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Posts posted by Loptr

  1. Lampang is a nice city, although quite small compared to Chiang Mai... There is a Big C, Lotus and Central Plaza mall... There are not a lot of farang around, especially compared to CM and not a lot of English speakers... If you don't need or want to be entertained by all that a city the size of CM has to offer, the Lampang is a nice alternative... If you do need to visit the big city, CM is only 1 hour away by car...

    Chiang Mai the "big city".....with a lot of english speakers.......where you are entertained by all that CM has to offer......really?????

    Maybe i live in another CM.....laugh.png very quiet, sleepy i would say, with almost zero nightlife (for foreigners) etc.

    Compared to Lampang, Chiang Mai is a big city... Comparing Lampang to Chiang Mai is much like comparing Chiang Mai to Bangkok... Just trying to add some perspective...

  2. Lampang is a nice city, although quite small compared to Chiang Mai... There is a Big C, Lotus and Central Plaza mall... There are not a lot of farang around, especially compared to CM and not a lot of English speakers... If you don't need or want to be entertained by all that a city the size of CM has to offer, the Lampang is a nice alternative... If you do need to visit the big city, CM is only 1 hour away by car...

  3. Well, here is a clear case where quantity equates to quality, even if they do shit in the sink...

    Yes, yes, and foreigners who get drunk and start shouting at the staff in the bars, and who piss and vomit onto the pavement whilst walking back to the hotel at two a.m. very drunk, these fahlang tourists are different ??

    How much piss and puke (vomit) is on the streets of Pattaya at four o'clock every morning ?


    Ah, the drunk farang straw man argument again... Nice try, but no cigar...

  4. So I guess the massed troops which are 30 miles within Russia and witnessed by a Reuters reporter in Russia, are not there either. Unless of course, the plan was to sneak these massed troops (enough to threaten Nato) across the border into East Ukraine at a later date so they can join up with the troops already fighting with the Eastern Ukrainians.

    It would not be the first time that Reuters made false claims, now would it? coffee1.gif

    Actions and words folks, actions and words... This is more saber rattling by NATO in an attempt to maintain their ludicrous position in the Ukraine fiasco, by shouting fire when there is none... They have done this over and over again for the last year... If Putin wanted to take Ukraine, he would have done so... The point is that he hasn't and won't, even with NATO poking Putin in the ribs by holding military training maneuvers on Russia's border... No, Putin is playing the long game and has the rest of the BRICS behind him, as evidenced by both Chinese and Indian troops marching in the May Day parade in Moscow... The end game is the collapse of the EU, one country at a time, with them joining the Eurasian trade block... Greece will be the first... The EU is done and is only awaiting the first domino to fall, which will most likely be GRexit, which will cause the 26 trillion Euro derivatives chain to collapse...

  5. This is easily fixed. Abolish dual Nationality; surrendering your foreign passport should be a requirement for gaining a domestic one . Decide which Nationality your prefer and then share the benefits and burdens of that society; that way no more second tier citizens.

    I whole heartedly agree with this approach... The first people that should be examined are politicians that hold dual-citizenship...

  6. The OP was sitting still, at a traffic light, with cars ahead and behind, when someone runs into him, yet some believe it is his fault.... Only on TVF...

    He only claims to have been stationary at the moment the mirror was taken off.

    Before that, he seems to have been fixated on not allowing the BMW to cut into the lane in front of him.

    Which was perfectly legal. But we would contend, not very nice, not very smart, and contrary to local driving customs.

    Conjecture and innuendo...

    Were you there? If not, you are grasping at straws, and for what, an internet argument?

  7. These two foreigners are two morons in my book. Do you know what happens if you stay speaking Japanese to two cops in NYC who have stopped you to see your papers? They will tell you: speak English you ass&$;:/! These two are lucky the officers were too mild and polite!

    At the beginning of the film, I was hoping the foreigners would get off light...

    By the end of the film I was hoping the BiB would smack the guy in the mouth...

    Looks like the BiB went into brain-freeze when the foreigner did his Tasmanian Devil impression...

  8. You ran away. cheesy.gif

    I realized a long time ago that I am but a cog in the machine and that anyone that rails against the machine in a significant manner is squashed like a bug... That might be your idea of idealism, but hardly mine... I also realized there was little to nothing one person could do to stop the crimes being committed by the US... Hell, they are well known and in the media daily... You can choose to stand in the way of a tsunami, but not me... I left to spend the rest of my days in relative peace and quiet, away from the upcoming social and economic crisis heading toward the western world...

    Perhaps you have heard of some of these folks that tried to blow the whistle on US indiscretions...

    Andrew Breitbart

    Michael Hastings

    Edward Snowdon

    Julian Assange

    John Kiriakao

    Thomas Drake

    Bradley Manning

    Phillip Marshall

    and on and on and on...

