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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. Hope your joking πŸ˜„ Isn't that Emergency dept check in πŸ˜‚
  2. If your taking Amlodipine what is your blood pressure now? Are any of you on more than 5mg a day? Did weight loss make a difference?
  3. I think that's ok although the doctor I saw today said 110 is better apparently
  4. That's actually high mid range,are you concerned? That's blood pressure medication time
  5. Your joking , wouldn't that be heart attack ? I wonder if truly some people do have over 200,is it possible?
  6. Daily? Do you do this at a specific time of day ?
  7. Share your blood pressure information What's your blood pressure? Do you take blood pressure medication? Has anyone gone off blood pressure medication? Do you take Amlodipine? Do you have fantastic blood pressure,which I thought was 125 but apparently it's 110
  8. Not unless he is another George Burns , I mean there is 90yo out there who are active ( GammaGobulin is 86 )
  9. No wonder you call yourself a "moron " , you suffer from "selective" reading ....... Wait for it .... I stated Left wing groups such as ..Greens , Antifa ..Gay groups , ...they have never spoke out against the religion of peace but protest against Christians and Jews !
  10. I forgot about Hawaii It used to be so popular in the 1970's & 80's always advertised on TV as a tourist destination, haven't heard it advertised in Australia for years !! I imagine it would be like New Zealand? But always wanted to visit Honolulu Is it still great for tourism ? I'm definitely going to do some research πŸ‘
  11. Can we add INDIA to the list of retirement destinations???
  12. Except ...the Greens/Left wing/Antifa DON'T criticism the Muslim religion !
  13. How do you know if he is still not only sexually "active " but sexually "interested?? If he said yes then he would need a 24 hour carer . Not a good idea
  14. Yours is always open though isn't it ?πŸ‘
  15. With you being Jewish do you have a long beard Dad?
  16. Well according to the YouTubers in Duamagette I want to go there but afraid it maybe boring
  17. Duamagette I saw is now not cheap because of the influx of foreigners But still one place I would consider Any entrepreneurs out and about , Duamagette will be the next foreigners retirement place
  18. I guess you will be sitting your big bum in there all day and good on you I say ,enjoy it whilst it lasts πŸ‘
  19. Well no need to tell us you didn't go to school, we can see by your high intellect 😳
  21. No idea but just noticed a big increase in retirees posting YouTube vids on life in Cambodia so I will have to catch up
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