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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. As this is now a Asian based forum rather than just Thailand, I want to know what keeps you in the country your in .(except Thailand) You guys retired in the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia etc what keeps you there? Why ? Granted this question is mostly for older guys over 60 You guys in other Asian countries,what keeps you there ,better life,work,cheap ? Whatever , where are you and what keeps you there ? What about you guys who have no intention of living in Asia ,the answer is why ? What keeps you in Oz ,UK or America ? I mean there is some guys over 70 who prefer to Stay in the Western countries ,the question is why ?
  2. Well lo & behold just said hello to a new neighbour in my building only to have him start complaining to me about everything,city noise , young people etc etc , I felt like saying Dilligaf and moving on but here I was showing empathy ,until he said he walked past some young people drinking alcohol in the rooftop area of the condo who were laughing, "what can we do about it ? He asked me Bloody join them ! I shouted back before walking off "join them and live bloody life especially at your age ! Reminds me a few years ago sitting in a bar in Soi bukhao in Pattaya ,a miserable old did wanted to talk to me and tell me he thought it was shocking these tourists were coming here to pick up 18uo girls , "30 years old girls I can understand he said but these old guys picking up 18 yo girls he said miserably whilst taking another dip on his gin . "Shouldn't be allowed ! He exclaimed
  3. This is mainly aimed at guys over 6o yo But ....the last few months I have went through a cancer scare where I was told my liver had cancer them later it turned out to be a fatty liver which is still can be terminal I'm told . And no cure Since this happened I have changed ,I have become a dilligaf person..,Do I look like I give a . .F That scare made me rethink my life and who I associate with and what I care about. In the last few months I have stopped association with toxic people. Went to a cafe today to meet up with a 67yo friend I hadn't seen for months ,he is still a full time worker and the anger coming from him in relation to his work started to take a toll on my ears , his anger was at his work shifts where he works shift work and no other work colleagues would swap him to his loved dsyshift . I could feel the the toxicity so I finally had to tell him...your 67 mate in 15 years you probably won't be here Well he shut up after that but I left Another toxic person was a bit younger 62yo he was angry at gay people and spewing venom and hate so I left too Even my work colleagues I used to speak to have been shunned by me because I'm not into drama anymore . One colleague I work with who is in his 50s tried to gossip about another colleague, he started telling me on my meal break "hey I found out why Rodney walks funny, did you know Rodney has a rash between his legs, he told me and apparently it smells ,! Why the f..K would I need to know about that and why does he care ? I have changed and now everyday is something you should be thankful for , life is not guaranteed, cancer ,car accident etc , something will get you eventually,so <deleted> become a DILLIGAF person Do I look like I give a F.... attitude is much better at over 60 .
  4. When your this age do you still plan for the future ? I mean once you hit 80 without sounding rude everyday could be your last I know some live in denial
  5. Anyone recall a few years ago in Pattaya I think two or three British young guys ,one chased by thais into the water and drowned They were causing trouble drunk and aggressive up at the Bali pier there one afternoon with market stall holders The one that died was already on bail in England for attacking a wheelchair pensioner at a bus stop, I had seen two of them the previous day ,I was in a baht bus that had stopped just at the traffic lights near the Pattaya school and they both walking towards it and asked what I'm looking at All three were the scum I'm glad the guy died getting chased by thais into the Pattaya water and drowned,good riddance
  6. What's that video that I saw years ago ,anyone recall it Appears to be a bar in Bangkok ,2 elderly British guys , the bouncer hits the old guy from behind.
  7. Is that disability support income? You must remember we are all from different countries,all is different I guess in Australia it would be DSP
  8. I think 15 years ago now if anyone can find the link , a Aussie young man I think 20/21yo stabbed to death in isaaan ,they tried to rob him,chased him on a motorbike No reason I guess he resisted ? Stabbed him as they knocked him off, As for no reason I recall dancing at a morllum concert back in 2014 and had a drunk Thai continually bumping into me ,no reason Maybe you live in the past generation,this is a different one ,more aggressive,more drugs ,more stress
  9. I wonder how many of you if told by a work colleague or even a relative that they had PTSD caused by their job that you judge them secretly as weak people? I know I would if my son or daughter was a emergency services worker and they told me that
  10. Is it real? POST Traumatic STRESS disorder Is it just made up by the medical lobby . I was recently looking at Facebook to see that in Australia more and more young police officers are medically retiring with PTSD Some only been in the Cops for a few years .and say their trauma is bad yet you hear of police veterans with 30 & 40 years service retiring without such So then I see on TV a police officer who is retiring aged 67yo from the "Traffic Accident investigation" division and he had attended thousands of fatal car accidents in his 45 year service and he said he didn't want to retire only his wife made him. So ......the question is ...why does this police veteran who has seen the worst car accidents loved his job and never affected and someone in a few years service gets PTSD? Is he strong & different ? Why do others get this stress syndrome? Is it a weak person do you think?
