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Posts posted by georgegeorgia

  1. Who says you can't live on 40,000THB a month?

    Townhouse 18,000

    utlilties 1000 tops

    groceries and othr items 21,000

    thats 5,000 baht week for food and taxi.

    you telling me you can not eat for 800 baht a day?

    split the rent with a roomate, now you are at 9,000 rent, up to 30,000 baht for food and extras?

    can not tell me this is slum money, because I know there is plenty available

    UTILITIES 1000 baht ???

    Many in Pattaya are paying 3000 baht a month + for electricity.

  2. I am wondering how many participants in this forum bruise themselves jumping to conclusions. There's also plenty of misinformation.

    I have six-monthly checks in Australia for bladder cancer, chronic leucocytic leukemia, and squamous cell carcinomas. With my Australian private medical insurance, these cost nothing. I don't feel like trusting myself to the Thai medical profession in view of its reputation comparative to Australia. The 500,000 baht reserve is in case I get hit by a bus etc. and require emergency hospitalisation.

    If I dropped out of the private health system in Australia, I would then be in the public system - and I couldn't go back. As an example, the average wait time for a hip replacement in Australia with private health cover is about a month. In the public system, waiting times are greater than 18 months. And you don't get to choose your surgeon. So no thank you.

    I suppose my only other health risk is having a stroke after reading a particularly stupid and ill-informed comment on this forum.

    Your the one throwing $168 a month away...im the one getting free hospital care.

    But its your money.

  3. Travel insurance ! Wants wrong with you turkeys, you forget where you are, the country is under marshal law,read your policies everyone there is not an insurance company that will cover you, Online they have been bombarding me to buy expat insurance why, they have the same clause.so before offering advice, i would go and check the fine print on your policies.

    Most policies will read 'cover is not applicable if related top martial law' or similar. So don't run under a tank, but for most other things most travel insurance policies are valid.

    But do check the policy beforehand to make sure.

  4. Assuming you can get it, medical insurance for anyone over 70 in Thailand is ruinously expensive. I prefer to pay for private health insurance

    ( $160/month ) in Australia. My medical insurance in Thailand consists of a Thai bank account ( not the 800K required for a retirement visa ) with a balance of 500K baht. That, and driving very defensively.

    If you are retired, travel insurance is a waste of money. So $200 worth of luggage gets lost, or you have to wait another day because a flight is cancelled - what's the big deal?

    I think the $160 a month you pay is a waste of money actually...you pay this to a Australian health company HCF or whatever ...that must include extra cover for that price too..extras such as dental etc..do you really need that if your retired in Thailand?

    It means you have to go back to Australia to access those services.

    $160 a month is around 5000 baht a month.

    I guess you are thinking if you get a major illness its better to go back to Australia but remember you still have to pay specialists gap fees...around $300,thats regardless if your on a aged pension.

    So you are wasting money.

    You are better off dropping your cover and if you get a major illness then you can go back to Australia and use the Govt health system free.

  5. Yes your right people are desperate,especialy if there young.

    There were those places popping up in the Phillipines were doing "Psychic operations " remember them?

    Of course they were using chicken liver etc where they would pretend to take it out and clean it.

    Im going to tell you that with the Cancer patients i visited that had advanced Cancer they preferred the eunthasia clinic.

    Andreandre Sorry to hear of your condition,are you back in Australia?

  6. SOME of you may have overlooked the fact that 1/ your cancer may be advanced cancer meaning any treatment is for pain only..palliative.

    2/ you may change your mind about gettibg chemo if your in your 80's and i saw lot of people do that.The chemo could even kill you at that age.

    3/ you may get to the stage where you've had enough...easy to say fight it etc etc...but even the bravest give up on chemo making them sick everyday and if its just going to prolong your life by a month or two to slow the cancer down then you have to think if its going to be worth it.

  7. I dont really want to bring Religion into this you know so many things went through my mind...I did before all this Cancer treatment, and seeing people suffer and die,I did believe in a God..i stopped believing when all this was happening.

    I even asked the Oncologists did they believe in God seeing all this suffering,I didnt get a straight answer except from one who said he "I believe in Science and fact based on evidence"

    The Funeral director who done my mums funeral who was the most friendliest old chap me i ever met said in all of 40 years running his family funeral business he had never saw any ghosts spirits or believed in God.I was shocked.

    I think you do become more spiritual though going through a traumatic event...whether there is a guy up there i dont know but i have definetely changed personally from this.

  8. I have metastatic colon/rectal cancer, diagnosed few months ago,

    after I was complaining about, of all things a pain in my right rib,

    I thought I had cracked/broken the rig after slipping and smacking my back against new stud wall, we were building

    wife finally got tired of my whinging about the pain,

    I kept saying the bloody thing will heal in 4 weeks if cracked, 6 weeks if broken, I have had broken rigs before

    so of the local hospital I go, lovey Thai doctor say , something wrong here, you need better x-rays

    great thinks me, more bloody money for nothing, but wifey says, you bloody go,

    have better x-ray, she never swore before she met me, hmmm?

    new expensive but very clear x-ray shows, my 8 rib starboard side, had a bloody big black lump

    and then the dreaded words

    "you have cancer"

    the fastest trip to Australia ever

    St V's hospital Melbourne with Peter Mac cancer hospital, PET and CAT scans

    revealed the full extent

    along with the missing rib, it's also in my Liver, STB Lung, with 2 more lumps attached to upper and lower intestines

    so it's Chemo, I take a oral drug 14 days on 7 days off

    have now had 2x 10 doses radiation to the STB rib, still bloody painful the rib

    so the final plan!!

    have as much fun with my wife and our small sons, when and where possible

    live as long as I can, without being bed ridden

    then eat the family revolver, when the morphine pills stop working

    Yes same as my Mother had went to the Liver then Lungs.

