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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. As I have said to you before Ozimoron, I have no idea why you call yourself a "moron" when it's clear you are highly intelligent 😉
  2. Ok then 😂 fantastic, finally
  3. At your age of 77 I think you should enjoy the next 5-6 years you have left ,go out in style
  4. I think vaping is fantastic and people need to enjoy their life ,there are health consequences to everything we do but some find enjoyment in vaping or cigars and we all only live once 😳
  5. .I think your right on this occasion my friend they get 😉" nothing, not one cent ,your posts are evident of your high intellect 😉
  6. Well let's hope 'time" catches up soon , surely not too long to go.
  7. The older generation are very childish unfortunately That was a fantastic video ,thankyou for putting it up 👍
  8. Noodle you Sir are right again ! I have put all your posts on notification, my phone buzzes when you post , I'm learning from you mate ,thankyou for your wisdom.🙏
  9. I used love Jomtien gym but they had no lockers or showers I don't even think they had a toilet but I loved the Iranian owner Then there the Russian gym currently for sale further down Oh it's fantastic so many gyms , thankyou Pattaya gym owners
  10. I think you might be talking thru yours, Please reread my post I agreed with you 🙄 But...I think your misconception is based that all are black skinned and that's not the case , many identify as Aboriginal are white ... particularly in Sydney and they ummmm...don't want to "live off the land" as you say It's ok .you obviously lived a sheltered life .
  11. Loved that movie ... taxi driver? With Robert De Niro
  12. Oh please ! Don't go ! Please ! ,don't go Morch We all were devastated when you left for the 5 years! ,Apparently Ad revenue went down without you The execs in Deloitte's were pacing up & down trying to get you back Advertising companies pulled their ads !! There was even talk about a boycott Please stay mate 💚🍑
  13. Noodles ,I noticed a lot of posts lately from you particularly negative posts towards others which is not respectful but many on here show empathy to you with all your current problems not being able to meet a partner etc we all care about you mate ! , don't take this the wrong way , but you should have a "balance" in life , I'm sure everyone agrees, rather than let this board consume your entire day do other things ,walking etc , You can always pm me if you need a ear or someone to get advice from, take care mate,please no more silly posts 👂 💚
  14. Sound like a child running to the teacher ! Sir ! Sir ! Johnny spat in my lunch box it's not fair 😭
  15. Of course they would,they Sir Ralfy will go out of their way to do it 😀
  16. I don't mind people filming me . Just smile and give the thumbs up 👍👍👍😉
  17. I take 5mg of Cialis a day recommended by my local doctor and also the one in Pattaya forget his name . So I was a little concerned about taking the Cialis everyday so the doctor in Pattaya re assured me it wasn't for erection ,it was for ....prostate ! Apparently cialis everyday lowers your prostate cancer risk
  18. And that incident sort of changed things in Pattaya ,don't you all think? I find now vlogging is becoming more acceptable with one guy riding his push bike vlogging bars at night ,can't remember his YouTube channel sorry but I like watching him occassionly
  19. I always find people like you are hypocrites, you tell others there racist yet you would be the first to complain about Australian Aboriginals getting Government benefits or handouts you don't get such as free medical prescription I guess though ....that's why your calling yaself Oxymoron !
  20. I have nothing but empathy for you🩷 ,you worked hard all your life and lost all your savings and superannuation in Thailand somehow , now your back in Australia at nearly 80 forced to rent a house and wash dishes in a restaurant on a Saturday night . Mate I would be bitter too , I hope it works out for you old-timer ,enjoy your trips although it's not the same as living there obviously,all the best 😉
  21. How did you lose everything in Thailand? Omg you even lost your super? I guess that's why your so bitter in here ? Understandable now
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