looked at the numbers recorded but I believe there was absolutely no foreigners /farangs assaulted by other farangs in 2022 Of course it does happen as a post in here someone posted drinking tea and was kicked in the face by a drunken farang walking past ,wrong place wrong time , that's all As well as the elderly YouTuber saying he accidentally bumped into a young farang going into the 711 who pushed him and told him he was a trained Muay Thai boxer and luckily the elderly farang apologised ,but who knows I believe the old guy caused the problem and that's what you get if you think you can walk into a 711 first just because your elderly One thing with Pattaya I love most is the safety aspect ,I would regard as the possibility the safest place in Thailand because of the 24 hour police presence and tourist police always available.
  15. The question is have you ever been physically attacked by a foreigner or Thai in Pattaya ? Was it your fault or you never ever ever had any problems
  16. You should of suggested deadlifts maybe ????the OP says he is 80
  17. I think there is too much infighting. The PLO seemed to be diplomatic but Hamas apparently don't like them So they all continue to fight each other.
  18. Do they?????? They certainly don't ,in fact Australia compulsory vote today for a Aboriginal government, if you don't vote it's $300 fine !
  19. I guess a combination of Centrelink benefits and savings Unless your a tradespeople or professional going to be hard to find a job at 65 Even then physical work will be hard I'm thinking cheaper to share in country areas , Wagga ,Moree ,Bourke if living in NSW I never been to the country only Sydney but I guess I could do 2 years out in the country
  20. Do you think we all work in a high rise office block in Bangkok?????
  21. I wonder though if people actually "re-invent" themselves by running off to Thailand,not necessarily changing their name to Somtam , but actually trying to run away from a tragedy to change their life .
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