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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. And Brian you are self centred and selfish You completely forgot about the YouTuber dying ,it's all about you isn't it ! You have been selfish all your life getting into work late everyday completely oblivious to the other workers
  2. No it's never you is it ! Always someone else's fault !! 😡
  3. Not sure why you mentioned about your own house ? I own my own house too ..but it makes no difference,we ain't taking it with us As for your job ,they have forgotten you and in another 10 years you will be forgotten again Good to know ya... wouldn't wanna be ya ! Bye Brian 👋
  4. Thankyou Ben Please use He She Them pronouns as well Everyone identity different Thankyou for your service
  5. Please stop following me around the gym and the green towel, you continually stand at the back of the gym staring at me !!!! So another 7-10 left
  6. This particular guy Darren who died from my workplace in February was greed for more money despite being well off ...he wanted more More ? Moooooore ? The very last work shift I saw him he was ignoring me to ring the Roster clerk to get more overtime shifts ! Bye Darren 👋
  7. Good on you Jim I too escaped after 6 weeks bring locked up in the view talay 2B Locks on every door to get in /out at the swimming pool I was detained , they lock you in !!!!
  8. As you have said your 75 , not long to go but you don't realise Please all I ask you is to provide your statistical analysis of the current male death rate Surely thats not too much to ask !!
  9. The OP ? Yes and probably detained in the View talay 2b
  10. Just watched a Pattaya YouTuber saying he got bad news today his doctor said 12 months to live even with Chemotherapy for his Cancer ,he is 62 At the moment I am at home crying ,I met this YouTuber and was in love with him ,not a lover love but a fan love of his YouTube channel Anf another situation , few months ago I worked with a guy 54yo who died who had never done anything with his life but work overtime ,always available for his overtime to in his words "Ching a Ching Ching " 💰the sound of the till💰💰 He had a heart attack in his sleep ,it was unexpected , people were shocked ,Darren died this morning everyone shocked Never turned up for his overtime shift had been going 12 hours shifts Never married ,never travelled and was a well off ,he was going to travel when he retired he told me on the very last day I saw him back in February. "What a waste of money travelling to Thailand" he last said to me in February,what a waste of money !!! All you guys over 60 and your still working especially if your over 65 think please ,anytime your going, 65 you have 15 years left Hey but it won't happen to you right ! Greed for money is the religious quote ? Greed is your downfall Son Greed ...more money...I must keep working....then you die...work to your dead at s place that will replace you Don't waste your life working like an animal please that's all I ask 🙏 I often wonder when I see nasty looking old men in their late 70's if they know they are not going to be here in 10 years that's why they are nasty , they are going and angry Sometimes I believe it's my duty to remind them
  11. Please study this subject Brian ,that's all I ask of you mate 🙏
  12. Exactly because you feel like that everyone else should be too He lives in Alice Springs
  13. So after 6 months unemployment your on ya knees ! Or you are forced to take a job kissing the boss's bum for $8 an hour or tips only Lovely the way it treats it citizens , You get 8 weeks annual because you work a University Professor job and are privileged ,the normal American doesn't get 8 weeks annual leave !!! How about the workers who are forced up work for tips or $6 an hour because they are unskilled ,they're getting a lousy 2 weeks annual leave working in a supermarket or being forced to be Casual or on call Rich vs poor ,shocking place ,more working poor 🥺
  14. Well I have to admit some parts of Australia I probably would rather have a gun with me too , probably wouldn't want to venture into the country parts of Australia without one ,and it's not the kangaroos I'm fearing
  15. These Americans are violent people They have ruined their own Country with guns and violence and want to impose their violence in other Countries . Apparently in some States they walk around with guns on their hips ,why you ask ....wait for it...to protect themselves from their fellow American countrymen! What a country to live in ....low wages .... homelessness...no unemployment benefits after 6 months ..walking around with guns ...lovely place These Americans know no better ..one American guy on here was shocked that in Australia we get 6 weeks annual leave and double rates working Sundays ....your joking he said
  16. Oh don't be a hypocrite,you were complaining about Muslim people entering the USA once. There is no need for Islamophobia,we need to support more immigration into the USA of Muslim people and the cultural enrichment they bring
  17. At least she had the power to open those damn borders and let all the people in that need support I was just watching a World Current Affairs tv show where it showed young Americans holding signs up "Welcome the refugees ! Thankyou
  18. Absolutely and what a great man bringing in refugees and opening the border to thousands of impoverished people,thankyou Mr Biden and the Democrats Tear down those borders and let people in who are needing support 🙏 The love and cultural enrichment to refugees Biden has shown makes me cry ,thankyou for your service !
  19. I bet I can lift more in the gym than you can , I just done two sessions yesterday and today in back twice again....3am this morning I was in the gym all to myself smashing the weights....thankyou for keeping me motivsted My BP today was 158/90 and I'm happy and healthy lifting big !!!
  20. Oh don't be so prejudice! Many of us live and want to live in a global society, it all should be one currency !
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