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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. Let's return to 2002 How has life changed in that 20 years,to where you are now. What has happened in the last 20 years to you ,you gone up in life or down 2002 to now
  2. When I was in Mactan island ) Cebu recently I saw a lot of farang expats no doubt living with their Filipino GF, I couldn't see myself living there ,crazy traffic ,horns beep beep beep continually
  3. Low class Aussies, usually tattoos ,live in housing department areas ,
  4. Borneo ? ???? Doubt anyone has been there , near Indonesia?
  5. Yes a lot of British people retire to Tasmania it seems, I guess because it reminds them of Scotland.
  6. True , I had that feeling in Angeles city , I felt unsafe ,no one did bother me but just strange people looked aggressive,has no smiles on their faces Yes without sounding racist I did find Filipino much much different to Thai people,they seemed more aggressive,maybe it was my imagination,but they seemed a bit rude pushing in front of you in shops etc
  7. They have uber / Grab there nowadays, As I'm getting older I think I have to rule out Cities An island somewhere would suit me , a condo or house near the beach , near shops ,not too expensive, I'm not into Phuket or Bali though Done Cebu in the Philippines too crowded for me too much traffic ,but strangely some farangs luv it,met a few Aussies in Cebu who go there every year ,not sure why there was nothing for me Maybe I should look at the island on the bottom of Australia called Tasmania?????
  8. I guess so,but I just spent a few months there mainly in the outer areas such as Daveo and Gensan and no one bothered me.
  9. A couple of YouTubers for Phillipines one old American guy channel "Every man has a story " has ex Thai expats being interviewed on why they changed to the Philippines.
  10. Wow , Government job? Yeah make sure you use all your sick leave , I remember one of my work colleagues never took a sick day for 30 years and left behind over 2 years accumulated sick leave They never thanked him,no one gave a <deleted>
  11. Maybe, I never been to Siem Reap. I wonder if anyone retired to Phomn Penh here Still not many guys on here who live in the Philippines yet I saw hundreds of farangs when I went there Yes Bali has a bad image ,I think of young shirtless drunken tattooed Aussies
  12. I like this city , any farangs live here ? I only saw one
  13. As this is now not just a Thailand forum I want to know who has retired to other Asian Countries and either happy or sad there? Anyone here in the Philippines who has or had picked Dumamagette,seems to be the number 1 retirement area for farangs . Anyone picked Cambodia to retire ,I know a guy from my work last year who retired at 63 to Siem Reap but I wasn't close to him so lost contact Strangely Bali seems to becoming popular with Australian retirees Tell me where you chose to finish out your life or you tried and it wasn't to your pleasure
  14. These were 3 young Maori guys drunk on a train hit me with their shoulders for no reason walking past ..I didn't say anything to them but I need to br ready next time
  15. Watching all this social media I see videos of people being attacked in the street. Bystanders do nothing . I don't want to be a statistic,please suggest a martial art for me ,I'm 62yo relatively fit Is Krav Maga any good? Or judo for my age ?
  16. Not sure where that is but I take it those Suburbs are similar to Sydney's Mount Druitt?
  17. Now I'm in my 60's my time left is far more valuable, Last week I went to visit my nephew in jail, I hadn't seen him for years . 36yo been in and out of jail for years ,now his longest stint. I look at him all tattooed up ,acting like a teenager,at the end of every sentence he is calling me "bro or "brah" He tells me too he wants to go live in Asia when he "retires" He hasn't got a cent to his name never worked in his life I finally get sick of it and I say to him , your wasting time ,wasting your life ! You haven't got a house ,no money nothing ! And now I fast forward to walking in a Department government housing area this morning that is just near my place It has two large condo buildins here in Australia over 500 apartment highrise full of old age pensioners and disability people paying low rent for these government apartments. I stroll around the estate park,and they all go for morning walks sine look like ex druggies ,old hippies,some driving those mobility scooters and many in their 60's on walking sticks looking very old. I think <deleted> where the F did these people go wrong to live in this awful government housing block ? They must of wasted their life . Did you or are you wasting your life ?
  18. I guess it depends which part you went to? Dumaguete is nice , Boracay , Palawan
  19. I was there last month,glad to get out ! Traffic nightmares , hard to walk anywhere, agressive beggars , small expensive walking street
  20. Yes but more to do in Bangkok, less traffic,less crime Manila can be expensive,BGC area, expensive shopping malls. Fast food restaurants more expensive, cannot find a lot of street food like Bangkok
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