  11. Yes I couldn't work that one out ???? He campaigned to release prisoners and give them counselling instead and they all voted for him yet they complain of crime in the community ????????
  12. The woke movement in Australia seem to be very different from America The Australian woke socialists are Anti Christian but pro Muslim. Hate middle aged white men Pro gay & pro transgender Believe their should be no prisons
  13. I can't remember the name of this law ,is it Murphy's Law? But is when someone is destined to die because of stupidity ,if anyone knows Give you an example today I was a little shocked to hear a distance friend who was in his 50's as a result of bring hit by a car walking over a freeway , A few years ago he was hit by a bus apparently at bus stop where he was drunk . Well he met his match with a truck apparently taking a short cut walking drunk across a major freeway instead of walking across the bridge walkway Then yesterday I read in the paper the parents of a graffiti artist are suing the government over their sons death who had been graffiti spray painting trains at night when he was struck ,they said there was no warning signs up to tell him to be careful. Reminds me a few months ago when I was in Pattaya a very intoxicated drunk guy was sleeping on the side of the road just outside jomtien gym. It was a weekday early hours and I was walking back to see a old guy trying to pick him up,vomit all I over him I could smell the beer on his vomit On seeing me the old guy said can you help me move him to the pavement ,I said no he should take responsibility for his own actions . The old guy immediately went into a spaz , " you have a f....n Duty of Care mate !!! He doesn't know it's dangerous to sleep here ' He shouted at me before I walked across the road to my hotel. We should of to keep warning people ? You know if you walk on train tracks it could be dangerous,if you walk on freeways etc ,isn't that natural selection , but no one told them !!! I remember watching a video on tiktok a few weeks ago the police chasing a trail bike rider thru some streets ,the trail bike rider a 17yo youth going 180km before slamming into a pole and killed ,the parents angry ,no one told him !!! they shouted to the media ,he didn't know he could get killed
  14. Talking to a guy at work at work about this who has a German background he says he will never be proud of Germany as he is forced to be ashamed because what a past generation did . As for tv shows that are now banned I miss most of them,even hallo hallo is banned, Whilst I detest the racism in the past I think it's ridiculous young middle-aged white men are going on their knees in front of people to apologise for past things
  15. Not sure if the World is going "woke" or mad ???? Just watched the Republicans getting thrashed in America with successful socialist candidate promising to release prisoners to the community so they get counselling???? He got elected John Fetterman beating the republican I then watched on YouTube young and middle-aged white men on their knees looking up at & saying sorry and crying to people of other races & cultures for past generations. The guys standing looking down on them are laughing I even see on Instagram young tattooed hard looking guys who are with pics of lifting weights etc and then see pics of them hugging bunny rabbits and sleeping with teddy bears I then seen young girls in Germany with signs saying they want more mass immigration and fighting police over this,demanding Germany become the refugee nation Then seen on TV children's program playschool a transgender host dressing a boy doll in women's clothes saying this is ok I saw a young guy training at the gym promoting a protest to stop war veterans from marching on memorial Day What has happened? America seems to be the leader now in wokenism , The UK was once the leader
  16. How is that possible? Obviously no rent ,but don't you have utility bills ? Do you live in isaaan?
  17. I don't care where you live in Asia ,how many of you have lived on 600,000 baht the last 12 months ,that's average 50,000 baht a month I say this because I'm wondering those who (are retired) spending more than a million baht a year what are you wasting it on
  18. Im 62 and I just will take a year off from my work to find myself I'm thinking going to Thailand for a few months to live in a temple with monks,can that be done? Somewhere away from life, quiet rural away from people etc .I had a workmate years ago go through a bitter divorce,he went to some place in the Philippines some island I don't know where but lived by himself for a few months . Have you ever had to do this or done this ? I'm also thinking Scotland highlands ? By myself in a cabin in the country mountains Where is a place where on can find their life
  19. Do U ever watch the youtubers fling their drones over industrial estates to get a reaction? Eg PJ audits
  20. What is the story behind that? I noticed you mentioned it on here for years but never get the full story
  21. I checked out Cebu & Mactan island a few months ago ready for my retirement, but not to my liking, too busy , overcrowded traffic etc I need somewhere like a nice island but with the amenities
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