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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. Keyhole surgery is weight loss surgery, so how's those ankles?
  2. Sounds like "favouritism" , I hope it's not come to that ,thanks for pointing that out, hope the OP blocks themπŸ‘
  3. Any evidence to say that? What makes you think that ?
  4. I'm just asking for a friend of mine but what are the qualifications for dentists in Pattaya? He was asking as he said that one can do a 1 year dental technician course apparently in Australia and be a dentist in Thailand Im just trying to find out for him as we don't want to go to unqualified dentists I remember years ago not so much now ,but remember the Pharmacies in Pattaya ,they were run by NON pharmacists ,I think ,I don't know but was that stopped???
  5. I'm going to be honest with you , narcissistic people do this job They received a cancellation fee when you cancel
  6. Raping tourists at the back of the temple ,that's a new one , was you a victim yourself?😳😳
  7. No they didn't, 20 years ago was the age of reason and love ,
  8. Maybe day time hours would be better if you want to be "safer".
  9. It sounds like your selfish This generation are far better but great comments
  10. Absolutely Is it good is it bad or is it IMAGINATION Some say the younger Thai generation are more selfish,any evidence to back that up
  11. There used to be common talk on this forum 20 years how Thai people would stick together etc I'm finding myself this Generation of young Thais seem to be different and more selfish Let's look at the recent murder in Pattaya of a Grab/Bolt taxi driver by a young Thai Has this young generation of Thais changed ?
  12. When I was in Pattaya last October I jumped into a bolt /grab car in Jomtien, the driver was an older Thai in his 50's As he asked me where I was going I picked up a Australian accent. I was right he had been living in Australia for 25 years He told me he was on a 8 week holiday with his Australian male partner and was living in Australia working as a public servant in Melbourne He decided to drive his neighbours car to get away from his boyfriend for awhile He told me he wasn't really driving for the money but picked up around 2,000 baht a day after expenses he told me including tips The thing is ,great english skills will get you tips , he picked up a lot of farang drunks and was able to joke and laugh with them I think working the Friday night shift say 5pm to 5am 12 hours you possibly could get 4-5k if you worked it and with tips etc but you will be picking up drunks so better to have a good attitude also dangerous work as you see the Grab driver murdered in Pattaya last week
  13. I think your post is like number 3 mentioning monks Seems by the posts on here that monks have high readings? Must be a lot of stress in that job , unless they smoke a lot I guess
  14. So he says So I will have to research how much Super one can have to get the full OAP It's no using working to 65 or older save save save and get nothing I'm thinking better to go at 60
  15. It seems and I maybe wrong , but.....once you start these Amlodipine you really don't stop
  16. I care for you Gamma ,πŸ’š Your my favourite poster
  17. I'm wondering if it's worth working and salary sacrificing into Super and then retiring at say 64 with a million dollars Problem with that is you won't get the OAP pension at 67 ,am I correct? If that's the case ,is it worth salary sacrificing,saving into your super ? I'm thinking far better to retire at 60 take what you have in your Super and spend it ,but I'm thinking the government is not that stupid One guy at my work tells me is retiring at 66 with over a million dollars and will tell Centrelink he lost it at the casino so he can get the OAP I'm thinking better to retire at 60 with $600,000 live in Thailand on $40,000 a year come back at 67 for the OAP but...still won't get it because saved too much Super I believe???
  18. I don't think anyone truly knows. You can feel great with blood pressure at 150 ,I had no symptoms before I went to the doctor ....I felt fine at 150 ,only went for a sore knee ,came out with blood pressure tablets !!
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