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Posts posted by georgegeorgia

  1. I have this fascination in the last few days of going to Poipet.

    There is a Guesthouse Business for sale.

    Only thing i saw many posters write that its a dangerous place etc some describing it as the "Wild West" etc

    Last few times in Cambodia i loved it but never went to Poipet...now is it really dangerous?

    Isnt it full of backpackers?

    I would love to get the bus up there from Pattaya.

  2. Apparently his funeral is tommorrow/Monday..but i guess if your in Australia you wont make it on time.

    I imagine you would talk to the Australian Embassy in Bangkok ,obviously someone has signed a release form for his body and paying for his funeral...must say that funeral is very quick? ???

    Strange the Australian Embassy has done their report so quick and allowed the release of the body.

  3. Terrible news..RIP..

    .SO many farang killed by these accidents.I refuse to ride a motorbike.

    I bet we all know someone killed in an accident in Pattaya.

    Some were the nicest people you could meet ...some were singers...muscians...then the accident takes them.

  4. By the way, nothing against the minimalist point of view, but how many of them actually qualify for retirement either by the 800K baht on deposit or the 65k Baht income method? I am suspecting many would not qualify. And since the 800K baht on deposit method is fairly straight forward to verify, I will assume that they are less than honest on the 65k/month part they are affirming at their embassy

    Yes sometimes i see a lot of people on Disability pensions here from their home countries. .I think its about 40-45k a month so i often wonder how they get the 800k in the bank..i guess they have it ?

  5. Nice write up MrWW. A much better read than the 'reporting' from the pattaya rags.....

    I am hearing more and more tales like this from pals down there these days. Shame the idiots seem to be pervading every area of Pattaya once again.

    I hope we're not heading back to the 'dark' old days of the late 1990s/early 2000s when the Euro Lager Louts first 'discovered' Pattaya and scraps of this nature were a nightly occurrence in the sois and one couldn't find a 'quiet' area to sit and perve without some shirtless tattooed shaven headed Euro 'warrior' wanting to have a pop at you or someone else

    Total rubbish

    never was any dark days.

    Pattaya was a much more friendly place back then.

    for all.

    Im surprised there 's no books on Pattaya history of the 90 s.

  6. Yeah thankyou. .i will check out their youtube vids.

    You may be right about the retreat

    My weakness is if there are too many problems going on in my life...i like to run away..go somewhere away from the problem...get on a bus or plane and turn off the phone and forget until i go back in a few weeks.

    I think this is anxiety? Maybe theres a panic disorder ???? Im not sure...but rather than think a good outcome of a problem i think the worst and even catastrophic it.

    Maybe i should see a psychiatrist because i cant keep on running to other places.

    Sounds crazy i know

  7. Have to admit last time I was up that way i also bumped into some drunken louts.

    Must be about 2011 where i went with a Thai friend up to udon thani and we went into this gorgeous irish pub restaurant..great food..just these 3 youngish guys in their 30's , i gathered they were locals..started making fun of my Thai friend because he looked feminine..they were drunk and we were eating up near the door..the staff knew them obviously.

    My friend knew what was going on and he was half their size but was ready for them..i wasnt ,i just didnt care for their loud immature remarks.

  8. u would be better off using the money to have a relaxing hideaway holiday ,armed with the right books and Videos/docos etc , cheaper and you will learn to cope yourself ...these retreats are after one thing only...MONEY .... if not they would be doing it for free !!! lots of free stuff available and qulaity material... pm me if u need any resources

    Your probaly right...I am thinking of going up to the issan area to cope with an anxiety disorder I sometimes get and to get away from things.

  9. Sound like you need people to be smiling and jovial to you.

    They are only employees they dont personally care if you order or not.

    I guess I never now expect customer service staff to be nice to me personally.

    Unfortunately the customer then becomes likes them after a while too...thats why theres so many miserable faces walking around Pattaya.

    But now i have a attitude of "being nice smiling and friendly" including when im haggling over prices.

    A lot of times I am friendly even when the supermarket or store employee is rude to me eg..putting my change on the counter instead of my hand.

    But i dont get angry anymore..i look them in the eye and say thankyou with a disapointed face and especially if they have colleagues around.

    I just order the Mcdonalds..i dont care if she smiles or not as long as she doesnt keep me waiting too long.

    Some here can perceive being friendly to weakness.

    I said hello to a farang last week that kept staring at me and listening to my conversation..i thought he wanted to join in...he then snapped " Do i know you from somewhere ? In his sarcastic tone...so sometimes if your friendly people think it can be weakness...but the trick is to be consistent and stay firm at the sametime so someone doesnt advantage of you...But never hopefully get to that stage of thinking everyones bad..going to take your money etc and then walk around Pattaya with a hypervigilant body language and a sour face.

    Never forget the time i saw a elderly farang finding it difficult to walk down the stairs in Tukcom, here's me Mr DO GOODER rushes over to help him and ask if he needs help...in a loud American accent he shouts " Are you trying to sell me something or what???

    After that i admit i was put off by being nice and become hypervigilant to everyone.

    But now im smiling and nice and if they arent..i dont care...nor do i let them think im weak because im nice either...they dont cross that line with me !

  10. A know there a lot of health retreats advertised and some of them are pricey and promise everything.

    Whats your experience in a retreat ?

    I know there are some just for drug addiction but im after more a retreat or camp that focuses on self improvement or deppression motivation etc.

    Seems to me that a lot are based in that Chiang Mai area as well.

  11. It must of been a few years ago now ..

    3 years ?

    There used to be a lady 30ish ..she used to live here in Pattaya...she was a regular poster everyday on Thaivisa..she went back to Australia i think Queensland?

    She had lived on a Disability pension as i recall.

    But with the new Govt rules that Disability pensioners cannot live overseas without permission she had to go back.

    You just dont see many single female expats anymore.

    I thought about that last night actually as im dodging soeeding motorbikes walking up Threppasit Rd ( i always walk towards oncoming traffic).

  12. I guess sounding by the Mcdonalds experience you are looking for "friendliness" rather than service.

    I find the service very good and even at Home Mart and as you mentioned OZ /Australia where last year I went looking for a vacuum cleaner and received no service at all..even after i tested the vacuum out vaccuuming the entire Harvey Norman Store at Bondi Beach still no one asked me if i needed assistance...msybe they thought i was the cleaner i dont know !!!!

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  13. My food budget for the week works out far more than 100 baht a day but it can be done.

    How many of you do a Weekly Meal planner?

    HOW many of you have a weekly budget ?

    Planning meals ahead for the week also helps..then you can shop according to your budget and know whst you need plus you know whst meals you are eating for nutrition etc.

    I write down all my meals just as I record my spending ...last monday I had my usual coffees for breakfast at home.. lunchtime had sardines on toast meal made at home ..then had watermelon in the afternoon 20 baht ...evening had rice with pork thai meal 40 baht..all less than 150 baht for the day.

    Try a weekly meal planner...how many of you write up a meal planner for the week ?

  14. Couple of Irish guys made front page of the Sydney paper here in Australia recently. They were brothers had a fight about nothing and one almost killed the other.

    I assume all the fighting takes place up there as there are no girls left in town as they have all taken off to Pattaya.

    Oh the Irish down there in Sydney Australia..luv there fightin they do lol

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