    Here is a bit of reading on the topic if you are so inclined...


    Now, if you really want to call me a coward, do it to my face... If not, then <deleted>...

  9. Interesting things people say about Americans, but when they need our help their hands come right out.

    Americans are amongst the most benevolent yo those less fortunate, and there isn't widespread sending of their daughters away to work I'm brothels so the mother's and brothers to drink and gamble

    Let me know how many Carnegie and Ford foundations are in Thailand and let's not argue that Carnegie was a Scot.

    He could have gone to Thailand to create his fortunes, but he didnt, did he

    Oh <deleted>, take your nationalistic BS and shove it... The US has interfered, manipulated, assassinated leaders, curried favor through arms deals, facilitated the global heroin trade, committed genocide and on and on and on for the last 60 years... The world would be a better place if the US would take of their own mess at home and leave the rest of the world alone... No one and I mean NO ONE asked the US to be the world cop... BTW, I am a US citizen too, but I don't wear blinders...

    As a US citizen, what did you do about the 'mess at home' ... besides whining all the time?

    The US government does not take kindly to anyone that criticizes or exposes their crimes... I did what any one person can to do when faced with the realization that their government is corrupt to the core, I left...

  10. I live in a very nice area, total cost for rent and utilities is $2400

    The exact same cost of the 2 bedroom furnished condo I was renting in Huai Kwang,

    The girl I'm with currently, is 5'7 125, and is blonde w green eyes, a native blonde Floridian

    If everyone would just accept that we all choose to live according to our personal tastes, this thread could fade away and we can debate the next personal choice topic

    As gentlemen

    Is there any aspect of your life story you haven't told us yet?

    Perhaps his annual trips to Pattaya... From the tone of his posts, this is the only reason I can fathom why he is posting on TVF in the first place...

  11. Interesting things people say about Americans, but when they need our help their hands come right out.

    Americans are amongst the most benevolent yo those less fortunate, and there isn't widespread sending of their daughters away to work I'm brothels so the mother's and brothers to drink and gamble

    Let me know how many Carnegie and Ford foundations are in Thailand and let's not argue that Carnegie was a Scot.

    He could have gone to Thailand to create his fortunes, but he didnt, did he

    Oh &lt;deleted&gt;, take your nationalistic BS and shove it... The US has interfered, manipulated, assassinated leaders, curried favor through arms deals, facilitated the global heroin trade, committed genocide and on and on and on for the last 60 years... The world would be a better place if the US would take of their own mess at home and leave the rest of the world alone... No one and I mean NO ONE asked the US to be the world cop... BTW, I am a US citizen too, but I don't wear blinders...

  12. Putins. Leather Clad BF, Adorable...

    Not to be outdone however we have Vlad the Night Wolf.....


    Putin's new tanks are anyway insignificant as the overall military balance in quality and quantity between Russia and all of Nato is completely one-sided. Nato is led by the United States whose military is the only one that can shut down Russia's cyber warfare capabilities. Nato was founded in 1949 because the then Russian Soviet Union had enough tanks to roll over the plains of eastern and all of Europe. Not any more.

    In World War II Russia needed instant tanks that were faster and smarter than the Nazi tanks and did make them. In WW2 everyone had tanks superior to the US but if the Soviet Union then had had to fight the US instead of the Nazis, then as now the overall integrated warfare systems of the US would have prevailed.

    The UK could give Russia a serious axe whooping all by itself. Seriously. The UK is well equipped, has tough people and Russia is a paper tiger.

    Germany couldn't because it relies too much on the US for military including large US naval and air bases there.

    Russia is logistically a long, long way from the UK, France, Italy etc. and these tanks are better for defense until one of the UK's drones arrives.

    Russia can't project military power unless it's nukes. It simply doesn't have the horsepower to move and cover much area. It would never get to Germany. Unlike the US which has the massive and destructive carrier groups and bases all over the globe, Russia is a one trick pony. Putin knows it so he blusters.

    Thanks for the chuckle NS...

  13. In his speech to the assembled troops and veterans, President Vladimir Putin said that the carnage of the war underlined the importance of international cooperation, but "in the past decades we have seen attempts to create a unipolar world." That phrase is often used by Russia to criticize the United States' purported aim to dominate world affairs.

    Not sure how the AP interprets this statement as taking a "swipe" at the US, when every word of it is true...

  14. More people in positions of power are calling a spade, a spade...


    The Australian prime minister’s chief business adviser says that climate change is a ruse led by the United Nations to create a new world order under the agency’s control. The statement coincided with a visit from the UN’s top climate negotiator.

    It’s a well-kept secret, but 95 per cent of the climate models we are told prove the link between human CO2 emissions and catastrophic global warming have been found, after nearly two decades of temperature stasis, to be in error. It’s not surprising.

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