    Im sorry mate...I really am.

    I really feel for you.

    This is the time now to get yiur financial affairs in order and if you hsvent made a Power of Attorney and a Enduring Guardianship then its now time to see a Lawyer to do that.

    Im not sure of your plans and where you prefer to stay in Melbourne or go back to Thailand for eventual palliative care.

    But obviously you need to think about this and with your family before you eventually become bedridden.

    You can hire home nursing cheaper in Thailand.

    Did they give you a time 6 to 9 months ? Or they havent said anything yet.

    Please do everything regarding financial affairs now .take care and do what you feel is right for you..not what others want you to do.

  9. I was diagnosed with Stage III colon cancer in 2012. Found a US trained Thai surgeon in BKK to remove it. By 2013 it had spread to my lungs. (another surgery). The metastasis continued and I now have many small tumors in each lung. Surgery or radiation is not possible or recommended. Chemo is offered only as a palliative. I am using some alternative medicines, and traditional Thai medicine and it has slowed the growth of the cancer, so maybe I've got a few more miles left in me. I am not going to go to great lengths and spend my last dime on the cancer industry in order to live a little longer. I feel fine now, but

    I am 71 and have had a good run and will do my best to enjoy what's left here in Thailand with my beautiful

    Thai wife. After that, bring on the morphine and light the fire at the wat.

    For what it's worth, I got excellent care at Bangkok Christian Hospital and Chulalongkorn ( gov't hospital ). I had three surgeries and each required a hospital stay of about three weeks. The charges were very reasonable and amounted to less than my deductible and co-payments under Medicare in the States.

    Im sorry to hear this..i feel for you,I know what your family must be going through.

    Yes chemo was offered as palliative to my mum too but she decided against it.

    I am happy to hear the Thai herbal medicine is going well.

  10. The Doctor asked me if she could give Mum a syringe driver of morphine,she said this will help her breathe.

    I had no idea what a syringe driver was but it was a little machine that pumps the morphine into her.

    Towards the end of the day she appeared "drunk" but in a happy type state.

    I was worried about her so i told her I will ask the doctor to take it off but my mum said no leave it on.

    The last thing she said which was quite strange was "is this the last place you go to before you go up there? Pointing towards the roof.

    Anyway she died about 6 hours later,her breathing was going slower.

    I really really think the Doctors do help them along to go..i really do.

    It must be that stuff inside the syringe..is it morphine that makes their breathing go slow???

    I was very angry at that Doctor at first but Mum was in pain so maybe the better thing.

    I dont how she got this cancer,only about 4 months ago she was hanging out the washing and walking everyday.

    Just happens I guess.

    I just took her to the hospital because she was feeling tired and started to cough a lot then they found advanced cancer.

    As for Ron my friend who owned a bar,he was also feeling tired and started to get stomach pains then they found cancer in him too.

    He knew he was dying..sure they gave him Chemo but it only took about 6 months from diagnosis and he was gone.

    As for those saying they will beat it by eating natural foods...you cant eat once you get this...you become skin and bones...not sure how you are going to force yourself to eat...then the cancer spreads and eats away your body..usually the spine..then your bedridden ...then the tongue the throat so cant swallow then the lungs so u gasp for air...then they get out the syringe driver and to help you on your way.

    The nurses that work in the cancer wards should be given medals,i couldnt do it.

    Please check to see of your insurance covers Palliative Care..because usually once the hospital says we cant do anymore for you...you can either go home to die or try to find a hospice or a nursing home.

    In Thailand if you choose at home then you will need at least a visiting nurse to give you pain treatment..take u to the toilet ..feed you if you can still eat or through the stomach.

    I think Pattaya hospital have a Palliative Care ward but im not sure 100%.

    The other Aussie friend Mick went into Sattahip where i think they hadva palliative care ward but was limited to 22 days.

    Of course family members may jump into want to help..that may sound ok.mbut if your bedridden that means chsnging your underwear...nappy ...etc.

    By this time my experience tells me thst your ready and wanting to leave this earth.

    Im sorry for being graphic..but this is what i saw and experienced going to visit and constantly be around cancer wards and patients.

  11. I have been doing a bit of research lately on investing and I have spoken to quite a few Real Estate agents in both Pattaya and other places.

    Now some advertised on their website they have a degree in real estate from their home countries others advertise they are with or belong to groups such as the Real Estate institution of Thailand,and all similar named organisations theres even one agent who advertises he is with the the Professional Pattaya Real Estate Council and follows their code of conduct,there seems to be only his office phone number for that Council though.

    The next thing is knowledge,recently i came across an agent who was trying to sell me a property and had no clue of what a yellow or blue book was.

    I realise some of these guys are "travellers" and pick up salesmen jobs but this guy had his own name on his shop.

    So my questions are...Are Real Estate agents licensed here in Thailand?

    Is there any courses or education colleges here that they must complete before operating?

    Is there any Code of Conduct ?

  12. I guess the best thing is to email the hotel manager in Thai and let him know Of the noise and make sure its a firm letter.

    But you have to realize i guess they would be defending their actions by saying its a tourist and entertainment area and they are running a business in such an area where its "considered" acceptable by most people.

    The question is when does it become unacceptable?

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